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# iReporter
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iReporter is a web app that enables citizens bring any form of corruption to the notice of appropriate authorities and the general public.

## 📖 Getting started

1. Clone this repository into your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/leksyib/ireporter.git
2. Install dependencies
3. Create a `.env` file in the project copy keys added in the `env.sample` file and fill with your own env details.

 4. Test endpoints with postman, get api docs here: http://ireporter-leks.herokuapp.com/api-docs/

## Features
Below are the features of iReporter.

Users can signup and login<br/>
Users can post intervention and red-flag records<br/>
Users can edit the comment and location of their records<br/>
Admins can edit the status of records<br/>
Users can see email notifications when admins change the status of their records<br/>

## Technologies used

Modern JavaScript technologies were adopted for this project

ES2015: Also known as ES6 or ES2015 or ECMASCRIPT 6, is a new and widely used version of Javascript
that makes it compete healthily with other languages.

NodeJS: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time for writing javascript server side applications

ExressJS: This is the web application framework for Node.js

Postgresql: This is an open source database.

## Testing
- To run server side test, run `yarn test`