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var on = require('emmy/on');
var emit = require('emmy/emit');
var off = require('emmy/off');
var getElements = require('tiny-element');

var doc = document, win = window;

 * @module lifecycle-events
 * @todo  Work out tolerance issue (whether it needs to be passed as an option - sometimes useful, like to detect an element being fully visible)
 * @todo  Optimize enabled selectors. For example, avoid extra enabling if you have '*' enabled. And so on.
 * @todo  Testling table.
 * @todo  Ignore native CustomElements lifecycle events
 * @note  Nested queryselector ten times faster than doc.querySelector:
 *        http://jsperf.com/document-vs-element-queryselectorall-performance/2
 * @note  Multiple observations to an extent faster than one global observer:
 *        http://jsperf.com/mutation-observer-cases
var lifecycle = module.exports = enable;
lifecycle.enable = enable;
lifecycle.disable = disable;

/** Defaults can be changed outside */
lifecycle.attachedCallbackName = 'attached';
lifecycle.detachedCallbackName = 'detached';

/** One observer to observe a lot of nodes  */
var MO = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;

var observer = new MO(mutationHandler);

/** Set of targets to observe */
var mTargets = [];

/** Attached items set */
var attachedItemsSet = new WeakSet;

 * Observer targets
 * @param {(string|Node|NodeList|document)} query Target pointer
 * @param {Object} within Settings for observer
function enable(query, within) {
    if (!query) query = '*';

    within = getElements(within || doc);

    //save cached version of target

    //make observer observe one more target
    observer.observe(within, {subtree: true, childList: true});

    //ignore not bound nodes
    if (query instanceof Node && !doc.contains(query)) return;

    //check initial nodes
    checkAddedNodes(getElements.call(within, query, true));

 * Stop observing items
function disable(target) {
    var idx = mTargets.indexOf(target);
    if (idx >= 0) {

 * Handle a mutation passed
function mutationHandler(mutations) {
    mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {

 * Check nodes list to call attached
function checkAddedNodes(nodes) {
    var newItems = false, node;

    //find attached evt targets
    for (var i = nodes.length; i--;) {
        node = nodes[i];
        if (node.nodeType !== 1) continue;

        //find options corresponding to the node
        if (!attachedItemsSet.has(node)) {
            node = getObservee(node);
            //if observee found within attached items - add it to set
            if (node) {
                if (!newItems) {
                    newItems = true;
                emit(node, lifecycle.attachedCallbackName, null, true);

 * Check nodes list to call detached
function checkRemovedNodes(nodes) {
    //handle detached evt
    for (var i = nodes.length; i--;) {
        var node = nodes[i];
        if (node.nodeType !== 1) continue;

        //find options corresponding to the node
        if (attachedItemsSet.has(node)) {
            emit(node, lifecycle.detachedCallbackName, null, true);

 * Check whether node is observing
 * @param {Node} node An element to check on inclusion to target list
function getObservee(node) {
    //check queries
    for (var i = mTargets.length, target; i--;) {
        target = mTargets[i];
        if (node === target) return node;
        if (typeof target === 'string' && node.matches(target)) return node;

        //return innermost target
        if (node.contains(target)) return target;