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# Laravel Rate

User rate/unrate behaviour for Laravel.

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## Introduction

It let people express how they feel about the model(documentation/subject/service), help other users understand the model better.


## Installation

### Requirements

- [PHP 8.0+](
- [Composer](
- [Laravel 8.0+](

### Instructions

Require Laravel Rate using [Composer](

composer require laravel-interaction/rate

Publish configuration and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rate-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rate-migrations

Run database migrations.

php artisan migrate

## Usage

### Setup Rater

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LaravelInteraction\Rate\Concerns\Rater;

class User extends Model
    use Rater;

### Setup Ratable

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use LaravelInteraction\Rate\Concerns\Ratable;

class Channel extends Model
    use Ratable;

### Rater

use LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\Channel;
/** @var \LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\User $user */
/** @var \LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\Channel $channel */
// Rate to Ratable
// rate is only allowed to be called once

// Compare Ratable

// Get rated info

// with type

// get rated channels

// get rated channels doesnt rated

### Ratable

use LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\User;
use LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\Channel;
/** @var \LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\User $user */
/** @var \LaravelInteraction\Rate\Tests\Models\Channel $channel */
// Compare Rater
// Get raters info
$channel->raters->each(function (User $user){
    echo $user->getKey();
$channels = Channel::query()->withRatersCount()->get();
$channels->each(function (Channel $channel){
    echo $channel->raters()->count(); // 1100
    echo $channel->raters_count; // "1100"
    echo $channel->ratersCount(); // 1100
    echo $channel->ratersCountForHumans(); // "1.1K"

### Events

| Event | Fired |
| --- | --- |
| `LaravelInteraction\Rate\Events\Rated` | When an object get rated. |
| `LaravelInteraction\Rate\Events\Rerated` | When an object get rerated. |
| `LaravelInteraction\Rate\Events\Unrated` | When an object get unrated. |

## License

Laravel Rate is an open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).