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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
"""This module contains a class that represents a Telegram InputInvoiceMessageContent."""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from telegram._inline.inputmessagecontent import InputMessageContent
from telegram._payment.labeledprice import LabeledPrice
from telegram._utils.argumentparsing import parse_sequence_arg
from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict

    from telegram import Bot

class InputInvoiceMessageContent(InputMessageContent):
    Represents the content of a invoice message to be sent as the result of an inline query.

    Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
    considered equal, if their :attr:`title`, :attr:`description`, :attr:`payload`,
    :attr:`provider_token`, :attr:`currency` and :attr:`prices` are equal.

    .. versionadded:: 13.5

        title (:obj:`str`): Product name. :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH`-
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_TITLE_LENGTH` characters.
        description (:obj:`str`): Product description.
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH` characters.
        payload (:obj:`str`): Bot-defined invoice payload.
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH` bytes. This will not be displayed
            to the user, use for your internal processes.
        provider_token (:obj:`str`): Payment provider token, obtained via
            `@Botfather <https://t.me/Botfather>`_.
        currency (:obj:`str`): Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on
            `currencies <https://core.telegram.org/bots/payments#supported-currencies>`_
        prices (Sequence[:class:`telegram.LabeledPrice`]): Price breakdown, a list of
            components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus,

            .. versionchanged:: 20.0

        max_tip_amount (:obj:`int`, optional): The maximum accepted amount for tips in the
            *smallest* units of the currency (integer, **not** float/double). For example, for a
            maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass ``max_tip_amount = 145``. See the ``exp`` parameter in
            `currencies.json <https://core.telegram.org/bots/payments/currencies.json>`_, it
            shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority
            of currencies). Defaults to ``0``.
        suggested_tip_amounts (Sequence[:obj:`int`], optional): An array of suggested
            amounts of tip in the *smallest* units of the currency (integer, **not** float/double).
            At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be
            positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed

            .. versionchanged:: 20.0

                * |tupleclassattrs|
                * |alwaystuple|

        provider_data (:obj:`str`, optional): An object for data about the invoice,
            which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of the required
            fields should be provided by the payment provider.
        photo_url (:obj:`str`, optional): URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo
            of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see
            what they are paying for.
        photo_size (:obj:`int`, optional): Photo size.
        photo_width (:obj:`int`, optional): Photo width.
        photo_height (:obj:`int`, optional): Photo height.
        need_name (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's full name to
            complete the order.
        need_phone_number (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's
            phone number to complete the order
        need_email (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's email
            address to complete the order.
        need_shipping_address (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's
            shipping address to complete the order
        send_phone_number_to_provider (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if user's phone
            number should be sent to provider.
        send_email_to_provider (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if user's email address
            should be sent to provider.
        is_flexible (:obj:`bool`, optional): Pass :obj:`True`, if the final price depends on the
            shipping method.

        title (:obj:`str`): Product name. :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MIN_TITLE_LENGTH`-
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_TITLE_LENGTH` characters.
        description (:obj:`str`): Product description.
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH` characters.
        payload (:obj:`str`): Bot-defined invoice payload.
            :tg-const:`telegram.Invoice.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH` bytes. This will not be displayed
            to the user, use for your internal processes.
        provider_token (:obj:`str`): Payment provider token, obtained via
            `@Botfather <https://t.me/Botfather>`_.
        currency (:obj:`str`): Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on
            `currencies <https://core.telegram.org/bots/payments#supported-currencies>`_
        prices (Tuple[:class:`telegram.LabeledPrice`]): Price breakdown, a list of
            components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus,

            .. versionchanged:: 20.0

        max_tip_amount (:obj:`int`): Optional. The maximum accepted amount for tips in the
            *smallest* units of the currency (integer, **not** float/double). For example, for a
            maximum tip of US$ 1.45 ``max_tip_amount`` is ``145``. See the ``exp`` parameter in
            `currencies.json <https://core.telegram.org/bots/payments/currencies.json>`_, it
            shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority
            of currencies). Defaults to ``0``.
        suggested_tip_amounts (Tuple[:obj:`int`]): Optional. An array of suggested
            amounts of tip in the *smallest* units of the currency (integer, **not** float/double).
            At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be
            positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed

            .. versionchanged:: 20.0

        provider_data (:obj:`str`): Optional. An object for data about the invoice,
            which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of the required
            fields should be provided by the payment provider.
        photo_url (:obj:`str`): Optional. URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo
            of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see
            what they are paying for.
        photo_size (:obj:`int`): Optional. Photo size.
        photo_width (:obj:`int`): Optional. Photo width.
        photo_height (:obj:`int`): Optional. Photo height.
        need_name (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's full name to
            complete the order.
        need_phone_number (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's
            phone number to complete the order
        need_email (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's email
            address to complete the order.
        need_shipping_address (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if you require the user's
            shipping address to complete the order
        send_phone_number_to_provider (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if user's phone
            number should be sent to provider.
        send_email_to_provider (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if user's email address
            should be sent to provider.
        is_flexible (:obj:`bool`): Optional. Pass :obj:`True`, if the final price depends on the
            shipping method.


    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
        title: str,
        description: str,
        payload: str,
        provider_token: str,
        currency: str,
        prices: Sequence[LabeledPrice],
        max_tip_amount: Optional[int] = None,
        suggested_tip_amounts: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
        provider_data: Optional[str] = None,
        photo_url: Optional[str] = None,
        photo_size: Optional[int] = None,
        photo_width: Optional[int] = None,
        photo_height: Optional[int] = None,
        need_name: Optional[bool] = None,
        need_phone_number: Optional[bool] = None,
        need_email: Optional[bool] = None,
        need_shipping_address: Optional[bool] = None,
        send_phone_number_to_provider: Optional[bool] = None,
        send_email_to_provider: Optional[bool] = None,
        is_flexible: Optional[bool] = None,
        api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
        with self._unfrozen():
            # Required
            self.title: str = title
            self.description: str = description
            self.payload: str = payload
            self.provider_token: str = provider_token
            self.currency: str = currency
            self.prices: Tuple[LabeledPrice, ...] = parse_sequence_arg(prices)
            # Optionals
            self.max_tip_amount: Optional[int] = max_tip_amount
            self.suggested_tip_amounts: Tuple[int, ...] = parse_sequence_arg(suggested_tip_amounts)
            self.provider_data: Optional[str] = provider_data
            self.photo_url: Optional[str] = photo_url
            self.photo_size: Optional[int] = photo_size
            self.photo_width: Optional[int] = photo_width
            self.photo_height: Optional[int] = photo_height
            self.need_name: Optional[bool] = need_name
            self.need_phone_number: Optional[bool] = need_phone_number
            self.need_email: Optional[bool] = need_email
            self.need_shipping_address: Optional[bool] = need_shipping_address
            self.send_phone_number_to_provider: Optional[bool] = send_phone_number_to_provider
            self.send_email_to_provider: Optional[bool] = send_email_to_provider
            self.is_flexible: Optional[bool] = is_flexible

            self._id_attrs = (

    def de_json(
        cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: "Bot"
    ) -> Optional["InputInvoiceMessageContent"]:
        """See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
        data = cls._parse_data(data)

        if not data:
            return None

        data["prices"] = LabeledPrice.de_list(data.get("prices"), bot)

        return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)