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 * This configuration file manages Rush's build cache feature.
 * More documentation is available on the Rush website: https://rushjs.io
    "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/build-cache.schema.json",

     * (Required) EXPERIMENTAL - Set this to true to enable the build cache feature.
     * See https://rushjs.io/pages/maintainer/build_cache/ for details about this experimental feature.
    "buildCacheEnabled": true,

     * (Required) Choose where project build outputs will be cached.
     * Possible values: "local-only", "azure-blob-storage", "amazon-s3"
    // "cacheProvider": "local-only",
    "cacheProvider": "github-action-build-cache",

     * Setting this property overrides the cache entry ID.  If this property is set, it must contain
     * a [hash] token.
     * Other available tokens:
     *  - [projectName]
     *  - [projectName:normalize]
     *  - [phaseName]
     *  - [phaseName:normalize]
     *  - [phaseName:trimPrefix]
    "cacheEntryNamePattern": "[projectName:normalize]-[phaseName:normalize]-[hash]",

     * Use this configuration with "cacheProvider"="azure-blob-storage"
    "azureBlobStorageConfiguration": {
         * (Required) The name of the the Azure storage account to use for build cache.
        // "storageAccountName": "example",
         * (Required) The name of the container in the Azure storage account to use for build cache.
        // "storageContainerName": "my-container",
         * The Azure environment the storage account exists in. Defaults to AzurePublicCloud.
         * Possible values: "AzurePublicCloud", "AzureChina", "AzureGermany", "AzureGovernment"
        // "azureEnvironment": "AzurePublicCloud",
         * An optional prefix for cache item blob names.
        // "blobPrefix": "my-prefix",
         * If set to true, allow writing to the cache. Defaults to false.
        // "isCacheWriteAllowed": true

     * Use this configuration with "cacheProvider"="amazon-s3"
    "amazonS3Configuration": {
         * (Required unless s3Endpoint is specified) The name of the bucket to use for build cache.
         * Example: "my-bucket"
        // "s3Bucket": "my-bucket",
         * (Required unless s3Bucket is specified) The Amazon S3 endpoint of the bucket to use for build cache.
         * This should not include any path; use the s3Prefix to set the path.
         * Examples: "my-bucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com" or "http://localhost:9000"
        // "s3Endpoint": "https://my-bucket.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com",
         * (Required) The Amazon S3 region of the bucket to use for build cache.
         * Example: "us-east-1"
        // "s3Region": "us-east-1",
         * An optional prefix ("folder") for cache items. It should not start with "/".
        // "s3Prefix": "my-prefix",
         * If set to true, allow writing to the cache. Defaults to false.
        // "isCacheWriteAllowed": true

     * Use this configuration with "cacheProvider"="http"
    "httpConfiguration": {
         * (Required) The URL of the server that stores the caches.
         * Example: "https://build-cacches.example.com/"
        // "url": "https://build-cacches.example.com/",
         * (Optional) The HTTP method to use when writing to the cache (defaults to PUT).
         * Should be one of PUT, POST, or PATCH.
         * Example: "PUT"
        // "uploadMethod": "PUT",
         * (Optional) HTTP headers to pass to the cache server.
         * Example: { "X-HTTP-Company-Id": "109283" }
        // "headers": {},
         * (Optional) Shell command that prints the authorization token needed to communicate with the
         * cache server, and exits with exit code 0. This command will be executed from the root of
         * the monorepo.
         * Example: { "exec": "node", "args": ["common/scripts/auth.js"] }
        // "tokenHandler": { "exec": "node", "args": ["common/scripts/auth.js"] },
         * (Optional) Prefix for cache keys.
         * Example: "my-company-"
        // "cacheKeyPrefix": "",
         * (Optional) If set to true, allow writing to the cache. Defaults to false.
        // "isCacheWriteAllowed": true