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const { app } = require( 'electron' )
const path = require( 'path' )
const { debugInfo, is } = require( 'electron-util' )
const ElectronPreferences = require( 'electron-preferences' )
/* Via */

const browserWindowOverrides = {
    alwaysOnTop: true,
    title: 'CrossOver Preferences',
    // width: 600,
    // height: 400,
    webPreferences: {
        devTools: is.development && SETTINGS_WINDOW_DEVTOOLS,


 * Default values.
const getDefaults = () => ( {
    crosshair: {
        crosshair: '../static/crosshairs/Actual/leupold-dot.png',
        color: '#442ac6',
        size: 80,
        opacity: 80,
        positionX: null,
        positionY: null,
        reticle: 'dot',
        reticleScale: 100,
        fillColor: 'unset',
        strokeColor: 'unset',
    actions: {
        followMouse: [],
        resizeOnADS: 'off',
        ADSSize: 50,
        hideOnMouse: '-1',
        tiltEnable: [],
        tiltToggle: [],
        tiltAngle: 25,
        hideOnKey: '',
        tiltLeft: '',
        tiltRight: '',
    app: {
        theme: DEFAULT_THEME || 'system',
        appBgColor: 'unset',
        appHighlightColor: 'unset',
        alerts: [ 'alerts' ],
        notify: [ 'notify' ],
        updates: [ 'updates' ],
        sounds: [ 'sounds' ],
        gpu: [ 'gpu' ],
        startUnlocked: [ 'startUnlocked' ],
        boot: [],
        appSize: 'normal',
    keybinds: {
        reset: 'Control+Shift+Alt+R',
        lock: 'Control+Shift+Alt+X',
        center: 'Control+Shift+Alt+C',
        hide: 'Control+Shift+Alt+H',
        duplicate: 'Control+Shift+Alt+D',
        changeDisplay: 'Control+Shift+Alt+M',
        moveUp: 'Control+Shift+Alt+Up',
        moveDown: 'Control+Shift+Alt+Down',
        moveLeft: 'Control+Shift+Alt+Left',
        moveRight: 'Control+Shift+Alt+Right',
        nextWindow: 'Control+Shift+Alt+O',
        about: 'Control+Shift+Alt+A',
        quit: 'Control+Shift+Alt+Q',

    hidden: {
        frame: false,
        locked: false,
        showSettings: false,
        tilted: false,
        ADSed: false,
        ADShidden: false,
} )

const preferencesConfig = {
    // Custom styles
    config: {
    debounce: DEBOUNCE_DELAY,
    css: 'src/renderer/styles/dist/preferences.css',
    dataStore: path.resolve( app.getPath( 'userData' ), 'preferences.json' ),
    debug: is.development && !is.linux,
    defaults: getDefaults(),

     * The preferences window is divided into sections. Each section has a label, an icon, and one or
     * more fields associated with it. Each section should also be given a unique ID.
     SEE: 'main/register.tsx'
    sections: [
            id: 'crosshair',
            label: 'Crosshair Settings',
            icon: 'vector',
            form: {
                groups: [
                        label: 'Welcome to CrossOver',
                        fields: [
                                content: '<p>Use <code>CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X</code> to lock CrossOver in place and hide the background window.</p>',
                                type: 'message',
                        label: 'Crosshair Settings',
                        fields: [
                                label: 'Select a Crosshair',
                                buttonLabel: 'Choose Crosshair',
                                key: 'chooseCrosshair',
                                type: 'button',
                                help: 'Pick from the list of built-in crosshairs',
                                buttonLabel: 'Select Custom Image',
                                label: 'Custom Crosshair',
                                key: 'crosshair',
                                type: 'file',
                                help: `Use any image as a custom crosshair. Supported file types: ${JSON.stringify( SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILE_TYPES )}`,
                                filters: FILE_FILTERS,
                                multiSelections: false, // Allow multiple paths to be selected
                                showHiddenFiles: false, // Show hidden files in dialog
                                noResolveAliases: false, // (macos) Disable the automatic alias (symlink) path resolution. Selected aliases will now return the alias path instead of their target path.
                                treatPackageAsDirectory: false, // (macos) Treat packages, such as .app folders, as a directory instead of a file.
                                dontAddToRecent: true, // (windows) Do not add the item being opened to the recent documents list.
                                label: 'Crosshair Size',
                                key: 'size',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 1,
                                max: 100,
                                label: 'Crosshair Opacity',
                                key: 'opacity',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 1,
                                max: 100,
                                label: 'Reticle',
                                key: 'reticle',
                                type: 'radio',
                                options: [
                                    { label: 'Dot', value: 'dot' },
                                    { label: 'Cross', value: 'cross' },
                                    { label: 'No reticle', value: 'off' },
                                label: 'Reticle Color',
                                key: 'color',
                                type: 'color',
                                format: 'hex', // Can be hex, hsl or rgb
                                help: 'Center reticle color',
                                label: 'Reticle Scale',
                                key: 'reticleScale',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 1,
                                max: 500,
                                help: 'Reticle scale percentage (compared to crosshair)',
                                heading: 'SVG Customization Options',
                                label: 'Enable SVG Customization',
                                key: 'svgCustomization',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Apply customization options to SVG images', value: 'svgCustomization' } ],
                                help: 'The following CSS values will only apply to ".svg" files.',
                                label: 'Fill Color',
                                key: 'fillColor',
                                type: 'color',
                                format: 'hex', // Can be hex, hsl or rgb
                                help: 'SVG fill, often the background color.',
                                label: 'Stroke Color',
                                key: 'strokeColor',
                                type: 'color',
                                format: 'hex', // Can be hex, hsl or rgb
                                help: 'SVG stroke color.',
                                label: 'Stroke Width',
                                key: 'strokeWidth',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 0,
                                max: 20,
                                help: 'SVG stroke width.',
                                label: 'Crosshair Position X',
                                key: 'positionX',
                                type: 'number',
                                help: 'Horizontal position of the crosshair (in pixels)',
                                label: 'Crosshair Position Y',
                                key: 'positionY',
                                type: 'number',
                                help: 'Vertical position of the crosshair (in pixels)',
            id: 'actions',
            label: 'Crosshair Actions',
            icon: 'turtle',
            form: {
                groups: [
                        label: 'CrossOver Actions (beta)',
                        fields: [
                                content: '<p><b>Note:</b> CrossOver Actions do not work on Apple Silicon.</p>',
                                type: 'message',
                        label: 'Mouse Actions',
                        fields: [
                                label: 'Follow Mouse',
                                key: 'followMouse',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Lock the crosshair to the mouse cursor', value: 'followMouse' } ],
                                help: 'Keeps CrossOver centered on the mouse cursor. ',
                                label: 'Resize crosshair on ADS',
                                key: 'resizeOnADS',
                                type: 'radio',
                                options: [
                                    { label: 'Never', value: 'off' },
                                    { label: 'Toggle right mouse-button', value: 'toggle' },
                                    { label: 'Hold right mouse-button', value: 'hold' },
                                help: 'Change crosshair size when ADS-ing',
                                label: 'Crosshair ADS Size',
                                key: 'ADSSize',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 1,
                                max: 100,
                                label: 'Hide Crosshair on ADS',
                                key: 'hideOnMouse',
                                type: 'radio',
                                options: [
                                    { label: 'Never', value: '-1' },
                                    { label: 'Right mouse-button', value: '2' },
                                    { label: 'Middle mouse-button', value: '3' },
                                    { label: 'Left mouse-button', value: '1' },
                                    { label: 'Backward mouse-button', value: '4' },
                                    { label: 'Forward mouse-button', value: '5' },
                                help: 'Hides the crosshair when the specified mouse button is held.',
                                label: 'Toggle/Hold ADS',
                                key: 'hideOnMouseToggle',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'On ADS, toggle hiding/showing the Crosshair (vs hold)', value: 'hideOnMouseToggle' } ],
                                help: 'Toggle hiding/showing the Crosshair when ADS-ing, vs holding to hide the Crosshair while ADS-ing.',
                        label: 'Keyboard Actions',
                        fields: [
                                label: 'Hide on keypress',
                                key: 'hideOnKey',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Hides the crosshair when the above key is held. Single key only. Delete/Backspace to disable.',
                                allowOnlyModifier: true,
                                heading: 'Crosshair Tilt Left/Right',
                                label: 'Enable Tilt',
                                key: 'tiltEnable',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Enable tilting left/right on keypress', value: 'tiltEnable' } ],
                                help: 'Crosshair will tilt at an angle while the key is held.',
                                label: 'Toggle/Hold to Tilt',
                                key: 'tiltToggle',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Toggle tilt on/off when pressed (instead of hold)', value: 'tiltToggle' } ],
                                help: 'Keypress toggles tilt on and off i.e. Use toggle-to-tilt instead of hold-to-tilt.',
                                label: 'Tilt Left',
                                key: 'tiltLeft',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                allowOnlyModifier: true,
                                label: 'Tilt Right',
                                key: 'tiltRight',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                allowOnlyModifier: true,
                                label: 'Tilt Angle',
                                key: 'tiltAngle',
                                type: 'slider',
                                min: 1,
                                max: 90,
            id: 'keybinds',
            label: 'Keybinds',
            icon: 'handout',
            form: {
                groups: [
                        label: 'Keyboard Actions',
                        fields: [
                                content: '<p>You can clear or disable a keybind completely by using Backspace/Delete.</p><p>Use <code>CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+R</code> to reset all settings.</p>',
                                type: 'message',
                        label: 'Custom Keybinds',
                        fields: [
                                label: 'Lock Crosshair in Place',
                                key: 'lock',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Unlock CrossOver to change settings, then lock the app in place to game.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Center Crosshair',
                                key: 'center',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Center the crosshair window on the current screen.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Show/Hide Crosshair',
                                key: 'hide',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Hide CrossOver from the screen.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Duplicate Crosshair',
                                key: 'duplicate',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Create a duplicate "shadow" crosshair. Settings are not saved for shadow crosshairs.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Focus Next Crosshair',
                                key: 'changeDisplay',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Center CrossOver on the next connected display.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Change Display',
                                key: 'changeDisplay',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Center CrossOver on the next connected display.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Move Up',
                                key: 'moveUp',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Move the crosshair up 1 pixel.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Move Down',
                                key: 'moveDown',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Move the crosshair down 1 pixel.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Move Left',
                                key: 'moveLeft',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Move the crosshair left 1 pixel.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                                label: 'Move Right',
                                key: 'moveRight',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Move the crosshair right 1 pixel.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
                            // Allowing users to change the Reset shortcut may end poorly
                                label: 'Reset All Settings',
                                key: 'reset',
                                type: 'accelerator',
                                help: 'Reset all settings to default and center the crosshair.',
                                modifierRequired: true,
            id: 'app',
            label: 'System Settings',
            icon: 'preferences',
            form: {
                groups: [
                        label: 'System Settings',
                        fields: [
                                label: 'App Size',
                                key: 'appSize',
                                type: 'radio',
                                options: [
                                    { label: 'Normal', value: 'normal' },
                                    { label: 'Resizable', value: 'resize' },
                                    { label: 'Fullscreen-Sized', value: 'fullscreen' },
                                label: 'Color Scheme',
                                key: 'theme',
                                type: 'radio',
                                options: [
                                    { label: 'Light Mode', value: 'light' },
                                    { label: 'Dark Mode', value: 'dark' },
                                    { label: 'Match the system theme', value: 'system' },
                                label: 'App Background Color',
                                key: 'appBgColor',
                                type: 'color',
                                format: 'hex', // Can be hex, hsl or rgb
                                help: 'Background color of the app window when unlocked.',
                                label: 'App Icon Color',
                                key: 'appHighlightColor',
                                type: 'color',
                                format: 'hex', // Can be hex, hsl or rgb
                                help: 'Icon color of the app buttons when unlocked.',
                                label: 'Automatic Updates',
                                key: 'updates',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Allow CrossOver to automatically update', value: 'updates' } ],
                                help: 'CrossOver will make a network connection to No personal data is sent.',
                                label: 'Show Crosshair Windows on App Start',
                                key: 'startUnlocked',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Unlock and show CrossOver window on startup', value: 'startUnlocked' } ],
                                help: 'This will always unlock CrossOver and show the app window when the app starts. Uncheck to allow CrossOver to start locked.',
                                label: 'Notifications',
                                key: 'notify',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Allow CrossOver to create system notifications', value: 'notify' } ],
                                help: 'CrossOver will notify you about any issues or new updates.',
                                label: 'Sounds',
                                key: 'sounds',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Allow CrossOver to play audio', value: 'sounds' } ],
                                help: 'CrossOver makes a little noise to indicate certain events.',
                                label: 'Developer Information',
                                key: 'alerts',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Receive information from the developer', value: 'alerts' } ],
                                help: 'You may receive a notification regarding bugs or updates from the developer.',
                                label: 'Hardware Acceleration',
                                key: 'gpu',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Enable hardware acceleration', value: 'gpu' } ],
                                help: 'If you are having issues with FPS, try disabling hardware acceleration. You must restart CrossOver for this to take effect.',
                                label: 'Render GPU using browser',
                                key: 'gpuprocess',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'This switch runs the GPU process in the same process as the browser', value: 'gpuprocess' } ],
                                help: 'This can help avoid issues with transparency.',
                                label: 'Run App On System Start',
                                key: 'boot',
                                type: 'checkbox',
                                options: [ { label: 'Start on system boot', value: 'boot' } ],
                                help: 'CrossOver will start when your computer starts.',
                                label: 'DANGER ZONE',
                                fields: [
                                        content: '<p>This will completely remove any customizations made to the settings and reset them to d</p>',
                                        type: 'message',
                                label: 'Reset CrossOver Settings',
                                buttonLabel: 'Reset Settings',
                                key: 'resetApp',
                                type: 'button',
                                help: 'Reset all settings to default and clear any custom keybinds',

            id: 'about',
            label: 'About',
            icon: 'world',
            form: {
                groups: [
                        label: '🎯 About CrossOver',
                        fields: [

                                heading: `CrossOver v${app.getVersion()}`,
                                content: `
                                    <p>A crosshair overlay for any screen.<br /> \
                                    Feedback and bug reports welcome at <a target="_blank" href="">lacymorrow/crossover</a>.<br /> \
                                    Developed by Lacy Morrow. Crosshairs thanks to /u/IrisFlame.</p> \
                                    <p>Copyright © Lacy Morrow ${new Date().getFullYear()}</p> \
                                    <p>${debugInfo()}</p> \
                                    <br/> \
                                    <p>Looking for a designer!<br />We want to redesign CrossOver, reach out to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> \
                                    for details.</p>
                                type: 'message',

const init = () => {

    if ( preferences.instance ) {

        return preferences.instance


    preferences.instance = new ElectronPreferences( preferencesConfig )

    return preferences.instance


const preferences = {
    defaults: getDefaults(),
    instance: null,

module.exports = preferences