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# This file is part of LensKit.
# Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Boise State University
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Drexel University
# Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Item-based k-NN collaborative filtering.

import logging
import warnings
from sys import intern

import csr.kernel as csrk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sps
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
from csr import CSR, create_empty, create_from_sizes
from numba import njit, prange
from numba.typed import List

from lenskit import ConfigWarning, DataWarning, util
from lenskit.data import sparse_ratings
from lenskit.sharing import in_share_context
from lenskit.util.accum import kvp_minheap_insert, kvp_minheap_sort
from lenskit.util.parallel import is_mp_worker

from . import Predictor

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _make_blocks(n, size):
    "Create blocks for the range 0..n."
    return [(s, min(s + size, n)) for s in range(0, n, size)]

@njit(parallel=not is_mp_worker())
def _sort_nbrs(smat: CSR):
    for i in prange(smat.nrows):
        sp, ep = smat.row_extent(i)
        kvp_minheap_sort(sp, ep, smat.colinds, smat.values)

def _trim_sim_block(nitems, bsp, bitems, block, min_sim, max_nbrs):
    # pass 1: compute the size of each row
    sizes = np.zeros(bitems, np.int32)
    for i in range(nitems):
        sp, ep = block.row_extent(i)
        for j in range(sp, ep):
            # we accept the neighbor if it passes threshold and isn't a self-similarity
            r = block.colinds[j]
            if i != bsp + r and block.values[j] >= min_sim:
                sizes[r] += 1

    if max_nbrs > 0:
        for i in range(bitems):
            if sizes[i] > max_nbrs:
                sizes[i] = max_nbrs

    # if bnc == 0:
    #     # empty resulting matrix, oops
    #     return _empty_csr(bitems, nitems, np.zeros(bitems, np.int32))

    # allocate a matrix
    block_csr = create_from_sizes(bitems, nitems, sizes)

    # pass 2: truncate each row into the matrix
    eps = block_csr.rowptrs[:-1].copy()
    for c in range(nitems):
        sp, ep = block.row_extent(c)
        for j in range(sp, ep):
            v = block.values[j]
            r = block.colinds[j]
            sp, lep = block_csr.row_extent(r)
            lim = lep - sp
            if c != bsp + r and v >= min_sim:
                eps[r] = kvp_minheap_insert(
                    sp, eps[r], lim, c, v, block_csr.colinds, block_csr.values
        # we're done!
    return block_csr

def _sim_block(block, bsp, bep, rmh, min_sim, max_nbrs, nitems):
    "Compute a single block of the similarity matrix"
    # assert block.nrows == bep - bsp

    bitems = block.nrows
    if block.nnz == 0:
        return create_empty(bitems, nitems)

    # create a matrix handle for the subset matrix
    amh = csrk.to_handle(block)

    smh = csrk.mult_abt(rmh, amh)


    block_csr = csrk.from_handle(smh)
    # this is allowed now

    block_csr = _trim_sim_block(nitems, bsp, bitems, block_csr, min_sim, max_nbrs)

    return block_csr

@njit(nogil=True, parallel=not is_mp_worker())
def _sim_blocks(trmat, blocks, ptrs, min_sim, max_nbrs):
    "Compute the similarity matrix with blocked CSR kernel calls"
    nitems = trmat.nrows
    nblocks = len(blocks)

    null = create_empty(1, 1)
    res = [null for i in range(nblocks)]

    rmat_h = csrk.to_handle(trmat)

    for bi in prange(nblocks):
        b = blocks[bi]
        p = ptrs[bi]
        bs, be = p
        bres = _sim_block(b, bs, be, rmat_h, min_sim, max_nbrs, nitems)
        res[bi] = bres


    return res

def _predict_weighted_average(model, nitems, nrange, ratings, rated, targets):
    "Weighted average prediction function"
    min_nbrs, max_nbrs = nrange
    scores = np.full(nitems, np.nan, dtype=np.float_)

    for i in prange(targets.shape[0]):
        iidx = targets[i]
        rptr = model.rowptrs[iidx]
        rend = model.rowptrs[iidx + 1]

        num = 0
        denom = 0
        nnbrs = 0

        for j in range(rptr, rend):
            nidx = model.colinds[j]
            if not rated[nidx]:

            nnbrs = nnbrs + 1
            num = num + ratings[nidx] * model.values[j]
            denom = denom + np.abs(model.values[j])

            if max_nbrs > 0 and nnbrs >= max_nbrs:

        if nnbrs < min_nbrs:

        scores[iidx] = num / denom

    return scores

def _predict_sum(model, nitems, nrange, ratings, rated, targets):
    "Sum-of-similarities prediction function"
    min_nbrs, max_nbrs = nrange
    scores = np.full(nitems, np.nan, dtype=np.float_)

    for i in prange(targets.shape[0]):
        iidx = targets[i]
        rptr = model.rowptrs[iidx]
        rend = model.rowptrs[iidx + 1]

        score = 0
        nnbrs = 0

        for j in range(rptr, rend):
            nidx = model.colinds[j]
            if not rated[nidx]:

            nnbrs = nnbrs + 1
            score = score + model.values[j]

            if max_nbrs > 0 and nnbrs >= max_nbrs:

        if nnbrs < min_nbrs:

        scores[iidx] = score

    return scores

_predictors = {"weighted-average": _predict_weighted_average, "sum": _predict_sum}

class ItemItem(Predictor):
    Item-item nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering with ratings. This
    item-item implementation is not terribly configurable; it hard-codes design
    decisions found to work well in the previous Java-based LensKit code
    :cite:p:`Ekstrand2011-bp`.  This implementation is based on the description
    of item-based CF by :cite:t:`Deshpande2004-ht`, and produces results
    equivalent to Java LensKit.

    The k-NN predictor supports several aggregate functions:

        The weighted average of the user's rating values, using item-item
        similarities as weights.

        The sum of the similarities between the target item and the user's rated
        items, regardless of the rating the user gave the items.

            the maximum number of neighbors for scoring each item (``None`` for
        min_nbrs(int): the minimum number of neighbors for scoring each item
        min_sim(float): minimum similarity threshold for considering a neighbor
            the number of neighbors to save per item in the trained model
            (``None`` for unlimited)
            Control how feedback should be interpreted.  Specifies defaults for
            the other settings, which can be overridden individually; can be one
            of the following values:

                Configure for explicit-feedback mode: use rating values, center
                ratings, and use the ``weighted-average`` aggregate method for
                prediction.  This is the default setting.

                Configure for implicit-feedback mode: ignore rating values, do
                not center ratings, and use the ``sum`` aggregate method for
            whether to normalize (mean-center) rating vectors prior to computing
            similarities and aggregating user rating values.  Defaults to
            ``True``; turn this off when working with unary data and other data
            types that don't respond well to centering.
            the type of aggregation to do. Can be ``weighted-average`` (the
            default) or ``sum``.
            whether or not to use the rating values. If ``False``, it ignores
            rating values and considers an implicit feedback signal of 1 for
            every (user,item) pair present.

        item_index_(pandas.Index): the index of item IDs.
        item_means_(numpy.ndarray): the mean rating for each known item.
        item_counts_(numpy.ndarray): the number of saved neighbors for each
        item. sim_matrix_(matrix.CSR): the similarity matrix.
        user_index_(pandas.Index): the index of known user IDs for the rating
        matrix. rating_matrix_(matrix.CSR): the user-item rating matrix for
        looking up users' ratings.

    IGNORED_PARAMS = ["feedback"]
    EXTRA_PARAMS = ["center", "aggregate", "use_ratings"]

    AGG_SUM = intern("sum")
    AGG_WA = intern("weighted-average")
    RATING_AGGS = [AGG_WA]  # the aggregates that use rating values

    def __init__(
        self, nnbrs, min_nbrs=1, min_sim=1.0e-6, save_nbrs=None, feedback="explicit", **kwargs
        self.nnbrs = nnbrs
        if self.nnbrs is not None and self.nnbrs < 1:
            self.nnbrs = -1
        self.min_nbrs = min_nbrs
        if self.min_nbrs is not None and self.min_nbrs < 1:
            self.min_nbrs = 1
        self.min_sim = min_sim
        self.save_nbrs = save_nbrs

        if feedback == "explicit":
            defaults = {"center": True, "aggregate": self.AGG_WA, "use_ratings": True}
        elif feedback == "implicit":
            defaults = {"center": False, "aggregate": self.AGG_SUM, "use_ratings": False}
            raise ValueError(f"invalid feedback mode: {feedback}")

        self.center = defaults["center"]
        self.aggregate = intern(defaults["aggregate"])
        self.use_ratings = defaults["use_ratings"]


    def _check_setup(self):
        if not self.use_ratings:
            if self.center:
                    "item-item configured to ignore ratings, but ``center=True`` - likely bug"
                    item-item configured to ignore ratings, but ``center=True``.  This configuration
                    is unlikely to work well.
            if self.aggregate == "weighted-average":
                    "item-item ignoring ratings but using weighted averages - likely bug"
                    item-item ignoring ratings but using weighted averages.  This configuration
                    is unlikely to work well.

    def fit(self, ratings, **kwargs):
        Train a model.

        The model-training process depends on ``save_nbrs`` and ``min_sim``, but *not* on other
        algorithm parameters.

                (user,item,rating) data for computing item similarities.
        # Training proceeds in 2 steps:
        # 1. Normalize item vectors to be mean-centered and unit-normalized
        # 2. Compute similarities with pairwise dot products
        self._timer = util.Stopwatch()

        _logger.debug("[%s] beginning fit, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())
        _logger.debug("[%s] using CSR kernel %s", self._timer, csrk.name)

        init_rmat, users, items = sparse_ratings(ratings)
        n_items = len(items)
            "[%s] made sparse matrix for %d items (%d ratings from %d users)",
        _logger.debug("[%s] made matrix, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())

        rmat, item_means = self._mean_center(ratings, init_rmat, items)
        _logger.debug("[%s] centered, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())

        rmat = self._normalize(rmat)
        _logger.debug("[%s] normalized, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())

        _logger.info("[%s] computing similarity matrix", self._timer)
        smat = self._compute_similarities(rmat)
        _logger.debug("[%s] computed, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())

            "[%s] got neighborhoods for %d of %d items",
            np.sum(np.diff(smat.rowptrs) > 0),

        _logger.info("[%s] computed %d neighbor pairs", self._timer, smat.nnz)

        self.item_index_ = items
        self.item_means_ = item_means
        self.item_counts_ = np.diff(smat.rowptrs)
        self.sim_matrix_ = smat
        self.user_index_ = users
        self.rating_matrix_ = init_rmat
        # create an inverted similarity matrix for efficient scanning
        self._sim_inv_ = smat.transpose()
        _logger.info("[%s] transposed matrix for optimization", self._timer)
        _logger.debug("[%s] done, memory use %s", self._timer, util.max_memory())

        return self

    def _mean_center(self, ratings, rmat, items):
        if not self.center:
            return rmat, None

        item_means = ratings.groupby("item").rating.mean()
        item_means = item_means.reindex(items).values
        mcvals = rmat.values - item_means[rmat.colinds]
        nmat = rmat.copy(False)
        nmat.values = mcvals
        if np.allclose(nmat.values, 0):
            _logger.warn("normalized ratings are zero, centering is not recommended")
                "Ratings seem to have the same value, centering is not recommended.", DataWarning
        _logger.info("[%s] computed means for %d items", self._timer, len(item_means))
        return nmat, item_means

    def _normalize(self, rmat):
        rmat = rmat.to_scipy()
        # compute column norms
        norms = spla.norm(rmat, 2, axis=0)
        # and multiply by a diagonal to normalize columns
        recip_norms = norms.copy()
        is_nz = recip_norms > 0
        recip_norms[is_nz] = np.reciprocal(recip_norms[is_nz])
        norm_mat = rmat @ sps.diags(recip_norms)
        assert norm_mat.shape[1] == rmat.shape[1]
        # and reset NaN
        norm_mat.data[np.isnan(norm_mat.data)] = 0
        _logger.info("[%s] normalized rating matrix columns", self._timer)
        return CSR.from_scipy(norm_mat, False)

    def _compute_similarities(self, rmat):
        trmat = rmat.transpose()
        nitems = trmat.nrows
        m_nbrs = self.save_nbrs
        if m_nbrs is None or m_nbrs < 0:
            m_nbrs = 0

        bounds = _make_blocks(nitems, 1000)
            "[%s] splitting %d items (%d ratings) into %d blocks",
        blocks = [trmat.subset_rows(sp, ep) for (sp, ep) in bounds]

        _logger.info("[%s] computing similarities", self._timer)
        ptrs = List(bounds)
        nbs = List(blocks)
        if not nbs:
            # oops, this is the bad place
            # in non-JIT node, List doesn't actually make the list
            nbs = blocks
            ptrs = bounds
        s_blocks = _sim_blocks(trmat, nbs, ptrs, self.min_sim, m_nbrs)

        nnz = sum(b.nnz for b in s_blocks)
        tot_rows = sum(b.nrows for b in s_blocks)
            "[%s] computed %d similarities for %d items in %d blocks",
        row_nnzs = np.concatenate([b.row_nnzs() for b in s_blocks])
        assert len(row_nnzs) == nitems, "only have {} rows for {} items".format(
            len(row_nnzs), nitems

        smat = CSR.empty(nitems, nitems, row_nnzs)
        start = 0
        for bi, b in enumerate(s_blocks):
            bnr = b.nrows
            end = start + bnr
            v_sp = smat.rowptrs[start]
            v_ep = smat.rowptrs[end]
                "block %d (%d:%d) has %d entries, storing in %d:%d",
            smat.colinds[v_sp:v_ep] = b.colinds
            smat.values[v_sp:v_ep] = b.values
            start = end

        _logger.info("[%s] sorting similarity matrix with %d entries", self._timer, smat.nnz)

        return smat

    def predict_for_user(self, user, items, ratings=None):
        _logger.debug("predicting %d items for user %s", len(items), user)
        if ratings is None:
            if user not in self.user_index_:
                _logger.debug("user %s missing, returning empty predictions", user)
                return pd.Series(np.nan, index=items)
            upos = self.user_index_.get_loc(user)
            ratings = pd.Series(

        if not ratings.index.is_unique:
            wmsg = "user {} has duplicate ratings, this is likely to cause problems".format(user)
            warnings.warn(wmsg, DataWarning)

        # set up rating array
        # get rated item positions & limit to in-model items
        n_items = len(self.item_index_)
        ri_pos = self.item_index_.get_indexer(ratings.index)
        m_rates = ratings[ri_pos >= 0]
        ri_pos = ri_pos[ri_pos >= 0]
        rate_v = np.full(n_items, np.nan, dtype=np.float_)
        rated = np.zeros(n_items, dtype="bool")
        # mean-center the rating array
        if self.center:
            rate_v[ri_pos] = m_rates.values - self.item_means_[ri_pos]
            rate_v[ri_pos] = m_rates.values
        rated[ri_pos] = True

        _logger.debug("user %s: %d of %d rated items in model", user, len(ri_pos), len(ratings))
        assert np.sum(np.logical_not(np.isnan(rate_v))) == len(ri_pos)
        assert np.all(np.isnan(rate_v) == np.logical_not(rated))

        # set up item result vector
        # ipos will be an array of item indices
        i_pos = self.item_index_.get_indexer(items)
        i_pos = i_pos[i_pos >= 0]
        _logger.debug("user %s: %d of %d requested items in model", user, len(i_pos), len(items))

        # now we take a first pass through the data to count _viable_ targets
        # This computes the number of neighbors (and their weight sum) for
        # each target item based on the user's ratings, allowing us to fast-path
        # other computations and avoid as many neighbor truncations as possible
        i_cts, i_sums, i_nbrs = self._count_viable_targets(i_pos, ri_pos)
        viable = i_cts >= self.min_nbrs
        i_pos = i_pos[viable]
        i_cts = i_cts[viable]
        i_sums = i_sums[viable]
        i_nbrs = i_nbrs[viable]
            "user %s: %d of %d requested items possibly reachable", user, len(i_pos), len(items)

        # look for some fast paths
        if self.aggregate == self.AGG_SUM and self.min_sim >= 0:
            # similarity sums are all we need
            if self.nnbrs >= 0:
                fast_mask = i_cts <= self.nnbrs
                fast_items = i_pos[fast_mask]
                fast_scores = i_sums[fast_mask]
                slow_items = i_pos[~fast_mask]
                fast_items = i_pos
                fast_scores = i_sums
                slow_items = np.array([], dtype="i4")

                "user %s: using fast-path similarity sum for %d items", user, len(fast_items)

            if len(slow_items):
                iscores = _predict_sum(
                    (self.min_nbrs, self.nnbrs),
                iscores = np.full(len(self.item_index_), np.nan)
            iscores[fast_items] = fast_scores

        elif self.aggregate == self.AGG_WA and self.min_nbrs == 1:
            # fast-path single-neighbor targets - common in sparse data
            fast_mask = i_cts == 1
            fast_items = i_pos[fast_mask]
            fast_scores = rate_v[i_nbrs[fast_mask]]
            if self.min_sim < 0:
                fast_scores *= np.sign(i_sums[fast_mask])
            _logger.debug("user %s: fast-pathed %d scores", user, len(fast_scores))

            slow_items = i_pos[i_cts > 1]
            iscores = _predict_weighted_average(
                (self.min_nbrs, self.nnbrs),
            iscores[fast_items] = fast_scores
            # now compute the predictions
            _logger.debug("user %s: taking the slow path", user)
            agg = _predictors[self.aggregate]
            iscores = agg(
                (self.min_nbrs, self.nnbrs),

        if self.center and self.aggregate in self.RATING_AGGS:
            iscores += self.item_means_

        results = pd.Series(iscores, index=self.item_index_)
        results = results.reindex(items, fill_value=np.nan)

            "user %s: predicted for %d of %d items", user, results.notna().sum(), len(items)

        return results

    def _count_viable_targets(self, targets, rated):
        "Count upper-bound on possible neighbors for target items and rated items."
        # initialize counts to zero
        counts = np.zeros(len(self.item_index_), dtype=np.int32)
        sums = np.zeros(len(self.item_index_))
        last_nbrs = np.full(len(self.item_index_), -1, "i4")
        # count the number of times each item is reachable from the neighborhood
        for ri in rated:
            nbrs = self._sim_inv_.row_cs(ri)
            counts[nbrs] += 1
            sums[nbrs] += self._sim_inv_.row_vs(ri)
            last_nbrs[nbrs] = ri

        # we want the reachability counts for the target items
        return counts[targets], sums[targets], last_nbrs[targets]

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = dict(self.__dict__)
        if "_sim_inv_" in state and not in_share_context():
            del state["_sim_inv_"]
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        if hasattr(self, "sim_matrix_") and not hasattr(self, "_sim_inv_"):
            self._sim_inv_ = self.sim_matrix_.transpose()

    def __str__(self):
        return "ItemItem(nnbrs={}, msize={})".format(self.nnbrs, self.save_nbrs)