
Test Coverage
## 1.0.0 - November 8, 2017

- Updated activesupport to 5.1.4
- Requires Ruby version >= 2.2.2

## 0.3.9 - February 12, 2015

- Updated activesupport to 4.2

## 0.3.8 - October 12, 2014

- Fixed issue when installing on rvm managed Ruby instance (version conflict with activesupport gem)
- Added travis tester for Ruby 2.1

## 0.3.5 - Februrary 1, 2014

- Updated to work with rainbow gem 2.0.0

## 0.3.4 - December 9, 2013

- Fixed issue with Windows native line endings and Ruby 2.0
- Discontinued support for Ruby 1.8.7

## 0.3.3 - April 18, 2013

- Updated for Ruby 2.0

## 0.3.1 - January 5, 2013

### New features

- [Keeps][] preserve manually maintained code segments in a generated file

## 0.3.0 - December 29, 2012

### Backwards incompatible changes

- Changes to the `Cogfile` interface
  * `project_source_path` renamed to `project_path`
  * `project_generators_path` renamed to `generator_path`
  * `project_templates_path` renamed to `template_path`
- Tools have been renamed to plugins
- <tt>cog_tool.rb</tt> is no longer used, plugins are configured using a [Cogfile][] instead
  * that `Cogfile` should contain a call to [autoload_plugin][] and [stamp_generator][]
- Generator scripts should not include these lines anymore
  * <tt>require 'cog'</tt>
  * <tt>include Cog::Generator</tt>
  * Instead, they are evaluated as instances of [GeneratorSandbox][], which already includes the [Generator][] mixin
- Generator scripts for plugins should not `require` the plugin anymore
  * The plugin module should be made available to the [GeneratorSandbox][] via [autoload_plugin][]

### New features

- `cog` will evaluate a chain of cogfiles in this order
  * A built-in cogfile that comes with the `cog` gem which points to built-in generators, templates, and plugins
  * A user cogfile, that is created in the <tt>${HOME}/.cog</tt> directory. Shared generators, templates, and plugins can be configured here
  * Cogfiles for any discovered plugins
  * The project cogfile, if operating in the context of a project
- Languages are defined in cogfiles via the [LanguageDSL][]
- Plugins distributed as gems are automatically discovered, no need to set an environment variable anymore
- <tt>--force-override</tt> is no longer needed to override a template


