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# Binda Shopify
Extension that lets you import your Shopify products into your Binda application.

**Binda** is a headless CMS with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface which makes very easy creating application infrastructures. For more info about Binda structure please visit the [official documentation](

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## Requirements

Before you install **Binda Shopify** you need to setup your Shopify account properly. Please follow the steps below.

### Create a private app

Binda Shopify relies on private apps. A detailed guide on what are and how to create them can be found in the [Shopify official documentation](

## Installation

If you haven't read the **Requirements** section do it now before continuing.
Install Binda via terminal. See [Binda installation guide]( for more information.

Just add the gem to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'binda-shopify', github: 'lacolonia/binda-shopify'

Then, run:

bundle install

After that, you need to setup your connection to Shopify and create `Binda::Structures` where your data will be imported. To do so you can run the following command.

_Development env_

rails generate binda:shopify:install

_Production env_

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails generate binda:shopify:install

> #### NOTE
> Your Shopify **shop name**, which is required during the installation process, corresponds to the subdomain portion of you shopify store. 
> For example: for `` the Shopify **shop name** is `cool-shoes`.
> Don't confuse it with the private app name.

Once you complete the installation process you are good to go! Log into your admin panel and click the sync button.