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package entry

// ChangeEntry is the basic Changelog Entry Type. This Type is used by other
// Entry Types.
type ChangeEntry interface {
    // Returns a new (initialized) Changelog Entry Struct
    NewChangeType() *ChangeEntry

    // GetShortTypeName() returns the short Type Name
    // For Example: "Added"
    GetShortTypeName() string

    // GetTypeDescription() returns the Description of the Changelog Entry
    // Type which will be shown to the User.
    // For Example: "New Feature"
    GetTypeDescription() string

    // Returns the Type ID
    // !!Please choose the Type ID to be unique!!
    GetTypeID() int

    // Returns a List of all Entries
    // of this Changelog Type
    GetListEntries() []*Entry

    // Add a new Entry to the List of Changes
    AddEntry(ent *Entry)

type Entry struct {
    // ChangeTitle represents the Changelog Entry
    // Title/ Description
    ChangeTitle string `yaml:"title"`

    // Type represents Type of the Changelog
    Type   *ChangeEntry `yaml:"-"`
    TypeID int          `yaml:"type"`

    // Author Contains the Name (+ Mail) of
    // the Author from the Changelog Entry
    // If the Author Name (or mail) could not
    // be found from the Git Config, then this
    // String will be contain nothing
    Author string `yaml:"author,omitempty"`