import type { Image } from "./image.js";
import assert from "node:assert";
import { ImageType, imageTypeFromChannelsForPng } from "./image.js";
import { sourceImageGuard } from "../parameter-guards/source-image-guard.js";
* Drops a singular channel from an image. The new image will have the same
* width and height as the source image, but will have one less channel. A new
* image format can be specified, otherwise the format will be generated based
* on the new number of channels. If the source image only has one channel, an
* error will be thrown.
* @param sourceImage - The image to drop the channel from
* @param dropChannel - The index of the channel to drop, starting at 0
* @param newFormat - The new image format to use
export const dropChannel = (
sourceImage: Image,
dropChannel: number,
newFormat?: ImageType
): { modifiedSourceImage: Image; droppedChannelImage: Image } => {
assert(sourceImage.channels >= 2, "Cannot drop a channel from an image with only one channel");
assert(dropChannel <= sourceImage.channels, "Drop channel must be within the sourceImage channels");
// Stores the extracted channel in case you want to use it later for something like a mask
const droppedChannelImage: Image = {
channels: 1,
format: ImageType.GRAY,
width: sourceImage.width,
height: sourceImage.height,
pixels: Buffer.alloc(sourceImage.width * sourceImage.height),
// Stores the modified source image
const modifiedSourceImage: Image = {
width: sourceImage.width,
height: sourceImage.height,
channels: (sourceImage.channels - 1) as Image["channels"],
format: newFormat || imageTypeFromChannelsForPng(sourceImage.channels - 1),
pixels: Buffer.alloc(sourceImage.width * sourceImage.height * (sourceImage.channels - 1)),
// Remove all pixels from the source image on the particular channel
for (let y = 0; y < sourceImage.height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < sourceImage.width; x++) {
const pixelIndex = (y * sourceImage.width + x) * sourceImage.channels;
// Get and set the drop channels value
const dropChannelValue = sourceImage.pixels[pixelIndex + dropChannel - 1];
droppedChannelImage.pixels.set([dropChannelValue], y * sourceImage.width + x);
// Get all other channel values
const otherChannelValues = Array.from({ length: sourceImage.channels })
.map((__value, index) => index)
.filter((channel) => channel + 1 !== dropChannel)
.map((channel) => sourceImage.pixels[pixelIndex + channel]);
// Set all other values in the modified source image
(y * sourceImage.width + x) * modifiedSourceImage.channels
return { modifiedSourceImage, droppedChannelImage };