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import type { Image } from "../image-operations/image.js";
import type { BaseAction } from "../actions/base-action.js";
import type { PromiseClient } from "@connectrpc/connect";
import type { EmulatorController } from "@tinyburg/architect/protobuf/emulator_controller_connect";

export interface IHandlerNames {
    RestockDone: "Default Restocking Handler";
    BitbookNote: "Default Bitbook Note Handler";
    ElevatorRider: "Default Elevator Ride Handler";
export type IHandlerName = IHandlerNames[keyof IHandlerNames];

// A location where a trigger was detected
export interface ILocationBasedTrigger {
    x: number;
    y: number;

 * A handler is responsible for playing part of the game. A base handler has two
 * methods, detectTrigger and performTask. If a truthy value is returned from
 * the detectTrigger method, then that value should be passed to the performTask
 * method as the triggerData.
export abstract class BaseHandler<T> {
    public readonly name: IHandlerName;

    public constructor(name: IHandlerName) {
        this.name = name;

    // Attempts to locate this handlers trigger given a screenshot of the game.
    public abstract detectTrigger(screenshot: Image): Promise<T | undefined>;

    // When a trigger is detected, this method should create a list of actions
    // that would need to be performed in the game.
    public abstract generateActionsList(
        client: PromiseClient<typeof EmulatorController>,
        initialScreenshot: Image,
        triggerData: T
    ): Promise<BaseAction[]>;