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# PayU Latam Ruby Library

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## Installation

    gem "payu-latam", github: "lengio/payu-latam-ruby", require: "pay_u"

    # Local
    gem build payu-latam.gemspec

## Usage

require "pay_u"

PayU.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA" # Replace with your own API key
  config.merchant_id = 508_029 # Replace with your own merchant ID
  config.test = true # Test mode
  config.account_ids = {
    AR: 512_322,
    BR: 512_327,
    CL: 512_325,
    CO: 512_321,
    MX: 512_324,
    PA: 512_326,
    PE: 512_323,

order = PayU::Order.new(
  amount: 20_000,
  currency: :COP,
  description: "Test PAYU",

# Form params for WebCheckout

## Resources

### Order

The base object to build a transaction.

 @extra_1="extra 1",
 @extra_2="extra 2",
 @extra_3="extra 3",

order.form # Form object
order.approved? # Transaction was approved
order.declined? # Transaction was declined
order.error? # Transaction failed
order.pending? # Transaction is pending
order.expired? # Transaction expired

### Confirmation

A confirmation object from the confirmation Webhook (POST when transaction is finalized)

 @order=#<PayU::Order:0x007f95818e5c10…> # Order object
 @signature="cc3c8101113b056bc4b5b3d289dbb106", # Signature to verify
 @signer=#<PayU::Signer::Confirmation:0x007f95822e3b40…>> # Signer to verify signature

confirmation.valid? # Signature is valid

### Response

A response object from the response Webhook (GET when the user leaves the payment page and is sent back to the commerce)

 @order=#<PayU::Order:0x007f8a33bf7e48…> # Order object
 @signature="cc3c8101113b056bc4b5b3d289dbb106", # Signature to verify
 @signer=#<PayU::Signer::Response:0x007f8a33bdf9d8…>> # Signer to verify signature

order.valid? # Signature is valid


From here on, you can perform CRUD operations on the resources:

plan = PayU::Plan.retrieve(…) # Read
plan.description = "" # Modify
plan.save # Update

plan = PayU::Plan.new(…) # Initialize
plan.save # Create

plan = PayU::Plan.create(…) # Create

plan.delete # Delete

### Customer

  name: "Sample User Name",
  email: "sample@sample.com",

### Credit card

  name: "Sample User Name",
  document: "1020304050",
  number: "4242424242424242",
  exp_month: 12,
  exp_year: 20,
  type: "VISA",
  customer_id: 4ef04ef0aaaa,

### Plan

  account_id: 512_321,
  code: SecureRandom.hex(8),
  description: "Plan",
  interval: "MONTH",
  interval_count: 1,
  max_payments_allowed: 12,
  payment_attempts_delay: 1,
  data: {PLAN_VALUE: 20_000, PLAN_TAX: 0, PLAN_TAX_RETURN_BASE: 0},
  currency: :COP,

It seems deleting a plan does not _really_ work. You cannot retrieve it after deletion, but if you try to create another plan with the same code PayU will say it already exist.

### Subscription

Subscription object that ties a customer, a plan, and a credit card.

  quantity: 1,
  installments: 1,
  trial_days: 0,
  immediate_payment: true,
  notify_url: 'https://example.com', # POST confirmation object
  customer: {
    name: "APPROVED",
    email: "sample@sample.com",
    credit_cards: [
      name: "Sample User Name",
      document: "1020304050",
      number: "4242424242424242",
      exp_month: 12,
      exp_year: 20,
      type: "VISA",
  plan: {
    account_id: 512_321,
    code: "plan-test-monthly",
    description: "Plan Test",
    interval: "MONTH",
    interval_count: 1,
    max_payments_allowed: 12,
    payment_attempts_delay: 1,
    data: {PLAN_VALUE: 20_000, PLAN_TAX: 0, PLAN_TAX_RETURN_BASE: 0},
    currency: :COP,

 @current_period_end=2019-03-26 23:59:59 -0500,
 @current_period_start=2019-02-27 00:00:00 -0500,
   @name="Sample User Name">,
   @data={"PLAN_TAX_RETURN_BASE"=>0, "PLAN_TAX"=>0, "PLAN_VALUE"=>20000},

## Sandbox

There are a few options to test the API, but it’s all rather confusing.

### Sandbox endpoint

This will allow you to make test transactions if you use the test credentials (the default on this gem). If you use your credentials it will not work.

Refer to the docs for more info:



### Test param in params

You need to set `test=1` in your params to be able to peform tests with the Sandbox.

### Test mode in your account

You can swith to test mode in your account’s dashboard. This will only let you preview the WebCheckout form but will not process any transactions.

## Testing


## Console
