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// config holds all the required Types and Functions to work with the
// Changelog-Go Configuration File
package config

// V1 represents the Config Version 1.
// Versioning the Config Types is to provide Backward compatibility.
type V1 struct {
    PreRelease struct {
        // detect pre-releases or not
        Detect           bool `yaml:"detect"`
        DeletePreRelease bool `yaml:"deletePreRelease"` // if true the pre-releases would be deleted on an non pre-release
        FoldPreReleases  bool `yaml:"foldPreReleases"`
    } `yaml:"preRelease"`

    Entry struct {
        Author rune `yaml:"author"`
    } `yaml:"entry"`

    Changelog struct {
        // Changelog Path where changelog-go will save all the Entries.
        // Will be changed to a relative path after calling Check()
        EntryPath string `yaml:"entryPath"`
        Changelog string `yaml:"changelog"`
    } `yaml:"changelog"`

// ===== Internal Types =====
var v1ChangelogFolderStruct = []string{"released", "unreleased"}