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> This library is considered **feature-complete** and will only receive updates for bug fixes. You may still create an issue if you have a feature request.

# album-art [<img src="" style="height:40px;" height="40" align="right" />](

<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;"> 

   [![npm version](]( [![Maintainability](]( [![Try movie-art on RunKit](](


> Fetch an album or artist image url: "The Beatles" ➔ http://path/to/beatles.jpg


#### [Try it on RunKit]( _([Output](

###### NOTE: [cannabilized their own API]( and broke many applications, including this one. This library now uses Spotify for image data. The usage for `album-art` has changed slightly but is fully backwards-compatible. Please report any errors.

## Features
 * Use anywhere, browser or Node - UMD _([Browser Support](
 * Works in React + NextJS client/server (uses [isomorphic-fetch](
 * Promise and Callback API
 * Fetch images for albums or artists
 * Multiple size options
 * Uses Spotify for image data

## Install

Using [NPM](

$ npm install album-art

In the browser:

<!-- albumArt window global -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
(via Unpkg, or via [JSDelivr](

## Usage
const albumArt = require( 'album-art' )

await albumArt( 'Rush' ).then( console.log )
//=> http://path/to/rush.jpg

##### Callback
await albumArt( 'Rush', ( error, response ) => {
   console.log( response )

   //=> http://path/to/rush.jpg

##### Usage with album and size options
await albumArt( 'Rush', {album: '2112', size: 'small'} )
  .then( console.log )

//=> http://path/to/rush_2112_small.jpg

## API

### albumArt(artist [, options] [, callback])

Accepts an artist string to search for.
Returns a Promise which resolves to a string URL.

#### artist

Type: `string`

Artist to search for.

#### callback(error, response)

Function to be called on complete or on error.

### Options

A JavaScript object with the following properties:

#### album

Type: `string`

Album to search for.

#### size

Type: `string` 

Requested image size. 
*possible values:* `small`, `medium`, `large`

## CLI Usage

You can also run as a CLI app by installing it globally:

$ npm install --global album-art

$ album-art --help

  $ album-art artist [album] [size]

  $ album-art 'The Beatles' --album 'Abbey Road' --size 'large'

## Related

* [movie-art](
* [movie-info](
* [movie-trailer](

## License

This package uses the Spotify API for it's data. You may consult the [Spotify API Terms of Service]( for license details. 

[MIT]( © [Lacy Morrow](