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# Development Guide

If you are a developer looking to contribute to Tinyburg, then this document is for you! This document will walk you through setting up Tinyburg on your computer.

## Cloning this repo

There are no git submodules anymore so a simple `git clone git@github.com:leonitousconforti/tinyburg.git` will do

## Dev environment

There is a dev-container you can use if you want your environment to be exactly like what this repository uses. If you choose to use the dev-container then it will automatically run the `setup.sh` script found at the root of the repository when it finishes creating your environment. If you are not using the dev-container, then you should run this script yourself. If you are struggling to build this repository and you are not using the dev container, I won't be able to help much. You should look through the dev-container if you want to know what dependencies it installs.