.. _batch:
Batch-Running Pipelines
.. py:currentmodule:: lenskit.batch
.. highlight:: python
Offline recommendation experiments require *batch-running* a pipeline over a set
of test users, sessions, or other recommendation requests. LensKit supports this
through the facilities in the :py:mod:`lenskit.batch` module.
By default, the batch facilities operate in parallel over the test users; this
can be controlled by environment variables (see :ref:`parallel-config`) or
through an ``n_jobs`` keyword argument to the various functions and classes.
.. admonition:: Import Protection
:class: important
Scripts using batch pipeline operations must be *protected*; see
Simple Runs
If you have a pipeline and want to simply generate recommendations for a batch
of test users, you can do this with the :py:func:`recommend` function.
For an example, let's start with importing things to run a quick batch:
>>> from lenskit.basic import PopScorer
>>> from lenskit.pipeline import topn_pipeline
>>> from lenskit.batch import recommend
>>> from import load_movielens
>>> from lenskit.splitting import sample_users, SampleN
>>> from lenskit.metrics import RunAnalysis, RBP
Load and split some data:
>>> data = load_movielens('data/')
>>> split = sample_users(data, 150, SampleN(5, rng=1024), rng=42)
Configure and train the model:
>>> model = PopScorer()
>>> pop_pipe = topn_pipeline(model, n=20)
>>> pop_pipe.train(split.train)
Generate recommendations:
>>> recs = recommend(pop_pipe, split.test.keys(), n_jobs=1)
>>> recs.to_df()
user_id item_id score rank
0 ... 1
[3000 rows x 4 columns]
And measure their results:
>>> measure = RunAnalysis()
>>> measure.add_metric(RBP())
>>> scores = measure.compute(recs, split.test)
>>> scores.list_summary() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
mean median std
RBP 0.09... 0.0... 0.1...
The :py:func:`predict` function works similarly, but for rating predictions;
instead of a simple list of user IDs, it takes a dictionary mapping user IDs to
lists of test items (as :py:class:``).
General Batch Pipeline Runs
The :py:func:`recommend` and :py:func:`predict` functions are convenience
wrappers around a more general facility, the :py:class:`BatchPipelineRunner`.