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// BaseModal
// ---------------------------------
// The base class all other modals extend.

BackboneBootstrapModals.BaseModal = Backbone.View.extend({
    className: 'modal',
    attributes: {
        tabindex: '-1',
        role: 'dialog',
        'aria-labelledby': 'myModalLabel'

    // Handlers for Bootstrap Modal Events: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
    bootstrapModalEvents: {
        'show.bs.modal': 'onShowBsModal',
        'shown.bs.modal': 'onShownBsModal',
        'hide.bs.modal': 'onHideBsModal',
        'hidden.bs.modal': 'onHiddenBsModal'

    // The default views if not overridden or specified in options
    headerView: BackboneBootstrapModals.BaseHeaderView,
    bodyView: BackboneBootstrapModals.BaseBodyView,
    footerView: BackboneBootstrapModals.BaseFooterView,

    // The default modal options if not overridden or specified in options
    modalOptions: {
        backdrop: true,
        keyboard: true

    // properties to copy from options
    modalProperties: [

    constructor: function(opts) {
        var options = opts || {};
        this.shown = false;
        _.extend(this, _.pick(options, this.modalProperties));
        Backbone.View.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    render: function() {
        // Remove any existing views before appending subviews to the layout

            '<div class="modal-dialog">',
            '<div class="modal-content">',

        var $modalContent = this.$el.find('.modal-content');

        if (this.headerView) {

        if (this.bodyView) {

        if (this.footerView) {

        // Allow onRender callback for custom hooks
        if (this.onRender) { this.onRender(); }

        if (!this.shown && this.modalOptions.show !== false) {

        return this;

    // Initialize views for header, body, and footer sections.
    initializeSubviews: function() {
        this.headerViewInstance = this.buildSubview(
            _.result(this, 'headerViewOptions'),

        this.bodyViewInstance = this.buildSubview(
            _.result(this, 'bodyViewOptions'),

        this.footerViewInstance = this.buildSubview(
            _.result(this, 'footerViewOptions'),

    // Accessors that can be overridden to allow dynamic subview definitions
    getHeaderView: function() {
        return this.headerView;

    getBodyView: function() {
        return this.bodyView;

    getFooterView: function() {
        return this.footerView;

    // Construct view instance with specified options and
    // additionally propagate model/collection/className attributes
    buildSubview: function(viewClass, viewOptions, defaultClassName) {
        if (!viewClass) {
            throw new Error("view not specified");

        var options = _.extend({
            model: this.model,
            collection: this.collection
        }, viewOptions);

        // Ensure the proper className if not specified through the viewClass or viewOptions
        if (!(viewClass.prototype.className || options.className)) {
            options.className = defaultClassName;

        return new viewClass(options);

    remove: function () {
        Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);

        // Allow onClose callback for custom hooks
        if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(); }

        return this;

    removeSubviews: function() {
        if (this.headerViewInstance) { this.removeSubview(this.headerViewInstance); }
        if (this.bodyViewInstance) { this.removeSubview(this.bodyViewInstance);  }
        if (this.footerViewInstance) { this.removeSubview(this.footerViewInstance);  }

    // Attempt to use Marionette's destroy first, falling back to Backbone's remove
    removeSubview: function(viewInstance) {
        if (Backbone.Marionette && viewInstance.destroy) {
        } else if (viewInstance.remove) {

    // Override default implementation to always include bootstrapModalEvents
    // without clobbering the default events hash
    delegateEvents: function(events) {
        var combinedEvents = events || _.result(this, 'events') || {};

        _.each(this.getAdditionalEventsToDelegate(), function(eventHash) {
            _.extend(combinedEvents, eventHash);

        Backbone.View.prototype.delegateEvents.call(this, combinedEvents);

    // Helper method for use in overridden delegateEvents call.
    // This can be overridden in extended classes to provide additional
    // events, e.g. ConfirmationModal.confirmationEvents
    getAdditionalEventsToDelegate: function() {
        return [this.bootstrapModalEvents];

    show: function() {

    hide: function() {

    // This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called.
    onShowBsModal: function() {
        if (this.onShow) { this.onShow(); }

    // This event is fired when the modal has been made visible to the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
    onShownBsModal: function() {
        this.shown = true;
        if (this.onShown) { this.onShown(); }

    // This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.
    onHideBsModal: function() {
        if (this.onHide) { this.onHide(); }

    // This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
    onHiddenBsModal: function() {
        this.shown = false;
        if (this.onHidden) { this.onHidden(); }