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# karma-jshint-preprocessor
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> Preprocessor / Plugin for Karma to check JavaScript syntax on the fly.

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## Installation

The easiest way is to keep `karma-jshint-preprocessor` as a devDependency in
your `package.json`.

  "devDependencies": {
    "karma": "~0.10",
    "karma-jshint-preprocessor": "~0.1"

You can simply do it by:

npm install karma-jshint-preprocessor --save-dev

## Usage

In your `karma.conf.js` file, specify the files you want to have lint'ed in the preprocessor section like this.

preprocessors: {
  '*.js': ['jshint']

#### Optional jshintrc

Read an optional `jshintrc` property from the karma config to force a `.jshintrc` file to be used by jshint.

module.exports = function (config) {
    // ...
    jshintPreprocessor: {
      jshintrc: './.jshintrc'
    // ...

*Thanks to [Kl0tl]( for adding jshintrc path support.*

JSHint configuration is read from a JSON formatted `.jshintrc` file within your project

#### Cancel build

Cancel the current build if a linting error has occurred. This can be useful on
CI servers.

module.exports = function (config) {
    // ...
    jshintPreprocessor: {
      stopOnError: true
    // ...

##### Example `.jshintrc` file.

    "undef": true,
    "globals": {
        "angular": true

View the full list of [JSHint options][jshint options].


For more information on Karma see the [karma homepage].

[karma homepage]:
[jshint options]: