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# Ask Awesomely

Build Typeforms awesomely. In Ruby.

**Sorry :( Typeform IO is closed to new accounts. This library will soon become non-functional and will no longer be maintained or supported.**

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## Table of Contents

- [Before you start](#before-you-start)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [Authentication](#authentication)
  - [If you're using images](#if-youre-using-images)
  - [Logging](#logging)
  - [Basic example](#basic-example)
- [Available fields and options](#available-fields-and-options)
  - [Statement](#statement)
  - [Short text](#short-text)
  - [Long text](#long-text)
  - [Multiple choice](#multiple-choice)
  - [Picture choice](#picture-choice)
  - [Dropdown](#dropdown)
  - [Yes/No](#yesno)
  - [Number](#number)
  - [Rating](#rating)
  - [Opinion Scale](#opinion-scale)
  - [Email](#email)
  - [Website](#website)
  - [Legal](#legal)
- [Custom Designs](#custom-designs)
- [Logic Jumps](#logic-jumps)
- [Conditional Fields](#conditional-fields)
- [Common Customisations](#common-customisations)
- [Passing Context](#passing-context)
- [Rendering the Typeform](#rendering-the-typeform)
  - [Getting the URL](#getting-the-url)
  - [Embedding](#embedding)
    - [Modal](#modal)
    - [Widget](#widget)
    - [Drawer](#drawer)
    - [Fullscreen](#fullscreen)
- [Getting Results](#getting-results)
- [Development](#development)
- [Feedback and Contributions](#feedback-and-contributions)

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## Before you start

## Installation

Prepare your best [Jamie Oliver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Oliver) impression and bang this in yer Gemfile:

gem 'ask_awesomely'

Turn your CPU up to 80ºC and let it simmer for a while with this:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install ask_awesomely

Then include it in your code like this:

require "ask_awesomely"

## Usage

### Authentication

Firstly, you will need to be able to authenticate:

AskAwesomely.configure do |config|
  config.typeform_api_key = ENV["YOUR_TYPEFORM_IO_API_KEY"]

If you don't already have a key, [sign up for one here](https://io1.typeform.com/to/HMLOBl?v=1).

Your API Keys are **super secret** so don't commit them in your code. Use `ENV` or
something like [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) so you can keep the credentials out of the repository. This stops bad people from stealing the key and hijacking your Typeform I/O account.

### If you're using images

It's possible to create questions that have images (or pictures, as we call them) attached. In fact, one field type relies on this!

Currently Typeform I/O is only able to accept a URL to an image, which means that any images you use have to be uploaded elsewhere first.

**If you already handle image uploads in your app** (for example, with [Dragonfly](https://github.com/markevans/dragonfly)), you're okay.

**If you don't**, you will need to give `AskAwesomely` your AWS credentials so it can do all of the heavy lifting for you.

AskAwesomely.configure do |config|
  config.aws_access_key_id = ENV["YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]
  config.aws_access_key_secret = ENV["YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"]

As before, don't commit these keys to your repo unless you want [bad things to happen](http://vertis.io/2013/12/16/unauthorised-litecoin-mining.html). Check up on the [AWS Best Practices](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-access-keys-best-practices.html) if you want to know more.

### Logging

`AskAwesomely` might warn you if you miss something out, just to make sure. By default this will go straight to `STDOUT`, but you can tell it to use your own logging:

AskAwesomely.configure do |config|
  config.logger = your_new_logger

### Basic example

You will want to create a class that represents a specific form to be built:

class MyNewTypeform

  include AskAwesomely::DSL

  title "My New Typeform"

  tags "awesome", "hehe"

  field :statement do
    say ->(user) { "Hello, #{user.name}!" }

  field :multiple_choice do
    ask "What is your favourite language?"
    choice "Ruby"
    choice "Python"
    choice "Javascript"
    choice "COBOL"



After that, it's simply a matter of calling `build` on the class:

user = OpenStruct.new(name: "Rubyist")
typeform = MyNewTypeform.build(user)

Check out [Typeform I/O](https://typeform.io) for detailed information about the API, and how to get your API key.

## Available fields and options

Each field has unique properties. Here are the fields you can use, and the extra
things you can do to customise them.

<small>Note that some options might not yet be available on [Typeform I/O](https://typeform.io).</small>

<small>Also note that some field types and customisations that are available on [Typeform.com](https://typeform.com) may not be available on [Typeform I/O](https://typeform.io).</small>

### Statement

A block of text that isn't a question and requires no answer.

field :statement do
  say "what you want to say"
  button_text "Okay, next question"

### Short text

A question where the answer is a short amount of free-form text.

field :short_text do
  ask "What do you think of me?"
  max_characters 3

### Long text

A question where the answer is free-form, like `short_text`, but can be *much* longer.

field :long_text do
  ask "What do you *really* think of me?"
  max_characters 700

### Multiple choice

A question that allows the user to choose from a range answers.

field :multiple_choice do
  ask "Why not both?"

  choice "Yes"
  choice "No"


### Picture choice

Similar to `multiple_choice`, only you can add a picture to each answer too. This will handle the complications around image uploading for you if you're dealing with local files and pass along your AWS credentials. Otherwise, it will work with whatever system you already have in place – just give it a URL instead of a file path.

field :picture_choice do
  ask "Which of these is a spoon?"

  # `image` can be a `String`, a `URL`, a `Pathname`, or a `File`
  choice "Knife", picture: "http://iseeyouveplayedknifeyspooneybefore.com/spoon.jpg"
  choice "Spoon", picture: Rails.root.join("app/assets/images/knife.jpg")
  choice "Spork", picture: "/var/www/images/spork.png"


### Dropdown

Similar again to `multiple_choice`, when you have too many options to show at once.

field :dropdown do
  ask "Which is the odd one out?"

  (1..100).each do |number|
    choice (number != 70 ? number : "seventy")


### Yes/No

A question that demands the user to commit to their own certainty.

field :yes_no do
  ask "Will you marry me?"

### Number

A `short_text` style question that only accepts numerical input. It can be limited to a range.

field :number do
  ask "How many fingers am I holding up?"

  min 0
  max 4

  # alternatively
  between 0..4

### Rating

A question that prompts the user to quantify their opinion of something.

field :rating do
  ask "How much did you enjoy Jonny Wiseau's seminal hit, The Room?"

  steps 10
  shape "skull"


### Opinion Scale

A refined form of `rating` more appropriate for "bad / neutral / good" style questions.

field :opinion_scale do
  ask "How would you rate our service?"

  steps 11

  left_side "Terrible"
  middle "Average"
  right_side "Amazeballs"


### Email

A question type painstakingly created to request a valid email address.

field :email do
  ask "Can I have your email please?"
  description "So you can be my best pen-pal buddy forever."

### Website

Ask the user to enter a valid URL.

field :website do
  ask "Show me a funny GIF"

### Legal


Like the `yes_no` field, but primarily intended for accepting terms and conditions. Stuff like that.

field :legal
  ask "Do you accept my lofty demands?"

## Custom Designs

You can customise the appearance of your Typeform by adding a design. While you don't have as much control as you would through the builder on Typeform.com, you are still able to play with colours and fonts. The documentation contains a list of [possible font selections](http://docs.typeform.io/docs/designs).

design do
  question_color "#FF0099"
  button_color "#ABCDEF"
  answer_color "#4AF6E9"
  background_color "#000000"

  font "Vollkorn"

If you already have a design and would like to re-use it, you can use an ID from the created form.

design 12345

## Logic Jumps

A logic jump allows you to change the next questions you ask based on the answer of a previous question. For example, you could have a `yes_no` field that shows one question if the answer is 'yes', and a different question if the answer is 'no'. At the time of writing this is the only supported behaviour for logic jumps.

Check out the [documentation on Logic Jumps](http://docs.typeform.io/docs/logic-jumps) to understand more about how they work.

In order to set one up, you need to give the relevant fields a reference. In this case, when the user answers 'no' to the first question about their age, it should immediately go to the next question like normal. If they answer 'yes', though, the form should ask them another question to confirm they're not lying about being grown up.

field :yes_no do
  ask "Are you over 18?"

  ref :is_over_18

field :statement do
  say "You're too young to continue"

field :yes_no do
  ask "Are you *sure* you're over 18?"

  ref :is_really_over_18?

Notice how the two `yes_no` fields have a reference. These are what we use to define the logic jump:

jump from: :is_over_18, to: :is_really_over_18?, if: true


If you need to change the structure of a Typeform based on your own data and not that supplied in an answer, then continue on to [**Conditional Fields**](#conditional-fields).

## Conditional Fields

Consider a form where you ask for the user's email address:

class EmailTypeform
  include AskAwesomely::DSL

  field :email do
    ask -> (user) { "Hey #{user.name}, what is your email address?" }

  # ... more fields

What if you already have the user's email? It makes no sense to repeatedly ask for it, does it? You can tell *Ask Awesomely* to not include this field if a certain condition is met; in this case the user having an email address already.

class EmailTypeform
  include AskAwesomely::DSL

  field :email do
    ask -> (user) { "Hey #{user.name}, what is your email address?" }

    skip if: -> (user) { !user.email.nil? }

    # alternatively
    skip unless: -> (user) { user.email.nil? }

  # ... more fields

Note that this is not a feature of the Typeform I/O API. These conditions are evaluated at **build time** and not when the form is rendered (as with logic jumps), which means that the field won't be included in the final Typeform at all.

## Common Customisations

Every field type allows you customize the following things:

- the description: a smaller chunk of text to give extra detail to a question
- tags: small strings to help you identify questions
- answer required: prevent form submission until the question is answered

field :legal do
  # ...
  description "Don't accept, I dare you."
  tags "some-kind-of-tag-for-legal", "wtf"

## Passing Context

Building a form full of hard-coded data is all well and good, but it doesn't offer much benefit over using a web interface. What if you want to build personalised forms based on, say, an `ActiveRecord` model?

Lets create the basic form, with a title and a single question:

class UserTypeform
  include AskAwesomely::DSL

  title -> (user) { "#{user.name}'s New Typeform" }

  field :yes_no do
    say -> (user) { "Is this your email address? #{user.email}" }

Notice that we're now using a lambda for the title and question, instead of a hardcoded string. In this case, we're expecting an object that has a `name` and an `email`, so we can inject that data into the form.

The next step is to build the form with such an object. For example, in Rails:

rodrigo = User.create(name: "Rodrigo", email: "rodrigo@example.com")

typeform = UserTypeform.build(rodrigo)

Or in plain Ruby:

gabriela = OpenStruct.new(name: "Gabriela", email: "gabriela@example.com")

typeform = UserTypeform.build(gabriela)

## Rendering the Typeform

Calling `build` will send your Typeform structure to the API right away, and if everything is hunky-dory you'll get a nice new `Typeform` object to play with.

### Getting the URL

Every Typeform you successfully generate through Typeform I/O will come back with a new public URL. This points to the rendered version of the Typeform and it's what you can send out to your users, or participants, or whomever.

For example, you might email a bunch of personalised Typeforms in a Rails app like this:


User.find_each do |user|
  typeform = UserTypeform.build(user)
  TypeformMailer.send_to_user(user, typeform.public_url)

### Embedding

You can also embed a form straight away if you prefer. `AskAwesomely` generates the correct embed code for you, with the correct URL and Typeform title. The style can be customised with CSS, and you can also tweak some of the output.

To see what each embedding option looks like, check out the [**Embedding Modes**](http://docs.typeform.io/docs/embedding-introduction) documentation at Typeform I/O. It has pictures and everything.

Assuming you have built a Typeform as in the other examples, rendering the embed code is simple:

#### Modal

Pops up over the page content and fills most of the screen.

typeform.embed_as(:modal, button_text: "Launch me!")

#### Widget

Allows you more control over where the form is embedded and how it appears. Just a box on the page.

typeform.embed_as(:widget, width: "1024px", height: "768px")

#### Drawer

Makes the form slide in from the side of the page, hamburger menu style, and fills at least half of the screen.

typeform.embed_as(:drawer, button_text: "Launch me!")

#### Fullscreen

Becomes the entire page.

Note that this outputs a **complete** HTML document, CSS and all. If you're working with your own views and layouts this will not embed properly unless inserted into an empty layout. Can work well with Sinatra or other small frameworks if you just want to build a form and display it.


## Getting Results

Typeform I/O uses webhooks to send you the responses to your Typeforms. You can configure the URL by telling it where to send responses to, like this:

class UserTypeform

  # all the fields ...

  send_responses_to "https://www.my-awesome-website.com/webhooks"

*Ask Awesomely* will warn you if you don't configure this, as Typeform I/O doesn't store the responses for you and they'll be lost in the ether.

Check the documentation on [results and webhooks](http://docs.typeform.io/docs/results-introduction) to find out more about how this works, what happens when a webhook submission request fails, and how you can deduplicate your submissions.

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release` to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).

## Feedback and Contributions

Practically every aspect of this gem (save for image uploading) is an extension of the Typeform I/O API. If the API has it, `AskAwesomely` eventually will. Here's what the Typeform I/O peeps say:

> We are continuously working on and improving Typeform I/O, and we're heavily focused on making the API as simple as possible, but also feature-rich so you can make good use of it. We would be forever grateful if you can leave us feedback. We welcome all questions, and we'd love to talk to you about how you're using Typeform I/O, what you hope for from us in the future, or anything else!

> We recommend you join our [#Slack group](http://docs.typeform.io/v0.4/page/slack-invite) to chat with us, and with other people using Typeform I/O. You can also ask us questions in our [Q&A section](http://docs.typeform.io/v0.4/discuss), or you can simply send us an email to [support@typeform.io](mailto:support@typeform.io).

That doesn't preclude contributing to the gem itself by fixing bugs or offering improvements. If you'd like to do that, follow these simple steps:

1. Fork it (https://github.com/leemachin/ask_awesomely/fork)
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request