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Prediction Accuracy Metrics

.. module:: lenskit.metrics.predict

The :py:mod:`lenskit.metrics.predict` module contains prediction accuracy metrics.
These are intended to be used as a part of a Pandas split-apply-combine operation
on a data frame that contains both predictions and ratings; for convenience, the
:py:func:`lenskit.batch.predict` function will include ratings in the prediction
frame when its input user-item pairs contains ratings.  So you can perform the
following to compute per-user RMSE over some predictions::

    from lenskit.datasets import MovieLens
    from lenskit.algorithms.bias import Bias
    from lenskit.batch import predict
    from lenskit.metrics.predict import user_metric, rmse
    ratings = MovieLens('ml-small').ratings.sample(frac=0.1)
    test = ratings.iloc[:1000]
    train = ratings.iloc[1000:]
    algo = Bias()
    preds = predict(algo, test)
    user_metric(preds, metric=rmse)

Metric Functions

Prediction metric functions take two series, `predictions` and `truth`, and compute
a prediction accuracy metric for them.

.. autofunction:: rmse
.. autofunction:: mae

Convenience Functions

These functions make it easier to compute global and per-user prediction metrics.

.. autofunction:: user_metric
.. autofunction:: global_metric

Working with Missing Data

LensKit rating predictors do not report predictions when their core model is unable
to predict.  For example, a nearest-neighbor recommender will not score an item if
it cannot find any suitable neighbors.  Following the Pandas convention, these items
are given a score of NaN (when Pandas implements better missing data handling, it will
use that, so use :py:meth:`pandas.Series.isna`/:py:meth:`pandas.Series.notna`, not the
``isnan`` versions.

However, this causes problems when computing predictive accuracy: recommenders are not
being tested on the same set of items. If a recommender only scores the easy items, for
example, it could do much better than a recommender that is willing to attempt more
difficult items.

A good solution to this is to use a *fallback predictor* so that every item has a
prediction.  In LensKit, :py:class:`lenskit.algorithms.basic.Fallback` implements
this functionality; it wraps a sequence of recommenders, and for each item, uses
the first one that generates a score.

You set it up like this::

    cf = ItemItem(20)
    base = Bias(damping=5)
    algo = Fallback(cf, base)