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// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/android-emulator/+/refs/heads/main/linux-x86_64/lib/emulator_access.json

// This contains the allow lists of the emulator gRPC endpoint.
// This list defines which sets of methods are accessible by whom.
// You can protect the gRPC services as follows:
// - Unprotected: The set of methods that can be invoked even when
//                no access token is presented. No security checks will
//                be performed when these methods are invoked.
// - allowlist: A set of json objects that specifies for each token issuer,
//              what is allowed and what requires an "aud" field.
//             - "iss": The token issuer.
//             - "allowed": List of methods which are allowed, even if no "aud" field
//                        is present on the jwt token.
//             - "protected": List of methods which are allowed *ONLY IF* the given method
//                        is present in the "aud" field of the jwt token.
//             Note: Methods that are not on the allowed or protected list will ALWAYS be rejected.
    // Set of methods that do not require any validations, they do not require a token.
    // You are always able to invoke this method, without presenting any form of authentication.
    // This is a list of regular expressions. Access will be granted if the regular expression
    // matches the endpoint.
    "unprotected": [
        ".*" // Matches every method, no authentication will be used **DANGER**
        // "/android.emulation.control.SnapshotService.*" // Everyone can make snapshots.
    // List of methods that require a token, these are the methods
    // we will allow if you present a signed JWT token.
    "allowlist": [
            // Removing android-studio from the allowlist *WILL* break the embedded emulator.
            // You probably do not want to change this.
            "iss": "android-studio", // Tokens issued by android-studio
            // Can access the following set of methods, even if the AUD claim for
            // the given method is *NOT* present.
            "allowed": [
                // Interaction with extended controls.
                // Snapshot related functions
                // Incubating services
            "iss": "icebox",
            "protected": [
            // For tokens issued by gradle we have the following restrictions:
            "iss": "gradle-utp-emulator-control",
            // Can access the following set of methods, even if the AUD claim for
            // the given method is *NOT* present.
            // Usually these are methods that do not present a significant amount
            // of danger.
            "allowed": [
            // Set of methods that can *ONLY* be accessed if given regex matches
            // the entry on the "aud" claim.
            "protected": [
                // Clipboard access can be used to exchange data between the guest
                // and the host.
                // Can be used to "authenticate" with bio-data.
                // Touch, key and mouse can be used to manipulate device state
                // Could be used to trigger the assistant through "Hey Google!"
                // Could be used to observe the device state.