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Laravel token

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## Table of Contents

+ [Installation](#installation)
    + [Database](#database)
    + [Provider](#provider)
    + [Facade](#facade)
+ [Usage](#usage)
    + [Create token](#create-token)
    + [Crypt token](#crypt-token)
    + [Validate token](#validate-token)
    + [Route filter](#route-filter)
    + [Exceptions](#exceptions)
    + [Events](#events)
+ [Commands](#commands)
    + [Delete expired tokens](#delete-expired-tokens)
    + [Truncate the table](#truncate-the-table)
+ [API](#api)
    + [Security](#security)
    + [Creation](#creation)
    + [Deletion](#deletion)
    + [Validation](#validation)
    + [Find](#find)

## Installation

    "require": {
        "lahaxearnaud/laravel-token": "~0.5"

### Database

    $ php artisan migrate --package="lahaxearnaud/laravel-token"

### Provider

    'providers' => array(
        // ...

### Facade

    'aliases' => array(
        // ...
        'Token' => 'Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\LaravelTokenFacade',

## Usage

### Create token

    $token = Token::create($userID, $allowLogin);

If ``$allowLogin`` is set to true the token can be use to authentification via route filter.

### Crypt token

    $token = Token::create($userID, $allowLogin);
    $cryptToken = Token::cryptToken($token->token);

If ``$allowLogin`` is set to true the token can be use to authentification via route filter.

### Validate token

If you crypt your token

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

    $cryptToken = Token::isValidCryptToken($token->token, $userId);

If you don't crypt your token:

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

    $cryptToken = Token::isValidToken($token->token, $userId);

If you use those functions the token is not burn. It can be use many times.

For one shot usage token:

    $tokenStr = Token::getTokenValueFromRequest();

      * if the token is crypt do :
      * $tokenStr = Token::uncryptToken($tokenStr);

    $tokenValid = true;
    try {
        // find the token
        $token = $token->findByToken($tokenStr, $userId);

        // test the token validity
        if (Token::isValidToken($token)) {

            // do what you need to do

            // delete the token
        } else {
            $tokenValid = false;
    } catch (TokenNotFoundException $e) {
        $tokenValid = false;

    if($tokenValid) {
        // manage errors

### Route filter

Simple token protection:

    Route::get('/token-protected', array('before' => 'token', function () {
        echo "I am token protected";

Authentification by token:

The token used for an authentification must be a login token, pleaserefer to the token creation section

    Route::get('/login-by-token', array('before' => 'token.auth', function () {
        echo Auth::user()->username;

In order to use the authentification by token your class User need to implements ``Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\Models\UserTokenInterface``


use Illuminate\Auth\UserTrait;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableTrait;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
use Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\Models\UserTokenInterface;

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface, UserTokenInterface {

    use UserTrait, RemindableTrait;

     * The database table used by the model.
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'users';

     * The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
     * @var array
    protected $hidden = array('password', 'remember_token');

    public function loggableByToken()
        return true;
The method ``loggableByToken`` is called when a user try to authentificate with a token.

If an error occur on token validation a TokenExeption is throw, please go to [Exceptions](#exceptions) section. 

By default you can send your token in parameter or header. The default name of the field is ``token`` but you 
can change it by publishing and change the configuration:

    $ php artisan config:publish lahaxearnaud/laravel-token

Then change the tokenFieldName ``config/packages/lahaxearnaud/laravel-token/config.php``.

You can get the token instance via:

### Exceptions

If you use route filter you need to handle some Exceptions. Add the following error handler in you ``filter.php`` to catch them.
This is basic example, change the behavior to fit your needs (redirect, log...).

    App::error(function(\Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenException $exception)
        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenNotFoundException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not found)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\TokenNotValidException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not valid token)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\UserNotLoggableByTokenException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not loggable by token)', 401);

        if($exception instanceof \Lahaxearnaud\LaravelToken\exeptions\NotLoginTokenException) {
            return \Response::make('Unauthorized (Not login token)', 401);

### Events

You can listen events:

- Token not found
    - name: ``token.notFound`` 
    - parameters:
        - the token string
- Token not valid
    - name: ``token.notValid``
    - parameters:
        - the token object
- Token doesn't allow to be used for login
    - name: ``token.notLoginToken``
    - parameters:
        - the token object
- The user can't logged with a token
    - name: ``token.notLoggableUser``
    - parameters:
        - the token object
        - the user object
- Token burn
    - name: ``token.burned``
    - parameters:
        - the token object
- Token created
    - name: ``token.created``
    - parameters:
        - the token object
- Token saved
    - name: ``token.saved``
    - parameters:
        - the token object

## Commands
    A new artisan command is added to your project in order to help you to clean your token table
    ### Delete expired tokens
        Without any option the command delete all expired tokens.
            $ php artisan token:clean
    ### Truncate the table
        If you specified ``--all`` all token will be deleted
            $ php artisan token:clean -all
## API

### Security

Crypt a string token in order to get a public token

    Token::cryptToken ($uncrypt)

Uncrypt a public token in order to get the private token

    Token::uncryptToken ($crypt)

### Creation

Create a Token instance (directly saved in database)

    Token::create ($userId, $allowLogin = false, $lifetime = 3600, $length = 100)

If ``$allowLogin`` is set to true the token can be use to authentification via route filter.

### Deletion

Delete the token

    Token::burn (Token $token)

### Validation

Fetch the token, check id the token has the good user ID and if it is not expired

    Token::isValidToken ($token, $userId)

Same as isValidToken but uncrypt the token before trying to find him

    Token::isValidCryptToken ($token, $userId)

Only validate if the token is expired

    Token::isValid (Token $token)

### Find

Find the token by ID

    Token::find ($id)

Find the token by token string

    Token::findByToken ($token, $userId)

Find all token for an user

    Token::findByUser ($idUser)

## Todo
- config to allow only one token by user and type