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<%# @subtabs = resque.queues unless partial? || params[:id].nil? %>

<h1 class='wi'>Translations</h1>

<p class='intro'>The list below contains all the registered translations from an 
url to target url.  To view all translations for a target click on the
target URL.</p>

<p><a href="<%= u('/new') %>"> + New Translation </a></p>
<p><a href="<%= u('/cleanup') %>"> % Cleanup </a></p>

<form method="get">
  <label>Filter (use <b>* ? []</b> as glob-style patterns):</label> <input type="text" name="f" value="<%= params[:f] %>"/>
  <a href="<%= u('/translations') %>"> clear </a>

<p class='sub'>
Showing <%= @start + 1%> to <%= [@size, @start + Rewritten.per_page].min %> of <b><%= @size %></b> translations
<% if params[:f] && params[:f] != '' %>
  matching: <%= params[:f] %>.
<% else %>.<% end %>

<table class=''>
    <th>from URL (Browser Location)</th>
    <th>to URL (Your App)</th>

  <% for from,to in @translations %>
      <td class=''><a href="<%= from %>" target="new"><%= from %></td>
      <td class=''><a href="<%= u("/to?to=#{escape(to)}") %>"><%= to %></td>
  <% end %>


    <%= partial :next_more, :start => @start, :size => @size %>