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Test Coverage
# This file is part of LensKit.
# Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Boise State University
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Drexel University
# Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from progress_api import make_progress

from .. import util
from ..algorithms import Recommender
from ..parallel import invoke_progress, invoker

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _recommend_user(algo, req):
    user, n, candidates = req

    _logger.debug("generating recommendations for %s", user)
    watch = util.Stopwatch()
    res = algo.recommend(user, n, candidates)
    _logger.debug("%s recommended %d/%s items for %s in %s", str(algo), len(res), n, user, watch)

    res["user"] = user
    res["rank"] = np.arange(1, len(res) + 1)

    return res.reset_index(drop=True)

def __standard_cand_fun(candidates):
    Convert candidates from the forms accepted by :py:fun:`recommend` into
    a standard form, a function that takes a user and returns a candidate
    if isinstance(candidates, dict):
        return candidates.get
    elif candidates is None:
        return lambda u: None
        return candidates

def recommend(algo, users, n, candidates=None, *, n_jobs=None, **kwargs):
    Batch-recommend for multiple users.  The provided algorithm should be a

        algo: the algorithm
        users(array-like): the users to recommend for
        n(int): the number of recommendations to generate (None for unlimited)
            the users' candidate sets. This can be a function, in which case it will
            be passed each user ID; it can also be a dictionary, in which case user
            IDs will be looked up in it.  Pass ``None`` to use the recommender's
            built-in candidate selector (usually recommended).
            The number of processes to use for parallel recommendations.  Passed to

        A frame with at least the columns ``user``, ``rank``, and ``item``; possibly also
        ``score``, and any other columns returned by the recommender.

    if n_jobs is None and "nprocs" in kwargs:
        n_jobs = kwargs["nprocs"]
        warnings.warn("nprocs is deprecated, use n_jobs", DeprecationWarning)

    rec_algo = Recommender.adapt(algo)
    if candidates is None and rec_algo is not algo:
        warnings.warn("no candidates provided and algo is not a recommender, unlikely to work")
    algo = rec_algo
    del rec_algo

    if "ratings" in kwargs:
        warnings.warn("Providing ratings to recommend is not supported", DeprecationWarning)

    candidates = __standard_cand_fun(candidates)

    _logger.info("recommending with %s for %d users (n_jobs=%s)", str(algo), len(users), n_jobs)
    with (
        invoke_progress(_logger, "recommending", len(users), unit="user") as progress,
        invoker(algo, _recommend_user, n_jobs=n_jobs, progress=progress) as worker,
        del algo
        timer = util.Stopwatch()
        results = worker.map((user, n, candidates(user)) for user in users)
        results = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True, copy=False)
        time = timer.elapsed()
        rate = time / len(users)
            "recommended for %d users in %s (%.1fms per user)", len(users), timer, rate * 1000

    return results