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**ActivityPhp** is an implementation of ActivityPub layers in PHP.

It provides two layers:

- A __client to server protocol__, or "Social API"
    This protocol permits a client to act on behalf of a user.
- A [__server to server protocol__]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#server), or "Federation Protocol"
    This protocol is used to distribute activities between actors on
    different servers, tying them into the same social graph.

As the two layers are implemented, it aims to be an ActivityPub
conformant Federated Server.

All [normalized types]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitystreams-types.html)
are implemented too. If you need to create a new one, just extend
existing implementations.



- [Install]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#install)
- [Requirements]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#requirements)
- [Types]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#types)
    - [Type factory]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#type-factory)
    - [Properties names]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#properties-names)
    - [All properties and their values]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#all-properties-and-their-values)
    - [JSON export]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#json-export)
    - [Set several properties]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#set-several-properties)
    - [Get a property]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#get-a-property)
    - [Set a property]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#set-a-property)
    - [Check if property exists]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#check-if-property-exists)
    - [Create a copy]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#create-a-copy)
    - [Use native types]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#use-native-types)
    - [Use your own extended types]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#use-your-own-extended-types)
    - [Create your own property validator]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#create-your-own-property-validator)
    - [Dialects management]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitypub-dialects-management.html)
- [Server](#server)
    - [Server instance configuration]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitypub-server-usage.html)
    - [Verify HTTP signatures]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitypub-server-verify-http-signatures.html)
    - [WebFinger]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfinger)
    - [WebFinger::toArray()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingertoarray)
    - [WebFinger::getSubject()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingergetsubject)
    - [WebFinger::getProfileId()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingergetprofileid)
    - [WebFinger::getHandle()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingergethandle)
    - [WebFinger::getAliases()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingergetaliases)
    - [WebFinger::getLinks()]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#webfingergetlinks)
    - [Examples]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/#server-examples)



- Supports PHP 7.4 | 8.0+



composer require landrok/activitypub


### Type factory

You can instanciate ActivityStreams types using their short name.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$link = Type::create('Link');
$note = Type::create('Note');


Instanciating a type and setting properties is possible with the second

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note', [
    'content' => 'A content for my note'


Starting from an array with a 'type' key, it's even possible to directly
instanciate your type.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$array = [
    'type'    => 'Note',
    'content' => 'A content for my note'

$note = Type::create($array);


You may create a type from a JSON string with the `fromJson()` method.
JSON must have a `type` key.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$json = '
    "type": "Note",
    "content": "A content for my note"

$note = Type::fromJson($json);


When a property does not exist, an Exception is thrown in strict mode.
You can define 3 different behaviours:

- throw an exception (default=strict)
- ignore property (ignore)
- set property (include)

use ActivityPhp\Type;
use ActivityPhp\Type\TypeConfiguration;

$note = Type::create('Note');

// Ignore mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'ignore');
$note->undefinedProperty = '';
echo $note->undefinedProperty; // null

// Include mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'include');
$note->undefinedProperty = '';
echo $note->undefinedProperty; //

// Strict mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'strict');
$note->undefinedProperty = ''; // Exception


### Properties names

Whatever be your object or link, you can get all properties names with
`getProperties()` method.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$link = Type::create('Link');

print_r( $link->getProperties() );

Would output something like:

    [0] => type
    [1] => id
    [2] => name
    [3] => nameMap
    [4] => href
    [5] => hreflang
    [6] => mediaType
    [7] => rel
    [8] => height
    [9] => preview
    [10] => width


### All properties and their values

In order to dump all properties and associated values, use `toArray()`

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$link = Type::create('Link');
$link->setName('An example');


Would output something like:

    [type] => Link
    [name] => An example
    [href] =>


### JSON export

In order to export a type as JSON, use `toJson()` method.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$link = Type::create('Link');
$link->setName('An example');

echo $link->toJson();

Would output something like:

{"type":"Link","name":"An example","href":"http:\/\/"}


It's possible to give PHP JSON options as parameter

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$link = Type::create('Link');
$link->setName('An example');

echo $link->toJson(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Would output something like:

    "type": "Link",
    "name": "An example",
    "href": "http:\/\/"


### Get a property

There are 3 equivalent ways to get a value.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note');

// Each method returns the same value
echo $note->id;
echo $note->get('id');
echo $note->getId();


### Set a property

There are 3 equivalent ways to set a value.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note');

$note->id = '';
$note->set('id', '');


Whenever you assign a value, the format of this value is checked.

This action is made by a validator. If rules are not respected an
Exception is thrown.

When a property does not exist, an Exception is thrown in strict mode.
You can define 3 different behaviours:

- throw an exception (default=strict)
- ignore property (ignore)
- set property (include)

use ActivityPhp\Type;
use ActivityPhp\Type\TypeConfiguration;

$note = Type::create('Note');

// Ignore mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'ignore');
$note->undefinedProperty = '';
echo $note->undefinedProperty; // null

// Include mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'include');
$note->undefinedProperty = '';
echo $note->undefinedProperty; //

// Strict mode
TypeConfiguration::set('undefined_properties', 'strict');
$note->undefinedProperty = ''; // Exception


### Set several properties

With __Type factory__, you can instanciate a type and set several

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note', [
    'id'   => '',
    'name' => 'An important note',


### Check if property exists

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note');

echo $note->has('id'); // true
echo $note->has('anotherProperty'); // false


### Create a copy

Sometimes you may use a copy in order not to affect values of the
original type.

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note', ['name' => 'Original name']);

$copy = $note->copy()->setName('Copy name');

echo $copy->name; // Copy name
echo $note->name; // Original name

You can copy and chain methods to affect only values of the copied type.


### Use native types

All core and extended types can be used with a classic instanciation.

use ActivityPhp\Type\Extended\Object\Note;

$note = new Note();

Same way with the Type factory:

use ActivityPhp\Type;

$note = Type::create('Note');


### Use your own extended types

If you need some custom attributes, you can extend predefined types.

- Define your custom type and add it to the pool:

use ActivityPhp\Type\Extended\Object\Note;

// Define
class MyNote extends Note
    // Override basic type
    protected $type = 'CustomNote';

    // Custom property
    protected $myProperty;

// Add a custom class definition (<object name>, <classname>)
Type::add('MyNote', MyNote::class);


There are 2 ways to instanciate a type:

- A classic PHP call:

$note = new MyNote();
$note->id = '';
$note->myProperty = 'Custom Value';

echo $note->getMyProperty(); // Custom Value


- With the Type factory:

use ActivityPhp\Type;

// Now the new object type is available
$note = Type::create('MyNote', [
    'id' => '',
    'myProperty' => 'Custom Value'

Extending types preserves benefits of getters, setters and
their validators.


### Create your own property validator

Use a custom property validator when you define custom attributes or
when you want to override ActivityPub attribute default validation.

Regarding to previous example with a custom attribute `$myProperty`, if
you try to set this property, it would be done without any check on
values you're providing.

You can easily cope with that implementing a custom validator using

use ActivityPhp\Type\ValidatorInterface;
use ActivityPhp\Type\Validator;

// Create a custom validator that implements ValidatorInterface
class MyPropertyValidator implements ValidatorInterface
    // A public validate() method is mandatory
    public function validate($value, $container)
        return true;

// Attach this custom validator to a property
Validator::add('myProperty', MyPropertyValidator::class);

// Now all values are checked with the validate() method
// 'myProperty' is passed to the first argument
// $note is passed to the second one.

$note->myProperty = 'Custom Value';


An equivalent way is to use Type factory and `addValidator()` method:

use ActivityPhp\Type;

// Attach this custom validator to a property
Type::addValidator('myProperty', MyPropertyValidator::class);


Now that we know how to use types, let's see what types are implemented
and how to use them thanks to
[the ActivityStreams Types manual]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitystreams-types.html).



A server instance is the entry point to a federation.

Its purpose is to receive, send and forward activities appropriately.

A minimalistic approach is:

use ActivityPhp\Server;

$server = new Server();

It's sufficient to make [some public requests](#server-examples).

For more advanced server configurations, Have a look at [Server Manual]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/activitypub-server-usage.html).

### WebFinger

WebFinger is a protocol that allows for discovery of information about

Given a handle, ActivityPub instances can discover profiles using this

use ActivityPhp\Server;

$server = new Server();

$handle = '';

// Get a WebFinger instance
$webfinger = $server->actor($handle)->webfinger();

In this implementation, we can use an Object Identifier (URI) instead of
a WebFinger handle.

use ActivityPhp\Server;

$server = new Server();

$handle = '';

// Get a WebFinger instance
$webfinger = $server->actor($handle)->webfinger();

### WebFinger::toArray()

Get all WebFinger data as an array.

use ActivityPhp\Server;

$server = new Server();

$handle = '';

// Get a WebFinger instance
$webfinger = $server->actor($handle)->webfinger();

// Dumps all properties

// A one line call

Would output something like:

    [subject] =>
    [aliases] => Array
            [0] =>
    [links] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [rel] => self
                    [type] => application/activity+json
                    [href] =>

### WebFinger::getSubject()

Get a WebFinger resource.

echo $webfinger->getSubject();

// Would output ''

### WebFinger::getProfileId()

Get ActivityPub object identifier (URI).

echo $webfinger->getProfileId();

// Would output ''

### WebFinger::getHandle()

Get a profile handle.

echo $webfinger->getHandle();

// Would output ''

### WebFinger::getAliases()

Get all aliases entries for this profile.


Would output something like:

    [0] =>


### WebFinger::getLinks()

Get all links entries for this profile.




Would output something like:

    [0] => Array
            [rel] => self
            [type] => application/activity+json
            [href] =>



Server examples

- [Fetch Peertube Outbox activities]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/fetch-peertube-outbox-activities.html)
- [A better way to fetch Peertube Outbox activities]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/fetch-peertube-outbox-activities-using-dialects.html)
- [An even better way to fetch Peertube Outbox activities]({{ site.doc_baseurl }}/fetch-peertube-outbox-activities-using-ontologies.html)



- [Contribute on Github](

- To discuss new features, make feedback or simply to share ideas, you
  can contact me on Mastodon at

- [ActivityPub](

- [ActivityStreams 2.0](

- [JSON-LD](

- [WebFinger](


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