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#!/usr/bin/env python
#  A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
#  Copyright (C) 2015-2024
#  Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
"""This module contains an implementation of the BaseRateLimiter class based on the aiolimiter
import asyncio
import contextlib
import sys
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Optional, Union

    from aiolimiter import AsyncLimiter

except ImportError:

from telegram._utils.logging import get_logger
from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict
from telegram.error import RetryAfter
from telegram.ext._baseratelimiter import BaseRateLimiter

# Useful for something like:
#    async with group_limiter if group else null_context():
# so we don't have to differentiate between "I'm using a context manager" and "I'm not"
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    null_context = contextlib.nullcontext  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    async def null_context() -> AsyncIterator[None]:
        yield None

_LOGGER = get_logger(__name__, class_name="AIORateLimiter")

class AIORateLimiter(BaseRateLimiter[int]):
    Implementation of :class:`~telegram.ext.BaseRateLimiter` using the library
    `aiolimiter <https://aiolimiter.readthedocs.io/en/stable>`_.

        If you want to use this class, you must install PTB with the optional requirement
        ``rate-limiter``, i.e.

        .. code-block:: bash

           pip install "python-telegram-bot[rate-limiter]"

    The rate limiting is applied by combining two levels of throttling and :meth:`process_request`
    roughly boils down to::

        async with group_limiter(group_id):
            async with overall_limiter:
                await callback(*args, **kwargs)

    Here, ``group_id`` is determined by checking if there is a ``chat_id`` parameter in the
    The ``overall_limiter`` is applied only if a ``chat_id`` argument is present at all.

        * Some bot methods accept a ``chat_id`` parameter in form of a ``@username`` for
          supergroups and channels. As we can't know which ``@username`` corresponds to which
          integer ``chat_id``, these will be treated as different groups, which may lead to
          exceeding the rate limit.
        * As channels can't be differentiated from supergroups by the ``@username`` or integer
          ``chat_id``, this also applies the group related rate limits to channels.
        * A :exc:`~telegram.error.RetryAfter` exception will halt *all* requests for
          :attr:`~telegram.error.RetryAfter.retry_after` + 0.1 seconds. This may be stricter than
          necessary in some cases, e.g. the bot may hit a rate limit in one group but might still
          be allowed to send messages in another group.

        This class is to be understood as minimal effort reference implementation.
        If you would like to handle rate limiting in a more sophisticated, fine-tuned way, we
        welcome you to implement your own subclass of :class:`~telegram.ext.BaseRateLimiter`.
        Feel free to check out the source code of this class for inspiration.

    .. seealso:: :wiki:`Avoiding Flood Limits <Avoiding-flood-limits>`

    .. versionadded:: 20.0

        overall_max_rate (:obj:`float`): The maximum number of requests allowed for the entire bot
            per :paramref:`overall_time_period`. When set to 0, no rate limiting will be applied.
            Defaults to ``30``.
        overall_time_period (:obj:`float`): The time period (in seconds) during which the
            :paramref:`overall_max_rate` is enforced.  When set to 0, no rate limiting will be
            applied. Defaults to 1.
        group_max_rate (:obj:`float`): The maximum number of requests allowed for requests related
            to groups and channels per :paramref:`group_time_period`.  When set to 0, no rate
            limiting will be applied. Defaults to 20.
        group_time_period (:obj:`float`): The time period (in seconds) during which the
            :paramref:`group_max_rate` is enforced.  When set to 0, no rate limiting will be
            applied. Defaults to 60.
        max_retries (:obj:`int`): The maximum number of retries to be made in case of a
            :exc:`~telegram.error.RetryAfter` exception.
            If set to 0, no retries will be made. Defaults to ``0``.


    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
        overall_max_rate: float = 30,
        overall_time_period: float = 1,
        group_max_rate: float = 20,
        group_time_period: float = 60,
        max_retries: int = 0,
    ) -> None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "To use `AIORateLimiter`, PTB must be installed via `pip install "
        if overall_max_rate and overall_time_period:
            self._base_limiter: Optional[AsyncLimiter] = AsyncLimiter(
                max_rate=overall_max_rate, time_period=overall_time_period
            self._base_limiter = None

        if group_max_rate and group_time_period:
            self._group_max_rate: float = group_max_rate
            self._group_time_period: float = group_time_period
            self._group_max_rate = 0
            self._group_time_period = 0

        self._group_limiters: Dict[Union[str, int], AsyncLimiter] = {}
        self._max_retries: int = max_retries
        self._retry_after_event = asyncio.Event()

    async def initialize(self) -> None:
        """Does nothing."""

    async def shutdown(self) -> None:
        """Does nothing."""

    def _get_group_limiter(self, group_id: Union[str, int, bool]) -> "AsyncLimiter":
        # Remove limiters that haven't been used for so long that all their capacity is unused
        # We only do that if we have a lot of limiters lying around to avoid looping on every call
        # This is a minimal effort approach - a full-fledged cache could use a TTL approach
        # or at least adapt the threshold dynamically depending on the number of active limiters
        if len(self._group_limiters) > 512:
            # We copy to avoid modifying the dict while we iterate over it
            for key, limiter in self._group_limiters.copy().items():
                if key == group_id:
                if limiter.has_capacity(limiter.max_rate):
                    del self._group_limiters[key]

        if group_id not in self._group_limiters:
            self._group_limiters[group_id] = AsyncLimiter(
        return self._group_limiters[group_id]

    async def _run_request(
        chat: bool,
        group: Union[str, int, bool],
        callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]]],
        args: Any,
        kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]:
        base_context = self._base_limiter if (chat and self._base_limiter) else null_context()
        group_context = (
            self._get_group_limiter(group) if group and self._group_max_rate else null_context()

        async with group_context, base_context:
            # In case a retry_after was hit, we wait with processing the request
            await self._retry_after_event.wait()

            return await callback(*args, **kwargs)

    # mypy doesn't understand that the last run of the for loop raises an exception
    async def process_request(
        callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]]],
        args: Any,
        kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
        endpoint: str,
        data: Dict[str, Any],
        rate_limit_args: Optional[int],
    ) -> Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]:
        Processes a request by applying rate limiting.

        See :meth:`telegram.ext.BaseRateLimiter.process_request` for detailed information on the

            rate_limit_args (:obj:`None` | :obj:`int`): If set, specifies the maximum number of
                retries to be made in case of a :exc:`~telegram.error.RetryAfter` exception.
                Defaults to :paramref:`AIORateLimiter.max_retries`.
        max_retries = rate_limit_args or self._max_retries

        group: Union[int, str, bool] = False
        chat: bool = False
        chat_id = data.get("chat_id")
        if chat_id is not None:
            chat = True

        # In case user passes integer chat id as string
        with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, TypeError):
            chat_id = int(chat_id)

        if (isinstance(chat_id, int) and chat_id < 0) or isinstance(chat_id, str):
            # string chat_id only works for channels and supergroups
            # We can't really tell channels from groups though ...
            group = chat_id

        for i in range(max_retries + 1):
                return await self._run_request(
                    chat=chat, group=group, callback=callback, args=args, kwargs=kwargs
            except RetryAfter as exc:
                if i == max_retries:
                        "Rate limit hit after maximum of %d retries", max_retries, exc_info=exc
                    raise exc

                sleep = exc.retry_after + 0.1
                _LOGGER.info("Rate limit hit. Retrying after %f seconds", sleep)
                # Make sure we don't allow other requests to be processed
                await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
                # Allow other requests to be processed
        return None  # type: ignore[return-value]