import type { Request } from "../types/api_v1.js";
import type { INimblebitData } from "../types/request.js";
import { ApiKey } from "../../entity/api-key.js";
// On-request hook to decorate the fastify request object. This is done in the on-request hook to achieve
// proper encapsulation across requests, see:
export const onRequest = async function (request: Request): Promise<void> {
request.log.debug({ req: request }, "onRequest hook fired");
// Set the api key id
const key = request.headers.authorization?.replace("Bearer ", "").trim();
if (key) {
const apiKeyObject = await ApiKey.findOne({ where: { apiKey: key } });
request.apiKey = apiKeyObject || undefined;
} else {
request.apiKey = undefined;
// Reset the nimblebit data
request.nimblebitData = {} as INimblebitData;
request.log.debug({ req: request }, "onRequest hook finished");