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import OrientjsQuery from 'orientjs/lib/db/query';
import debug from 'debug';
import _ from 'lodash';
import Document from './document';
import GraphSchema from './schemas/graph';
import EdgeSchema from './schemas/edge';
import { RecordID } from 'orientjs';
import LogicOperators from './constants/logicoperators';
import ComparisonOperators from './constants/comparisonoperators';
import extend from "node.extend";
import Promise from 'bluebird';

const log = debug('orientose:query');

const Operation = {

const Operator = {
    OR: 'or',
    AND: 'and',
    WHERE : 'where'

const rRIDLike = /^[\d]+:[\d]+$/;

export default class Query {
    constructor(model, options) {
        options = options || {};

        if(!model) {
            throw new Error('Model is not defined');

        this._paramIndex = 1;

        this._model = model;
        this._target = model.name;

        this._first    = false;
        this._scalar = false;
        this._raw = false;

        this._limit  = null;
        this._skip   = null;
        this._sort   = null;

        this._from   = null;
        this._to     = null;
        this._let      = {};

        this._group = undefined;

        this._selects = [];

        this._operation = null;

        this._params = {};

        this._operators = [];
        this._set    = null;
        var self = this;
        for ( var name in this._model._documentClass) {
            this[name] = (function(name){
                return function(){
                    return self._model._documentClass[name].apply(self, arguments);

    get model() {
        return this._model;

    get schema() {
        return this.model.schema;

    count(key) {
        return this.select('count('+key+')');

    select(key) {
        return this;

    paramify (key) {
          return key.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9])/g, '');

    nextParamName(propertyName) {
        return this.paramify(propertyName)+'_op_'+this._paramIndex++;

    addParam(paramName, value) {
        this._params[paramName] = value;

    addParams(params) {
        params = params || {};
        extend(this._params, params);

    createComparisonQuery(propertyName, operator, value) {
        var param;
        var type = this.schema.getSchemaType(propertyName);
        if ( value && true === value.__orientose_raw__ ) {
            param = value;
        } else if ( Array.isArray(value) ) {
            param = [];
            for ( var i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ) {
                var paramName = this.nextParamName(propertyName);
                param[i] = ":"+paramName;
                if ((type && "LINK" === type.getDbType() || "@rid" === propertyName) && !(param instanceof RecordID) ) {
                    value[i] = this.convertToRID(value[i]);
                this.addParam(paramName, value[i]);
        } else {
            var paramName = this.nextParamName(propertyName);
            param = ":"+paramName;
            if ((type && "LINK" === type.getDbType() || "@rid" === propertyName) && !(param instanceof RecordID) ) {
                value = this.convertToRID(value);
            this.addParam(paramName, value);
        if(value === null) {
            if(operator === '=') {
                return propertyName + ' IS NULL';
            } else if(operator === '!=' || operator === '<>' || operator === 'NOT') {
                return propertyName + ' IS NOT NULL';

        if ( Array.isArray(param) ) {
            var op = operator.toLowerCase();
            if ( "between" === op ) {
                return propertyName + ' BETWEEN ' + param.join(' AND ');
            } else if ( "in" === op ) {
                return propertyName + ' IN [' + param.join(', ') + "] ";

        return propertyName + ' ' + operator + ' ' + param;
    convertToRID(value) {
        if ( typeof value === "string" && rRIDLike.test(value) ) {
            value = "#"+value;
        var oldvalue = new RecordID(value);
        if ( oldvalue ) {
                value = oldvalue;
        return value;
    queryLanguage(conditions) {
        var items = [];

        Object.keys(conditions).forEach(propertyName => {

            if(propertyName === '_id') {
                propertyName = '@rid';

            var value = conditions[propertyName];
            if(typeof value === 'undefined') {

            if(LogicOperators[propertyName]) {
                var subQueries = [];

                value.forEach(conditions => {
                    var query = this.queryLanguage(conditions);
                    if(!query) {


                if(!subQueries.length) {
                } else if(subQueries.length === 1) {
                    return items.push(subQueries[0]);

                var query = '(' + subQueries.join(') ' + LogicOperators[propertyName] + ' (') + ')';
                return items.push(query);

            // if(value instanceof RecordID) {
                // value = value.toString();
            // }

            if(!_.isObject(value) || value instanceof RecordID) {
                var query = this.createComparisonQuery(propertyName, '=', value);
                return items.push(query);

            Object.keys(value).forEach(operation => {
                var operationValue = value[operation];
                // if(value instanceof RecordID) {
                    // value = value.toString();
                // }

                var query = null;
                if(ComparisonOperators[operation]) {
                    query = this.createComparisonQuery(propertyName,
                        ComparisonOperators[operation], operationValue);

                if(!query) {



        if(!items.length) {
            return null;

        return items.join(' AND ');

    operator(operator, conditions, callback) {
        var query = this.queryLanguage(conditions);

        if(!query) {
            return this;

            type: operator,
            query: query

        return this;

    condExec(conditions, callback) {
        if(typeof conditions === 'function') {
            callback = conditions;
            conditions = void 0;

        if(typeof conditions === 'string') {
            this._target = conditions;
            conditions = void 0;

        if(_.isObject(conditions)) {
            if(conditions instanceof Document) {
                this._target = conditions;
                conditions = void 0;
            } else if(conditions instanceof RecordID) {
                this._target = conditions;
                conditions = void 0;
            } else {
        return this; // making exec implicit

    or(conditions) {
        var self = this;
        conditions.forEach(function(condition) {
            self = self.operator(Operator.OR, condition);
        return self;

    and(conditions) {
        var self = this;
        conditions.forEach(function(condition) {
            self = self.operator(Operator.AND, condition);
        return self;

    let(name, statement) {
        this._let[name] = statement;
        return this;

    where(conditions, callback) {
        conditions = conditions || {};
        this.operator(Operator.WHERE, conditions);

        return this.condExec(callback);

    operation(operation) {
        if(this._operation && this._operation !== operation) {
            throw new Error('Operation is already set');
        this._operation = operation;
        return this;

    set(doc) {
        this._set = doc;
        return this;

    first(useFirst) {
        this._first = !!useFirst;
        return this;

    raw() {
        this._raw = true;
        return this;

    scalar(useScalar) {
        this._scalar = !!useScalar;
        return this;

    limit(limit) {
        this._limit = limit;
        return this;

    skip(skip) {
        this._skip = skip;
        return this;

    from(value) {
        this._from = value;
        return this;

    to(value) {
        this._to = value;
        return this;

    group(key) {
        this._group = this._group || [];
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
        this._group.push.apply(this._group, args);
        return this;

    sort(sort) {
        if(typeof sort === 'string') {
            var order = {};

            var parts = sort.split(' ');
            parts.forEach(function(part) {
                var direction = 1;
                if(part[0] === '-') {
                    part = part.substr(1);
                    direction = -1;

                order[part] = direction;

            sort = order;

        this._sort = sort;
        return this;
    update(doc, [callback])
    create(doc, callback) {
        if(typeof doc === 'function') {
            callback = doc;
            doc = {};
        return this

    update(conditions, update, [options], [callback])
    update(conditions, doc, options) {
        if(typeof options === 'function') {
            callback = options;
            options = {};
        options = options || {};

        if(typeof conditions === 'undefined' || typeof doc === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('One of parameters is missing');

        return this
            .limit(options.multi ? null : 1)
            .condExec(conditions, true);

    //find([conditions], [callback])
    find(conditions) {
        return this
            .condExec(conditions, true);

    //findOne([criteria], [callback])
    findOne(conditions) {
        return this
            .condExec(conditions, true);

    //remove([conditions], [callback])
    remove(conditions) {
        return this
            .condExec(conditions, true);

        this._transaction = transaction;
        return this;

        return this.exec(fn);

    map(fn) {
        return this.exec().map(fn);

    exec(fn) {

        var model = this.model;
        var schema = model.schema;
        var operation = this._operation;
        if(!operation) {
            operation = this._operation;
            // lets default this as select unless otherwise
            // return Promise.reject(new Error('Operation is not defined'));

        var query;
        if ( this._transaction ) {
            query = this._transaction;
        } else {
            query = new OrientjsQuery(model.connection.db);
        var q = query;

        var target = this._target && this._target['@rid']
            ? this._target['@rid']
            : this._target;

        var isGraph = schema instanceof GraphSchema;
        var selects;
        if ( this._selects.length > 0 ) {
            selects = this._selects.join(",");
        } else {
            selects = "*, @version"
        if(isGraph) {
            var graphType = schema instanceof EdgeSchema ? 'EDGE' : 'VERTEX';

            if(operation === Operation.INSERT) {
                query = query.create(graphType, target);
            } else if(operation === Operation.DELETE) {
                query = query.delete(graphType, target);
            } else if(operation === Operation.SELECT) {
                query = query.select(selects).from(target);
            } else {
                query = query.update(target);
        } else {
            if(operation === Operation.INSERT) {
                query = query.insert().into(target);
            } else if(operation === Operation.DELETE) {
                query = query.delete().from(target);
            } else if(operation === Operation.SELECT) {
                query = query.select(selects).from(target);
            } else {
                query = query.update(target);

        if(this._from) {
            query.from(this._from && this._from['@rid'] ? this._from['@rid'] : this._from);

        if(this._to) {
            query.to(this._to && this._to['@rid'] ? this._to['@rid'] : this._to);

        if(this._set && Object.keys(this._set).length) {

        this._operators.forEach(function(operator) {
            query = query[operator.type](operator.query);

        for ( var name in this._let ) {
            query = query.let(name, this._let[name]);


        if(!this._scalar && !this._raw && !this._group && (operation === Operation.SELECT || operation === Operation.INSERT)) {
            query = query.transform(function(record) {
                return model._createDocument(record);

        if(this._limit) {
            query = query.limit(this._limit);

        if(this._skip) {
            query = query.skip(this._skip);

        if(this._sort) {
            var order = {};

            Object.keys(this._sort).forEach(key => {
                var value = this._sort[key];
                order[key] = value === 'asc' || value === 'ascending' || value === 1
                    ? 'ASC'
                    : 'DESC';

            query = query.order(order);

        if ( this._group ) {
            query = query.group.apply(query, this._group);

        log(q.buildStatement(), q.buildOptions());

        var promise = query.exec().then(results => {
            if(!results) {
                return Promise.resolve(results);

            if(this._first) {
                results = results[0];

            if(this._scalar && results.length) {
                results = parseInt(results[0]);
            return Promise.resolve(results);
        if ( fn ) {
            return promise.then(fn);
        return promise;