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Test Coverage
# A sample Guardfile
# More info at https://github.com/guard/guard#readme

## Uncomment and set this to only include directories you want to watch
# directories %w(app lib config test spec features) \
#  .select{|d| Dir.exists?(d) ? d : UI.warning("Directory #{d} does not exist")}

## Note: if you are using the `directories` clause above and you are not
## watching the project directory ('.'), then you will want to move
## the Guardfile to a watched dir and symlink it back, e.g.
#  $ mkdir config
#  $ mv Guardfile config/
#  $ ln -s config/Guardfile .
# and, you'll have to watch "config/Guardfile" instead of "Guardfile"

# Guard-Rails supports a lot options with default values:
# daemon: false                        # runs the server as a daemon.
# debugger: false                      # enable ruby-debug gem.
# environment: 'development'           # changes server environment.
# force_run: false                     # kills any process that's holding the listen port before attempting to (re)start Rails.
# pid_file: 'tmp/pids/[RAILS_ENV].pid' # specify your pid_file.
# host: 'localhost'                    # server hostname.
# port: 3000                           # server port number.
# root: '/spec/dummy'                  # Rails' root path.
# server: thin                         # webserver engine.
# start_on_start: true                 # will start the server when starting Guard.
# timeout: 30                          # waits untill restarting the Rails server, in seconds.
# zeus_plan: server                    # custom plan in zeus, only works with `zeus: true`.
# zeus: false                          # enables zeus gem.
# CLI: 'rails server'                  # customizes runner command. Omits all options except `pid_file`!

guard 'rails' do

guard :bundler do
  require 'guard/bundler'
  require 'guard/bundler/verify'
  helper = Guard::Bundler::Verify.new

  files = ['Gemfile']
  files += Dir['*.gemspec'] if files.any? { |f| helper.uses_gemspec?(f) }

  # Assume files are symlinked from somewhere
  files.each { |file| watch(helper.real_path(file)) }

guard 'livereload' do
  extensions = {
    css: :css,
    scss: :css,
    sass: :css,
    js: :js,
    coffee: :js,
    html: :html,
    png: :png,
    gif: :gif,
    jpg: :jpg,
    jpeg: :jpeg,
    # less: :less, # uncomment if you want LESS stylesheets done in browser

  rails_view_exts = %w(erb haml slim)

  # file types LiveReload may optimize refresh for
  compiled_exts = extensions.values.uniq
  watch(%r{public/.+\.(#{compiled_exts * '|'})})

  extensions.each do |ext, type|
          (?:/assets/\w+/(?<path>[^.]+) # path+base without extension
           (?<ext>\.#{ext})) # matching extension (must be first encountered)
          (?:\.\w+|$) # other extensions
          }x) do |m|
      path = m[1]

  # file needing a full reload of the page anyway
  watch(%r{app/views/.+\.(#{rails_view_exts * '|'})$})