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3 hrs
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import { createUser, getUser } from "app/db";
import { Form } from "app/form";
import { SubmitButton } from "app/submit-button";
import Link from "next/link";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";

export default function Login() {
    async function register(formData: FormData) {
        "use server";
        let email = formData.get("email") as string;
        let password = formData.get("password") as string;
        let user = await getUser(email);

        if (user.length > 0) {
            return "User already exists"; // TODO: Handle errors with useFormStatus
        } else {
            await createUser(email, password);

    return (
        <div className="flex h-screen w-screen items-center justify-center bg-gray-50">
            <div className="z-10 w-full max-w-md overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-100 shadow-xl">
                <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-3 border-b border-gray-200 bg-white px-4 py-6 pt-8 text-center sm:px-16">
                    <h3 className="text-xl font-semibold">Sign Up</h3>
                    <p className="text-sm text-gray-500">Create an account with your email and password</p>
                <Form action={register}>
                    <SubmitButton>Sign Up</SubmitButton>
                    <p className="text-center text-sm text-gray-600">
                        {"Already have an account? "}
                        <Link href="/login" className="font-semibold text-gray-800">
                            Sign in
                        {" instead."}