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Avoid using static access to class '\Carbon\CarbonImmutable' in method '__call'.

            $date = $this->passBusinessTimeMethods(CarbonImmutable::now());
Severity: Minor
Found in src/BusinessTime/Schedule.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class 'BusinessTime\BusinessTimeWrapper' in method 'create'.

        return new self(BusinessTimeWrapper::create($openingHours));
Severity: Minor
Found in src/BusinessTime/Schedule.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid excessively long variable names like $bindMacroContextMethod. Keep variable name length under 20.

        $bindMacroContextMethod = new ReflectionMethod($class, 'bindMacroContext');
Severity: Minor
Found in src/BusinessTime/Schedule.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

Detects when a field, formal or local variable is declared with a long name.


class Something {
    protected $reallyLongIntName = -3; // VIOLATION - Field
    public static function main( array $interestingArgumentsList[] ) { // VIOLATION - Formal
        $otherReallyLongName = -5; // VIOLATION - Local
        for ($interestingIntIndex = 0; // VIOLATION - For
             $interestingIntIndex < 10;
             $interestingIntIndex++ ) {


Avoid excessively long variable names like $bindMacroContextMethod. Keep variable name length under 20.

        $bindMacroContextMethod = $this->calculateBindMacroContext($class);
Severity: Minor
Found in src/BusinessTime/Schedule.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

Detects when a field, formal or local variable is declared with a long name.


class Something {
    protected $reallyLongIntName = -3; // VIOLATION - Field
    public static function main( array $interestingArgumentsList[] ) { // VIOLATION - Formal
        $otherReallyLongName = -5; // VIOLATION - Local
        for ($interestingIntIndex = 0; // VIOLATION - For
             $interestingIntIndex < 10;
             $interestingIntIndex++ ) {


Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 246 characters

 * @method \Spatie\OpeningHours\OpeningHours                                   getOpeningHours(CarbonInterface $date, $mode = null)                                                                       Get the opening hours of the class/instance.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 260 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               safeCallOnOpeningHours(CarbonInterface $date, $method, ...$arguments)                                                      Call a method on the OpeningHours of the current instance.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 310 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      getMethodLoopOnHoliday(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                              Loop on the current instance (or now if called statically) with a given method until it's not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 256 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable      currentOrPreviousBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                        Sets the date to the current or previous business day.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 249 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          observeHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                                   Set a holiday as observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 301 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null addHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $holiday, $holidayId = null, $name = null, $observed = null)                    Add a holiday to the holidays list of a region and optionally init its ID, name and observed state.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 269 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addClosedHours(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfHours, int $options = 0)                                                Add the given number of hours taking into account only closed time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 236 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextOpen(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                                            Go to the next open date and time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrNextCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                    Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 283 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable      nextBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                     Sets the date to the next business day (neither a weekend day nor a holiday).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 249 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          observeHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                                  Set a holiday as observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 251 characters

 * @method array                                                               getHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $region = null)                                                                         Get the holidays for the current region selected.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 259 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addBusinessInterval(CarbonInterface $date, bool $open, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                   Add the given interval taking into account only open time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 267 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addOpenHours(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfHours, int $options = 0)                                                  Add the given number of hours taking into account only open time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 272 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subOpenHours(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfHours, int $options = 0)                                                  Subtract the given number of hours taking into account only open time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 281 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrNextOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                    Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next open date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 267 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                Go to the previous open date and time that is also not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 309 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isBusinessClosed(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                    Returns true if the business is closed or a holiday now (or current date and time) according to current

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 244 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isHoliday(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                           Checks the date to see if it is a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 260 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addOpenTime(CarbonInterface $date, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                                       Add the given interval taking into account only open time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 289 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterval                                              diffAsBusinessInterval(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null, int $options = 0)                                              Return an interval with open/closed business time between the current date and an other

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subtractBusinessDays(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                       Subtract a given number of business days to the current date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 260 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setHolidayGetter(CarbonInterface $date, callable $holidayGetter)                                                           Set the strategy to get the holiday ID from a date object.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 289 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null setHolidayName(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayKey = null, $language = null, $name = null)                                  Set/change the name of holiday by ID for a given language (or a list of languages).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 275 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrPreviousBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                         Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 243 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                             Add one business day to the current date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 270 characters

 * @method array                                                               getMonthBusinessDays(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null)                                                                  Get list of date objects for each business day in the current month.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 308 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                       Checks the date to see if it is a business day (extra workday or neither a weekend day nor a holiday).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 246 characters

 * @method string|null                                                         getObservedHolidaysZone(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                             Get the selected zone for observed holidays.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 266 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setExtraWorkdayGetter(CarbonInterface $date, callable $workdayGetter)                                                      Set the strategy to get the extra workday ID from a date object.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 275 characters

 * @method string|false                                                        getHolidayId(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                        Get the identifier of the current holiday or false if it's not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 345 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               addHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, string $region, iterable $holidays = null, iterable $workingDays = null)                Add a holiday to the holidays list of a region and optionally init their IDs, names and observed states (if provided as array-definitions).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 285 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrPreviousOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous open date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 311 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isClosed(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                            Returns true if the business is closed now (or current date and time) according to current opening hours.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 258 characters

 * @method int                                                                 diffInBusinessDays(CarbonInterface $date, $other = null)                                                                   Returns the difference between 2 dates in business days.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 250 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null pushHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $holiday, $holidayId = null)                                                   Push a holiday to the holidays list of a region.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 285 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null addExtraWorkday(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $workday, $workdayId = null, $name = null)                                 Add a workday to the workdays list of a region and optionally init its ID and name.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 236 characters

 * @method array                                                               unpackHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holiday, $name = null, $observed = null)                                             Unpack a holiday array definition.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 270 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                           Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                   Go to the next close date and time or next holiday if sooner.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                      Go to the previous close date and time or previous holiday if sooner.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 291 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isClosedOn($day)                                                                                                           Returns true if the business is closed on a given day according to current opening hours.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 237 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextClose(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                                           Go to the next close date and time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 253 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          unobserveHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                                 Set a holiday as not observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 276 characters

 * @method array|null                                                          getHolidayData(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                      Get stored data set for the current holiday or null if it's not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 286 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                              Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous close date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 267 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                       Go to the previous open date and time that is also not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                               Go to the previous close date and time or previous holiday if sooner.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 248 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                             Subtract one business day to the current date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 244 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isExtraWorkday(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                      Checks the date to see if it is a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 296 characters

 * @method array                                                               swapDateTimeParam(CarbonInterface $date, $target, $date, $defaultValue)                                                    Store a first variable as Carbon instance into the second variable if the first one is a date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 297 characters

 * @method float                                                               diffInBusinessSeconds(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null, int $options = 0)                                               Return a number of seconds with open/closed business time between the current date and an other

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 312 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                             Returns true if the business is open and not a holiday now (or current date and time) according to current

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 260 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setHolidayObserveStatus(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId, $observed, $self = null)                                        Set a holiday as observed/unobserved in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 252 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          observeAllHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                               Set all holidays as observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 241 characters

 * @method array                                                               getHolidayNamesDictionary(CarbonInterface $date, $locale)                                                                  Get the holidays in the given language.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 248 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null pushToBDList(CarbonInterface $date, string $list, $region, $day, $dayId = null)                                            Push a day into a given list list of a region.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 269 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                              Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous open

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                           Go to the next open date and time that is also not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 309 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isClosedIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                           Returns true if the business is closed or a holiday now (or current date and time) according to current

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 252 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          unobserveAllHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                             Set all holidays as observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 268 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isDateTimeInstance(CarbonInterface $date, $value)                                                                          Return true if the given value is a DateTime or DateTimeInterface.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 287 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               setMaxIteration(CarbonInterface $date, int $maximum)                                                                       Set the maximum of loop turns to run before throwing an exception where trying to add

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 277 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      applyBusinessInterval(CarbonInterface $date, bool $inverted, bool $open, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0) Shift current time with a given interval taking into account only open time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 279 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                   Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next open date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 249 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          resetOpeningHours(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                   Reset the opening hours for the class/instance.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subBusinessDays(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                            Subtract a given number of business days to the current date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 291 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setBusinessDayChecker(CarbonInterface $date, callable $checkCallback = null)                                               Checks the date to see if it is a business day (neither a weekend day nor a holiday).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 224 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               setHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $holidays)                                                                     Set the holidays list.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 224 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               setExtraWorkdays(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $holidays)                                                                Set the holidays list.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 226 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               resetHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                       Reset the holidays list.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 249 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setHolidayDataById(CarbonInterface $date, string $id, array $data)                                                         Set stored data set for the a given holiday ID.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 267 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subClosedTime(CarbonInterface $date, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                                     Subtract the given interval taking into account only closed time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 274 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subClosedHours(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfHours, int $options = 0)                                                Subtract the given number of hours taking into account only closed time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 282 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                  Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next close date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrNextBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                             Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 248 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subtractBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                        Subtract one business day to the current date.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 307 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setObservedHolidaysZone(CarbonInterface $date, $zone, $self = null)                                                        Set the selected zone for observed holidays. So next observe methods will be saved and considered in this

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method bool                                                                checkObservedHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null)                                                             Check if a given holiday ID is observed in the selected zone.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 234 characters

 * @method array                                                               getHolidaysAvailableRegions(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                         Get the current holidays region.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 234 characters

 * @method null|string                                                         getHolidaysRegion(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                   Get the current holidays region.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 251 characters

 * @method array                                                               getExtraWorkdays(CarbonInterface $date, $region = null)                                                                    Get the holidays for the current region selected.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 250 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|null pushWorkday(CarbonInterface $date, $region, $workday, $workdayId = null)                                                   Push a workday to the workdays list of a region.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 260 characters

 * @method array                                                               checkHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holiday, $holidayId, $name = null, $observed = null)                                  Check a holiday definition and unpack it if it's an array.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 287 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               getMaxIteration(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                     Get the maximum of loop turns to run before throwing an exception where trying to add

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 259 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subBusinessInterval(CarbonInterface $date, bool $open, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                   Add the given interval taking into account only open time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 276 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subClosedMinutes(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfMinutes, int $options = 0)                                            Subtract the given number of minutes taking into account only closed time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 274 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                       Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 273 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                 Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 247 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setOpeningHours(CarbonInterface $date, $openingHours)                                                                      Set the opening hours for the class/instance.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 314 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|bool getCalleeAsMethod(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                                   Get a closure to be executed on OpeningHours on the current instance (or now if called globally) that should

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 286 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      getTernaryMethod(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                    Get a method that return current date-time if $testMethod applied on it return true,

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 294 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable      currentOrNextBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                            Sets the date to the current or next business day (neither a weekend day nor a holiday).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 291 characters

 * @method string|false                                                        getExtraWorkdayId(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                   Get the identifier of the current special workday or false if it's not a special workday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method callable                                                            getYearHolidaysNextFunction(CarbonInterface $date, $year = null, $type = null, string $getDays = 'getHolidays')            Get a next() callback to call to iterate over holidays of a year.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 269 characters

 * @method mixed                                                               setHolidaysRegion(CarbonInterface $date, $region)                                                                          Set the holidays region (see src/Cmixin/Holidays for examples).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 249 characters

 * @method array|null                                                          getHolidayDataById(CarbonInterface $date, string $id)                                                                      Get stored data set for the a given holiday ID.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 265 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subOpenTime(CarbonInterface $date, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                                       Subtract the given interval taking into account only open time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 262 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addClosedTime(CarbonInterface $date, $interval = null, $unit = null, int $options = 0)                                     Add the given interval taking into account only closed time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 274 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      subOpenMinutes(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfMinutes, int $options = 0)                                              Subtract the given number of minutes taking into account only open time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 272 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrNextOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                   Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 277 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                      Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 297 characters

 * @method float                                                               diffInBusinessMinutes(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null, int $options = 0)                                               Return a number of minutes with open/closed business time between the current date and an other

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 289 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isOpenOn($day)                                                                                                             Returns true if the business is open on a given day according to current opening hours.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 240 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousOpen(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                                        Go to the previous open date and time.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 255 characters

 * @method int                                                                 getBusinessDaysInMonth(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null)                                                                Get the number of business days in the current month.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 287 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable      previousBusinessDay(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                 Sets the date to the previous business day (neither a weekend day nor a holiday).

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 251 characters

 * @method array                                                               getBDDaysList(CarbonInterface $date, string $list, $region = null)                                                         Get the holidays for the current region selected.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 282 characters

 * @method $this|null                                                          setHolidayData(CarbonInterface $date, array $data)                                                                         Set stored data set for the current holiday, does nothing if it's not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 276 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrPreviousBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                        Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 276 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrPreviousOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                               Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                    Go to the next open date and time that is also not a holiday.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 263 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      nextCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                          Go to the next close date and time or next holiday if sooner.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 309 characters

 * @method bool                                                                isOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                              Returns true if the business is open now (or current date and time) according to current opening hours.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 275 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrPreviousCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 306 characters

 * @method string|false                                                        getHolidayName(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null, $locale = null)                                                        Get the name of the current holiday (using the locale given in parameter or the current date locale)

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 236 characters

 * @method string                                                              standardizeHolidaysRegion(CarbonInterface $date, $region)                                                                  Return a standardized region name.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 269 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addOpenMinutes(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfMinutes, int $options = 0)                                              Add the given number of minutes taking into account only open time.

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      closedOrNextBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                            Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next open date

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextOpenExcludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                  Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next open date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 258 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addBusinessDays(CarbonInterface $date, $days = 1, $date = null)                                                            Add a given number of business days to the current date.

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 * @method \Carbon\CarbonInterval|float                                        diffInBusinessUnit(CarbonInterface $date, string $unit, $date = null, int $options = 0)                                    Return an interval/count of given unit with open/closed business time between the current date and an other

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      previousClose(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                                       Go to the previous close date and time.

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 * @method $this|null                                                          getObserveHolidayMethod(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                          Set a holiday as observed/unobserved in the selected zone (can take array of holidays).

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 * @method $this|null                                                          unobserveHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $observed = null, $self = null)                                Set a holiday as not observed in the selected zone.

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 * @method bool                                                                isObservedHoliday(CarbonInterface $date, $holidayId = null, $date = null)                                                  Checks the date to see if it is a holiday observed in the selected zone.

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 * @method string|false                                                        getDBDayId(CarbonInterface $date, string $getDays = 'getHolidays')                                                         Get the identifier of the current holiday or false if it's not a holiday.

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 * @method array                                                               getYearHolidays(CarbonInterface $date, $year = null, $type = null, string $getDays = 'getHolidays')                        Get the holidays dates for a given year (current year if no parameter given).

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      addClosedMinutes(CarbonInterface $date, int $numberOfMinutes, int $options = 0)                                            Add the given number of minutes taking into account only closed time.

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrNextBusinessClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                          Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the next close date

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousCloseIncludingHolidays(CarbonInterface $date)                                                             Return current date-time if it's closed, else go to the previous close date

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 283 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      currentOrPreviousOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                               Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous open date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 295 characters

 * @method float                                                               diffInBusinessHours(CarbonInterface $date, $date = null, int $options = 0)                                                 Return a number of hours with open/closed business time between the current date and an other

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 * @method bool                                                                isBusinessOpen(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                      Returns true if the business is open and not a holiday now (or current date and time) according to current

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 * @method \Spatie\OpeningHours\OpeningHoursForDay                             getCurrentDayOpeningHours(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                           Get OpeningHoursForDay instance of the current instance or class.

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 * @method \Spatie\OpeningHours\TimeRange|bool                                 getCurrentOpenTimeRange(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                             Get current open time range as TimeRange instance or false if closed.

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 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrNextClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                     Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the next close date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 272 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|bool getCurrentBusinessOpenTimeRangeEnd(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                  Get current open time range end as Carbon instance or false if closed.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 272 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|bool getCurrentOpenTimeRangeEnd(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                          Get current open time range end as Carbon instance or false if closed.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 284 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface      openOrPreviousClose(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                                 Return current date-time if it's open, else go to the previous close date and time

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 271 characters

 * @method \Carbon\CarbonPeriod|bool                                           getCurrentOpenTimePeriod(CarbonInterface $date, $interval = null)                                                          Get current open time range as TimeRange instance or false if closed.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 274 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|bool getCurrentOpenTimeRangeStart(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                        Get current open time range start as Carbon instance or false if closed.

Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 285 characters

 * @method \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\CarbonInterface|bool getCurrentBusinessTimeRangeStart(CarbonInterface $date, $method = null)                                                    Get current open time range start as Carbon instance or false if closed or holiday.

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 * @method \Spatie\OpeningHours\TimeRange[]                                    getCurrentOpenTimeRanges(CarbonInterface $date)                                                                            Get open time ranges as array of TimeRange instances that matches the current date and time.

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