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Test Coverage

\author{Eric Förster \and Patrick Förster}




TexLab is a cross-platform implementation of the
\href{}{Language Server Protocol}
for the \LaTeX{} typesetting system.
It aims to produce high quality code completion results.
The server may be used with any editor that implements the Language Server Protocol.
It is written in Rust, a blazingly fast systems programming language.


The language server implements most of the Language Server Protocol specification.
In addition to that, it implements additional functionality like
building and forward search.


TexLab is available on \href{}{GitHub},
various package managers and CTAN\@. 
Pre-compiled binaries are available on the 
\href{}{GitHub Releases} page.
Some editor extensions are able to automatically download TexLab.


There are various ways to install TexLab:
        TexLab is included in some package managers like \texttt{brew},
        \texttt{pacman} and \texttt{scoop}.
        Please refer to the badges in the README to see if your package manager
        includes TexLab.
        You can download a pre-compiled binary from our 
        \href{}{GitHub Releases} page.
        Some extensions like the Visual Studio Code extension or
        \texttt{coc-texlab} can automatically download the server for you.
        You can download the sources from either GitHub or CTAN
        and compile the server with \texttt{cargo build --release}.
        The \texttt{texlab} binary can be found inside \texttt{target/release}.    



\texttt{texlab [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]}


    \item \texttt{-h}, \texttt{--help} Prints help information
    \item \texttt{-q}, \texttt{--quiet} No output printed to stderr
    \item \texttt{-V}, \texttt{--version} Prints version information
    \item \texttt{-v}, \texttt{--verbosity} Increase message verbosity (\texttt{-vvvv} for max verbosity)


    \item \texttt{--log-file <FILE>} Write the logging output to \texttt{FILE}
