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Evaluating Rating Predictions

.. py:currentmodule:: lenskit.metrics.predict

.. _eval-predict-accuracy:

While rating prediction is no longer a widely-studied recommendation task,
LensKit provides support for evaluating predictions for completeness and
reproducing or comparing against historical research.

The :py:mod:`lenskit.metrics.predict` module contains the prediction accuracy
metrics, including :py:func:`rmse` and
:py:func:`mae`.  They support both global
(micro-averaged) and per-user (macro-averaged) computation.

.. versionchanged:: 2024.1
    The prediction accuracy metric interface has changed to use item lists.


The following computes RMSE over a small subset of the ``ml-small`` ratings::

    from lenskit.datasets import MovieLens
    from lenskit.algorithms.bias import Bias
    from lenskit.batch import predict
    from lenskit.metrics.predict import user_metric, rmse
    ratings = MovieLens('ml-small').ratings.sample(frac=0.1)
    test = ratings.iloc[:1000]
    train = ratings.iloc[1000:]
    algo = Bias()
    preds = predict(algo, test)
    measure_user_predictions(preds, rmse)

Calling Metrics

There are three ways to call a prediction accuracy metric:

* Pass two item lists, the first containing predicted ratings (as the list's
  :py:meth:`~lenskit.data.ItemLists.scores`) and the second containing
  ground-truth ratings as a ``rating`` field.

* Pass a single item list with scores and a ``rating`` field.

* Pass a single data frame with both ``score`` and ``rating`` columns
  (``prediction`` is accepted as an alias for ``score``).

When computing globally-averaged prediction accuracy, it's best to use the data
frame option.

If you want per-user metrics, the :py:func:`measure_user_predictions` function
helps automate this computation.  It takes a data frame (with a ``user_id`` or
``user`` column, along with the ``score`` and ``rating`` columns) and a metric
and returns a series of per-user scores, indexed by user ID::

    measure_user_predictions(preds, rmse)

Missing Data

There are two important missing data cases for evaluating predictions:

* Missing predictions (the test data has a rating for which the system could not
  generate a prediction).
* Missing ratings (the system generated a prediction with no corresponding test

By default, LensKit throws an error in both of these cases, to help you catch
bad configurations.  We recommend using a fallback predictor, such setting up
:py:class:`~lenskit.basic.FallbackScorer` with
:py:class:`~lenskit.basic.BiasScorer`, when measuring rating predictions to
ensure that all items are scored.  The alternative design — ignoring missing
predictions — means that different scorers may be evaluated on different items,
and a scorer perform exceptionally well by only scoring items with high

.. todo::
    Add example (and simplified ergonomics) for fallback prediction.

If you want to skip missing predictions, pass ``missing_scores="ignore"`` to the
metric function::

    rmse(user_preds, user_ratings, missing_scores="ignore")

The corresponding ``missing_truth="ignore"`` will cause the metric to ignore
predictions with no corresponding rating (this case is unlikely to produce
unhelpful eval results, but may indicate a misconfiguration in how you determine
the items to score).

:py:func:`measure_user_predictions` also accepts these options, and passes
them through to the underlying metric.