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# ipv4-to-integer
NPM module to convert IPv4 addresses to integers.

## Usage
var convert = require('ipv4-to-integer');
convert('') // returns 3232235521

## Test
npm test

## Return values
This module will return NaN in the case of a badly-formatted IP, or a number in
the case of a non-valid but correctly-formatted IP.

The reasoning for returning NaN is thus: we're converting to a number, so we're
expecting to do some sort of comparison with it - which will always fail in the
case of NaN being compared. Secondly, an IP is a representation of a number - if
the format is incorrect then it is technically not a number and thus NaN is

The reasoning for not checking the validity of an IP is mostly practical - this
module is a single-concern module. Checking the validity of an IP should be done
in a separate module, as that requires it be explicitly included (sometimes, we
may either trust the original source of the data, or simply not care).