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1 day
Test Coverage
 * lunr - - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - 0.7.2
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Oliver Nightingale
 * @license MIT
! function() {
    var t = function(e) {
        var n = new t.Index;
        return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer, t.stopWordFilter, t.stemmer), e &&, n), n
    t.version = "0.7.2", t.utils = {}, t.utils.warn = function(t) {
            return function(e) {
                t.console && console.warn && console.warn(e)
        }(this), t.utils.asString = function(t) {
            return void 0 === t || null === t ? "" : t.toString()
        }, t.EventEmitter = function() {
   = {}
        }, t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function() {
            var t =,
                e = t.pop(),
                n = t;
            if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");
            n.forEach(function(t) {
                this.hasHandler(t) || ([t] = []),[t].push(e)
            }, this)
        }, t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) {
            if (this.hasHandler(t)) {
                var n =[t].indexOf(e);
      [t].splice(n, 1),[t].length || delete[t]
        }, t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(t) {
            if (this.hasHandler(t)) {
                var e =, 1);
      [t].forEach(function(t) {
                    t.apply(void 0, e)
        }, t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler = function(t) {
            return t in
        }, t.tokenizer = function(e) {
            if (!arguments.length || null == e || void 0 == e) return [];
            if (Array.isArray(e)) return {
                return t.utils.asString(e).toLowerCase()
            var n = t.tokenizer.seperator || t.tokenizer.separator;
            return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(n)
        }, t.tokenizer.seperator = !1, t.tokenizer.separator = /[\s\-]+/, t.tokenizer.load = function(t) {
            var e = this.registeredFunctions[t];
            if (!e) throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: " + t);
            return e
        }, t.tokenizer.label = "default", t.tokenizer.registeredFunctions = {
            "default": t.tokenizer
        }, t.tokenizer.registerFunction = function(e, n) {
            n in this.registeredFunctions && t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing tokenizer: " + n), e.label = n, this.registeredFunctions[n] = e
        }, t.Pipeline = function() {
            this._stack = []
        }, t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions = {}, t.Pipeline.registerFunction = function(e, n) {
            n in this.registeredFunctions && t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: " + n), e.label = n, t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e.label] = e
        }, t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered = function(e) {
            var n = e.label && e.label in this.registeredFunctions;
            n || t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n", e)
        }, t.Pipeline.load = function(e) {
            var n = new t.Pipeline;
            return e.forEach(function(e) {
                var i = t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e];
                if (!i) throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: " + e);
            }), n
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.add = function() {
            var e =;
            e.forEach(function(e) {
                t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e), this._stack.push(e)
            }, this)
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.after = function(e, n) {
            var i = this._stack.indexOf(e);
            if (-1 == i) throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");
            i += 1, this._stack.splice(i, 0, n)
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.before = function(e, n) {
            var i = this._stack.indexOf(e);
            if (-1 == i) throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");
            this._stack.splice(i, 0, n)
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.remove = function(t) {
            var e = this._stack.indexOf(t); - 1 != e && this._stack.splice(e, 1)
        }, = function(t) {
            for (var e = [], n = t.length, i = this._stack.length, r = 0; n > r; r++) {
                for (var o = t[r], s = 0; i > s && (o = this._stack[s](o, r, t), void 0 !== o && "" !== o); s++);
                void 0 !== o && "" !== o && e.push(o)
            return e
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.reset = function() {
            this._stack = []
        }, t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON = function() {
            return {
                return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e), e.label
        }, t.Vector = function() {
            this._magnitude = null, this.list = void 0, this.length = 0
        }, t.Vector.Node = function(t, e, n) {
            this.idx = t, this.val = e, = n
        }, t.Vector.prototype.insert = function(e, n) {
            this._magnitude = void 0;
            var i = this.list;
            if (!i) return this.list = new t.Vector.Node(e, n, i), this.length++;
            if (e < i.idx) return this.list = new t.Vector.Node(e, n, i), this.length++;
            for (var r = i, o =; void 0 != o;) {
                if (e < o.idx) return = new t.Vector.Node(e, n, o), this.length++;
                r = o, o =
            return = new t.Vector.Node(e, n, o), this.length++
        }, t.Vector.prototype.magnitude = function() {
            if (this._magnitude) return this._magnitude;
            for (var t, e = this.list, n = 0; e;) t = e.val, n += t * t, e =;
            return this._magnitude = Math.sqrt(n)
        }, = function(t) {
            for (var e = this.list, n = t.list, i = 0; e && n;) e.idx < n.idx ? e = : e.idx > n.idx ? n = : (i += e.val * n.val, e =, n =;
            return i
        }, t.Vector.prototype.similarity = function(t) {
            return / (this.magnitude() * t.magnitude())
        }, t.SortedSet = function() {
            this.length = 0, this.elements = []
        }, t.SortedSet.load = function(t) {
            var e = new this;
            return e.elements = t, e.length = t.length, e
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.add = function() {
            var t, e;
            for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e = arguments[t], ~this.indexOf(e) || this.elements.splice(this.locationFor(e), 0, e);
            this.length = this.elements.length
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.toArray = function() {
            return this.elements.slice()
        }, = function(t, e) {
            return, e)
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.forEach = function(t, e) {
            return this.elements.forEach(t, e)
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.indexOf = function(t) {
            for (var e = 0, n = this.elements.length, i = n - e, r = e + Math.floor(i / 2), o = this.elements[r]; i > 1;) {
                if (o === t) return r;
                t > o && (e = r), o > t && (n = r), i = n - e, r = e + Math.floor(i / 2), o = this.elements[r]
            return o === t ? r : -1
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor = function(t) {
            for (var e = 0, n = this.elements.length, i = n - e, r = e + Math.floor(i / 2), o = this.elements[r]; i > 1;) t > o && (e = r), o > t && (n = r), i = n - e, r = e + Math.floor(i / 2), o = this.elements[r];
            return o > t ? r : t > o ? r + 1 : void 0
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.intersect = function(e) {
            for (var n = new t.SortedSet, i = 0, r = 0, o = this.length, s = e.length, a = this.elements, h = e.elements;;) {
                if (i > o - 1 || r > s - 1) break;
                a[i] !== h[r] ? a[i] < h[r] ? i++ : a[i] > h[r] && r++ : (n.add(a[i]), i++, r++)
            return n
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.clone = function() {
            var e = new t.SortedSet;
            return e.elements = this.toArray(), e.length = e.elements.length, e
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.union = function(t) {
            var e, n, i;
            this.length >= t.length ? (e = this, n = t) : (e = t, n = this), i = e.clone();
            for (var r = 0, o = n.toArray(); r < o.length; r++) i.add(o[r]);
            return i
        }, t.SortedSet.prototype.toJSON = function() {
            return this.toArray()
        }, t.Index = function() {
            this._fields = [], this._ref = "id", this.pipeline = new t.Pipeline, this.documentStore = new t.Store, this.tokenStore = new t.TokenStore, this.corpusTokens = new t.SortedSet, this.eventEmitter = new t.EventEmitter, this.tokenizerFn = t.tokenizer, this._idfCache = {}, this.on("add", "remove", "update", function() {
                this._idfCache = {}
        }, t.Index.prototype.on = function() {
            var t =;
            return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter, t)
        }, = function(t, e) {
            return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(t, e)
        }, t.Index.load = function(e) {
            e.version !== t.version && t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current " + t.version + " importing " + e.version);
            var n = new this;
            return n._fields = e.fields, n._ref = e.ref, n.tokenizer(t.tokenizer.load(e.tokenizer)), n.documentStore = t.Store.load(e.documentStore), n.tokenStore = t.TokenStore.load(e.tokenStore), n.corpusTokens = t.SortedSet.load(e.corpusTokens), n.pipeline = t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline), n
        }, t.Index.prototype.field = function(t, e) {
            var e = e || {},
                n = {
                    name: t,
                    boost: e.boost || 1
            return this._fields.push(n), this
        }, t.Index.prototype.ref = function(t) {
            return this._ref = t, this
        }, t.Index.prototype.tokenizer = function(e) {
            var n = e.label && e.label in t.tokenizer.registeredFunctions;
            return n || t.utils.warn("Function is not a registered tokenizer. This may cause problems when serialising the index"), this.tokenizerFn = e, this
        }, t.Index.prototype.add = function(e, n) {
            var i = {},
                r = new t.SortedSet,
                o = e[this._ref],
                n = void 0 === n ? !0 : n;
            this._fields.forEach(function(t) {
                var n =[]));
                i[] = n;
                for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
                    var s = n[o];
                    r.add(s), this.corpusTokens.add(s)
            }, this), this.documentStore.set(o, r);
            for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
                for (var a = r.elements[s], h = 0, u = 0; u < this._fields.length; u++) {
                    var l = this._fields[u],
                        c = i[],
                        f = c.length;
                    if (f) {
                        for (var d = 0, p = 0; f > p; p++) c[p] === a && d++;
                        h += d / f * l.boost
                this.tokenStore.add(a, {
                    ref: o,
                    tf: h
            n && this.eventEmitter.emit("add", e, this)
        }, t.Index.prototype.remove = function(t, e) {
            var n = t[this._ref],
                e = void 0 === e ? !0 : e;
            if (this.documentStore.has(n)) {
                var i = this.documentStore.get(n);
                this.documentStore.remove(n), i.forEach(function(t) {
                    this.tokenStore.remove(t, n)
                }, this), e && this.eventEmitter.emit("remove", t, this)
        }, t.Index.prototype.update = function(t, e) {
            var e = void 0 === e ? !0 : e;
            this.remove(t, !1), this.add(t, !1), e && this.eventEmitter.emit("update", t, this)
        }, t.Index.prototype.idf = function(t) {
            var e = "@" + t;
            if (, e)) return this._idfCache[e];
            var n = this.tokenStore.count(t),
                i = 1;
            return n > 0 && (i = 1 + Math.log(this.documentStore.length / n)), this._idfCache[e] = i
        }, = function(e) {
            var n =,
                i = new t.Vector,
                r = [],
                o = this._fields.reduce(function(t, e) {
                    return t + e.boost
                }, 0),
                s = n.some(function(t) {
                    return this.tokenStore.has(t)
                }, this);
            if (!s) return [];
            n.forEach(function(e, n, s) {
                var a = 1 / s.length * this._fields.length * o,
                    h = this,
                    u = this.tokenStore.expand(e).reduce(function(n, r) {
                        var o = h.corpusTokens.indexOf(r),
                            s = h.idf(r),
                            u = 1,
                            l = new t.SortedSet;
                        if (r !== e) {
                            var c = Math.max(3, r.length - e.length);
                            u = 1 / Math.log(c)
                        o > -1 && i.insert(o, a * s * u);
                        for (var f = h.tokenStore.get(r), d = Object.keys(f), p = d.length, v = 0; p > v; v++) l.add(f[d[v]].ref);
                        return n.union(l)
                    }, new t.SortedSet);
            }, this);
            var a = r.reduce(function(t, e) {
                return t.intersect(e)
            return {
                return {
                    ref: t,
                    score: i.similarity(this.documentVector(t))
            }, this).sort(function(t, e) {
                return e.score - t.score
        }, t.Index.prototype.documentVector = function(e) {
            for (var n = this.documentStore.get(e), i = n.length, r = new t.Vector, o = 0; i > o; o++) {
                var s = n.elements[o],
                    a = this.tokenStore.get(s)[e].tf,
                    h = this.idf(s);
                r.insert(this.corpusTokens.indexOf(s), a * h)
            return r
        }, t.Index.prototype.toJSON = function() {
            return {
                version: t.version,
                fields: this._fields,
                ref: this._ref,
                tokenizer: this.tokenizerFn.label,
                documentStore: this.documentStore.toJSON(),
                tokenStore: this.tokenStore.toJSON(),
                corpusTokens: this.corpusTokens.toJSON(),
                pipeline: this.pipeline.toJSON()
        }, t.Index.prototype.use = function(t) {
            var e =, 1);
            e.unshift(this), t.apply(this, e)
        }, t.Store = function() {
   = {}, this.length = 0
        }, t.Store.load = function(e) {
            var n = new this;
            return n.length = e.length, = Object.keys(, i) {
                return n[i] = t.SortedSet.load([i]), n
            }, {}), n
        }, t.Store.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
            this.has(t) || this.length++,[t] = e
        }, t.Store.prototype.get = function(t) {
        }, t.Store.prototype.has = function(t) {
            return t in
        }, t.Store.prototype.remove = function(t) {
            this.has(t) && (delete[t], this.length--)
        }, t.Store.prototype.toJSON = function() {
            return {
                length: this.length
        }, t.stemmer = function() {
            var t = {
                    ational: "ate",
                    tional: "tion",
                    enci: "ence",
                    anci: "ance",
                    izer: "ize",
                    bli: "ble",
                    alli: "al",
                    entli: "ent",
                    eli: "e",
                    ousli: "ous",
                    ization: "ize",
                    ation: "ate",
                    ator: "ate",
                    alism: "al",
                    iveness: "ive",
                    fulness: "ful",
                    ousness: "ous",
                    aliti: "al",
                    iviti: "ive",
                    biliti: "ble",
                    logi: "log"
                e = {
                    icate: "ic",
                    ative: "",
                    alize: "al",
                    iciti: "ic",
                    ical: "ic",
                    ful: "",
                    ness: ""
                n = "[^aeiou]",
                i = "[aeiouy]",
                r = n + "[^aeiouy]*",
                o = i + "[aeiou]*",
                s = "^(" + r + ")?" + o + r,
                a = "^(" + r + ")?" + o + r + "(" + o + ")?$",
                h = "^(" + r + ")?" + o + r + o + r,
                u = "^(" + r + ")?" + i,
                l = new RegExp(s),
                c = new RegExp(h),
                f = new RegExp(a),
                d = new RegExp(u),
                p = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/,
                v = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/,
                g = /^(.+?)eed$/,
                m = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/,
                y = /.$/,
                S = /(at|bl|iz)$/,
                w = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$"),
                k = new RegExp("^" + r + i + "[^aeiouwxy]$"),
                x = /^(.+?[^aeiou])y$/,
                b = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/,
                E = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/,
                F = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/,
                _ = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/,
                z = /^(.+?)e$/,
                O = /ll$/,
                P = new RegExp("^" + r + i + "[^aeiouwxy]$"),
                T = function(n) {
                    var i, r, o, s, a, h, u;
                    if (n.length < 3) return n;
                    if (o = n.substr(0, 1), "y" == o && (n = o.toUpperCase() + n.substr(1)), s = p, a = v, s.test(n) ? n = n.replace(s, "$1$2") : a.test(n) && (n = n.replace(a, "$1$2")), s = g, a = m, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        s = l, s.test(T[1]) && (s = y, n = n.replace(s, ""))
                    } else if (a.test(n)) {
                        var T = a.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], a = d, a.test(i) && (n = i, a = S, h = w, u = k, a.test(n) ? n += "e" : h.test(n) ? (s = y, n = n.replace(s, "")) : u.test(n) && (n += "e"))
                    if (s = x, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], n = i + "i"
                    if (s = b, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], r = T[2], s = l, s.test(i) && (n = i + t[r])
                    if (s = E, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], r = T[2], s = l, s.test(i) && (n = i + e[r])
                    if (s = F, a = _, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], s = c, s.test(i) && (n = i)
                    } else if (a.test(n)) {
                        var T = a.exec(n);
                        i = T[1] + T[2], a = c, a.test(i) && (n = i)
                    if (s = z, s.test(n)) {
                        var T = s.exec(n);
                        i = T[1], s = c, a = f, h = P, (s.test(i) || a.test(i) && !h.test(i)) && (n = i)
                    return s = O, a = c, s.test(n) && a.test(n) && (s = y, n = n.replace(s, "")), "y" == o && (n = o.toLowerCase() + n.substr(1)), n
            return T
        }(), t.Pipeline.registerFunction(t.stemmer, "stemmer"), t.generateStopWordFilter = function(t) {
            var e = t.reduce(function(t, e) {
                return t[e] = e, t
            }, {});
            return function(t) {
                return t && e[t] !== t ? t : void 0
        }, t.stopWordFilter = t.generateStopWordFilter(["a", "able", "about", "across", "after", "all", "almost", "also", "am", "among", "an", "and", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "because", "been", "but", "by", "can", "cannot", "could", "dear", "did", "do", "does", "either", "else", "ever", "every", "for", "from", "get", "got", "had", "has", "have", "he", "her", "hers", "him", "his", "how", "however", "i", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "its", "just", "least", "let", "like", "likely", "may", "me", "might", "most", "must", "my", "neither", "no", "nor", "not", "of", "off", "often", "on", "only", "or", "other", "our", "own", "rather", "said", "say", "says", "she", "should", "since", "so", "some", "than", "that", "the", "their", "them", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "tis", "to", "too", "twas", "us", "wants", "was", "we", "were", "what", "when", "where", "which", "while", "who", "whom", "why", "will", "with", "would", "yet", "you", "your"]), t.Pipeline.registerFunction(t.stopWordFilter, "stopWordFilter"), t.trimmer = function(t) {
            return t.replace(/^\W+/, "").replace(/\W+$/, "")
        }, t.Pipeline.registerFunction(t.trimmer, "trimmer"), t.TokenStore = function() {
            this.root = {
                docs: {}
            }, this.length = 0
        }, t.TokenStore.load = function(t) {
            var e = new this;
            return e.root = t.root, e.length = t.length, e
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.add = function(t, e, n) {
            var n = n || this.root,
                i = t.charAt(0),
                r = t.slice(1);
            return i in n || (n[i] = {
                docs: {}
            }), 0 === r.length ? (n[i].docs[e.ref] = e, void(this.length += 1)) : this.add(r, e, n[i])
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.has = function(t) {
            if (!t) return !1;
            for (var e = this.root, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
                if (!e[t.charAt(n)]) return !1;
                e = e[t.charAt(n)]
            return !0
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.getNode = function(t) {
            if (!t) return {};
            for (var e = this.root, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
                if (!e[t.charAt(n)]) return {};
                e = e[t.charAt(n)]
            return e
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.get = function(t, e) {
            return this.getNode(t, e).docs || {}
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.count = function(t, e) {
            return Object.keys(this.get(t, e)).length
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.remove = function(t, e) {
            if (t) {
                for (var n = this.root, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
                    if (!(t.charAt(i) in n)) return;
                    n = n[t.charAt(i)]
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.expand = function(t, e) {
            var n = this.getNode(t),
                i = || {},
                e = e || [];
            return Object.keys(i).length && e.push(t), Object.keys(n).forEach(function(n) {
                "docs" !== n && e.concat(this.expand(t + n, e))
            }, this), e
        }, t.TokenStore.prototype.toJSON = function() {
            return {
                root: this.root,
                length: this.length
        function(t, e) {
            "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e() : t.lunr = e()
        }(this, function() {
            return t