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package changelog

import (

// ReleaseInfo holds all informations about the current release
type ReleaseInfo struct {
    Version      []string `yaml:"-"`                  // Contains the string slice output of the Regexp
    IsPreRelease bool     `mapstructure:"prerelease"` // True if the release is a pre-release
    ReleaseDate  string   `mapstructure:"date"`       // Release Date in ISO format (eg. "2019-12-24")

// Release contains the ReleaseInfo and all Changelog entry types.
type Release struct {
    Info    *ReleaseInfo  // All Informations about the current Release
    Entries []entry.Entry // Holds all NEW changelog entry Types

    // == Fields used in the Changelog Template ==
    Releases []TplRelease // Holds all Releases

// TplRelease contains all Data of a Release
type TplRelease struct {
    Info     *ReleaseInfo // All Informations about the this Release
    Version  string       // Release Version
    Collapse bool         // This Field indicates if this Release should be collapsed
    Entries  []TplEntries // Contains a list with all available Change-Entries

// TplEntries is like a normal Entry, but it contains only Changes of a specific
// Change Type.
type TplEntries struct {
    ShortTypeName string         // ShortTypeName is the Short Type Name, eg. "Added"
    NumString     string         // NumString Contains the 'Number of Changes' String, eg: "1 change" OR "5 changes"
    NumChanges    int            // NumChanges Contains the 'Number of Changes'
    Changes       []*entry.Entry // Contains the raw Change-Entry struct

const defaultOneRelease = `
{{ with .Releases -}}
{{ range . }}
## {{ .Version }} ({{ .Info.ReleaseDate }})

{{- /* Collapse if PreRelease */ -}}
{{- if .Collapse -}}<details>{{- end -}}
{{- if .Collapse -}}<summary>This is a Pre-Release, Click to see details.</summary>{{- end }}

{{ range .Entries -}}
### {{ .ShortTypeName }} ({{ .NumString }})

{{- range .Changes }}
- {{ .ChangeTitle -}}
{{ end }}

{{ end }}
{{- if .Collapse -}}</details>{{- end -}}
{{- /* two empty lines so that the Markdown Parser will put here '<br/>' */ -}}

{{- /* A empty line to provide a Consistent Layout */ -}}

{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

// defaultChangelogScheme is the default CHANGELOG.md Scheme
const defaultChangelogScheme = `# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).

` + defaultOneRelease