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# Functional Regex

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> Functional Regex simplifies the way you work with global regular expressions in JavaScript.

Functional Regex aims to simplify the process of iterating over a global regular expression. It is
often easier to treat the results of a globally matched regular expression as an array. It is then
possible to use `map`, `reduce`, `forEach`, `some`, `filter`, etc on the results.

## Example

When looking for something like /foo(test)/g it's necessary to do:

var regex = /foo(test)/g,

while ((result = regex.exec(test)) !== null) {
  // do something with result

Wouldn't it be nice if we could do something more like:

var fregex = require('functional-regex');

fregex(/[\d+]/g, '1. There is 2 numbers in this string'); // == ['1', '2']

Because it's simply an array, we can use `forEach` and `map` on it as well as other array methods.

var fregex = require('functional-regex');

fregex(/[\d+]/g, '1. There is 2 numbers in this string')
  .map(function(x) {
    return parseInt(x, 10);
  }); // == [1, 2]

## Installation

npm install --save functional-regex

## Usage

There are three ways to use Functional Regex.

1. Standalone (default, because extending native prototypes is evil)
2. Legacy (also does not modify prototypes)
3. Augmenting the RegExp prototype

### 1. Standalone

var fregex = require('functional-regex');

fregex(regex, text); // => array

### 2. Standalone (legacy)

var fregex = require('functional-regex');

fregex.forEach(regex, text, iteratorFn);
fregex.map(regex, text, iteratorFn);

### 3. RegExp prototype


var regex = /foo/g;

regex.forEach(text, iteratorFn);
regex.map(text, iteratorFn);

## Contributing

Open an issue, or submit a pull-request.