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 * This configuration file provides settings specific to the PNPM package manager.
 * More documentation is available on the Rush website: https://rushjs.io
    "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/pnpm-config.schema.json",

     * If true, then `rush install` and `rush update` will use the PNPM workspaces feature
     * to perform the install, instead of the old model where Rush generated the symlinks
     * for each projects's node_modules folder.
     * When using workspaces, Rush will generate a `common/temp/pnpm-workspace.yaml` file referencing
     * all local projects to install. Rush will also generate a `.pnpmfile.cjs` shim which implements
     * Rush-specific features such as preferred versions.  The user's `common/config/rush/.pnpmfile.cjs`
     * is invoked by the shim.
     * This option is strongly recommended. The default value is false.
    "useWorkspaces": true,

     * If true, then Rush will add the `--strict-peer-dependencies` command-line parameter when
     * invoking PNPM.  This causes `rush update` to fail if there are unsatisfied peer dependencies,
     * which is an invalid state that can cause build failures or incompatible dependency versions.
     * (For historical reasons, JavaScript package managers generally do not treat this invalid
     * state as an error.)
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/npmrc#strict-peer-dependencies
     * The default value is false to avoid legacy compatibility issues.
     * It is strongly recommended to set `strictPeerDependencies=true`.
    "strictPeerDependencies": true,

     * Environment variables that will be provided to PNPM.
    // "environmentVariables": {
    //   "NODE_OPTIONS": {
    //     "value": "--max-old-space-size=4096",
    //     "override": false
    //   }
    // },

     * Specifies the location of the PNPM store.  There are two possible values:
     * - `local` - use the `pnpm-store` folder in the current configured temp folder:
     *   `common/temp/pnpm-store` by default.
     * - `global` - use PNPM's global store, which has the benefit of being shared
     *    across multiple repo folders, but the disadvantage of less isolation for builds
     *    (for example, bugs or incompatibilities when two repos use different releases of PNPM)
     * In both cases, the store path can be overridden by the environment variable `RUSH_PNPM_STORE_PATH`.
     * The default value is `local`.
    // "pnpmStore": "global",

     * If true, then `rush install` will report an error if manual modifications
     * were made to the PNPM shrinkwrap file without running `rush update` afterwards.
     * This feature protects against accidental inconsistencies that may be introduced
     * if the PNPM shrinkwrap file (`pnpm-lock.yaml`) is manually edited.  When this
     * feature is enabled, `rush update` will append a hash to the file as a YAML comment,
     * and then `rush update` and `rush install` will validate the hash.  Note that this
     * does not prohibit manual modifications, but merely requires `rush update` be run
     * afterwards, ensuring that PNPM can report or repair any potential inconsistencies.
     * To temporarily disable this validation when invoking `rush install`, use the
     * `--bypass-policy` command-line parameter.
     * The default value is false.
    "preventManualShrinkwrapChanges": true,

     * The "globalOverrides" setting provides a simple mechanism for overriding version selections
     * for all dependencies of all projects in the monorepo workspace.  The settings are copied
     * into the `pnpm.overrides` field of the `common/temp/package.json` file that is generated
     * by Rush during installation.
     * Order of precedence: `.pnpmfile.cjs` has the highest precedence, followed by
     * `unsupportedPackageJsonSettings`, `globalPeerDependencyRules`, `globalPackageExtensions`,
     * and `globalOverrides` has lowest precedence.
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmoverrides
    "globalOverrides": {
        // "example1": "^1.0.0",
        // "example2": "npm:@company/example2@^1.0.0"
        // TODO: Remove once https://github.com/dylang/npm-check/issues/499
        // has been closed and a new version of `npm-check` is published.
        "package-json": "^7"

     * The `globalPeerDependencyRules` setting provides various settings for suppressing validation errors
     * that are reported during installation with `strictPeerDependencies=true`.  The settings are copied
     * into the `pnpm.peerDependencyRules` field of the `common/temp/package.json` file that is generated
     * by Rush during installation.
     * Order of precedence: `.pnpmfile.cjs` has the highest precedence, followed by
     * `unsupportedPackageJsonSettings`, `globalPeerDependencyRules`, `globalPackageExtensions`,
     * and `globalOverrides` has lowest precedence.
     * https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmpeerdependencyrules
    "globalPeerDependencyRules": {
        // "ignoreMissing": ["@eslint/*"],
        // "allowedVersions": { "react": "17" },
        // "allowAny": ["@babel/*"]
        // TODO: Remove once Heft is 1.0.0
        "allowAny": ["@rushstack/heft"]

     * The `globalPackageExtension` setting provides a way to patch arbitrary package.json fields
     * for any PNPM dependency of the monorepo.  The settings are copied into the `pnpm.packageExtensions`
     * field of the `common/temp/package.json` file that is generated by Rush during installation.
     * The `globalPackageExtension` setting has similar capabilities as `.pnpmfile.cjs` but without
     * the downsides of an executable script (nondeterminism, unreliable caching, performance concerns).
     * Order of precedence: `.pnpmfile.cjs` has the highest precedence, followed by
     * `unsupportedPackageJsonSettings`, `globalPeerDependencyRules`, `globalPackageExtensions`,
     * and `globalOverrides` has lowest precedence.
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmpackageextensions
    "globalPackageExtensions": {},

     * The `globalNeverBuiltDependencies` setting suppresses the `preinstall`, `install`, and `postinstall`
     * lifecycle events for the specified NPM dependencies.  This is useful for scripts with poor practices
     * such as downloading large binaries without retries or attempting to invoke OS tools such as
     * a C++ compiler.  (PNPM's terminology refers to these lifecycle events as "building" a package;
     * it has nothing to do with build system operations such as `rush build` or `rushx build`.)
     * The settings are copied into the `pnpm.neverBuiltDependencies` field of the `common/temp/package.json`
     * file that is generated by Rush during installation.
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmneverbuiltdependencies
    "globalNeverBuiltDependencies": [
        // "fsevents"

     * The `globalAllowedDeprecatedVersions` setting suppresses installation warnings for package
     * versions that the NPM registry reports as being deprecated.  This is useful if the
     * deprecated package is an indirect dependency of an external package that has not released a fix.
     * The settings are copied into the `pnpm.allowedDeprecatedVersions` field of the `common/temp/package.json`
     * file that is generated by Rush during installation.
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmalloweddeprecatedversions
     * If you are working to eliminate a deprecated version, it's better to specify `allowedDeprecatedVersions`
     * in the package.json file for individual Rush projects.
    "globalAllowedDeprecatedVersions": {
        // "request": "*"

     * (THIS FIELD IS MACHINE GENERATED)  The "globalPatchedDependencies" field is updated automatically
     * by the `rush-pnpm patch-commit` command.  It is a dictionary, where the key is an NPM package name
     * and exact version, and the value is a relative path to the associated patch file.
     * PNPM documentation: https://pnpm.io/package_json#pnpmpatcheddependencies
    "globalPatchedDependencies": {},

     * (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)  This is a free-form property bag that will be copied into
     * the `common/temp/package.json` file that is generated by Rush during installation.
     * This provides a way to experiment with new PNPM features.  These settings will override
     * any other Rush configuration associated with a given JSON field except for `.pnpmfile.cjs`.
     * TO MALFUNCTION.  If you encounter a missing PNPM setting that you believe should
     * be supported, please create a GitHub issue or PR.  Note that Rush does not aim to
     * support every possible PNPM setting, but rather to promote a battle-tested installation
     * strategy that is known to provide a good experience for large teams with lots of projects.
    "unsupportedPackageJsonSettings": {
        // "dependencies": {
        //   "not-a-good-practice": "*"
        // },
        // "scripts": {
        //   "do-something": "echo Also not a good practice"
        // },
        // "pnpm": { "futurePnpmFeature": true }