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5 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict';
( ( root, cx ) => {

    if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {

        // AMD
        define( ['isomorphic-fetch'], cx )

    } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {

        // Node, CommonJS-like
        module.exports = cx( require( 'isomorphic-fetch' ) )

    } else {

        // Browser globals (root is window)
        root.movieArt = cx( root.fetch )


} )( this, ( fetch ) => {

    // TMDB key (public on purpose)
    const key = '9d2bff12ed955c7f1f74b83187f188ae'
    const base = ''

    const getConfiguration = () => {

        const url =
            base +
            encodeURI( '/3/configuration?api_key=' + key )

        // Request
        return fetch( url, {
            method: 'GET'
        } )
                res => res.json(),
                err => Promise.reject( err.message )
            .then( json => {

                if ( json && typeof json.status_message !== 'undefined' ) {

                    return Promise.reject( new Error( 'JSON - ' + json.status_message ) )


                const baseURL = json.images.base_url
                const sizes = json.images.poster_sizes
                return { baseURL, sizes }

            } )


    const movieArt = async ( query, options, cb ) => {

        // Massage inputs
        if ( typeof query !== 'string' ) {

            throw new Error( 'Expected search to be a string' )

        } else if ( typeof options === 'function' ) {

            cb = options
            options = null


        if ( typeof cb !== 'function' ) cb = null

        // Default options
        const opts = Object.assign( {
            year: null,
            size: null,
            type: 'movie',
            output: 'poster'
        }, options )

        if ( opts.type === null || ( opts.type !== 'tv' && opts.type !== 'movie' ) ) {

            opts.type = 'movie'


        if ( opts.output !== 'all' && opts.output !== 'backdrop' ) {

            opts.output = 'poster'


        // Get configuration vars
        const { baseURL, sizes } = await getConfiguration()

        // Assemble URL
        const url =
            base +
                '/3/search/' +
                    opts.type +
                    '?api_key=' +
                    key +
                    '&query=' +
                    query +
                    ( opts.year !== null ? '&year=' + opts.year : '' )

        // Request
        const response = fetch( url, {
            method: 'GET'
        } )
                res => res.json(),
                err => Promise.reject( err.message )
            .then( json => {

                if ( json && typeof json.status_message !== 'undefined' ) {

                    return Promise.reject( new Error( 'JSON - ' + json.status_message ) )

                if ( json && json.results && json.results.length === 0 ) {

                    // Retry failed search without year
                    if ( opts.year !== null ) {

                        opts.year = null
                        return movieArt( query, opts, cb )

                    } else {

                        return Promise.reject( new Error( 'No results found' ) )


                } else {

                    // Success
                    const size = sizes.indexOf( opts.size ) !== -1 ? opts.size : sizes[sizes.length - 1]
                    if ( opts.output === 'all' ) {

                        return {
                            backdrop: encodeURI( baseURL + size + json.results[0].backdrop_path ),
                            poster: encodeURI( baseURL + size + json.results[0].poster_path )

                    } else {

                        const image = opts.output === 'backdrop' ? json.results[0].backdrop_path : json.results[0].poster_path
                        return encodeURI( baseURL + size + image )



            } )
            .catch( error => error )

        // Callback
        if ( cb ) {

            return response.then( res => cb( null, res ), err => cb( err, null ) )


        // Promise
        return response


    // exposed public method
    return movieArt

} )