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Test Coverage
package gut

import (

// maxDepth describes how many levels of directories this application will
// search for the '.git' Directory.
// This is needed because otherwise the application will search for the Git Root
// forever.
const maxDepth = 16

// FindGitRoot returns the last found `.git` Directory from the base
// Means if your are in $PATH/cmd/test and the Git Root is $PATH/
// FuncGitRoot will return $PATH/
// It will return an Error if the `.git/` Directory could not be found.
// Deprecated: The gut package is marked as deprecated since we will drop the git dependency in the future.
func FindGitRoot(base string) (string, error) {
    var i int = 0
    _path := base

    for {
        // if we are at the Root Directory stop searching
        if i >= maxDepth {
            return "", os.ErrNotExist

        // check if `$PATH/.git` exists, if not go one Directory back
        if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(_path, ".git/")); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
            // found
            return _path, nil

        _path = path.Join(_path, "../")