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// import type { Image } from "../image-operations/image.js";

// import Debug from "debug";
// import { BaseHandler } from "../handlers/base-handler.js";
// import { GlobalGameStateHolder } from "../global-game-state.js";
// import { loadTemplateByName } from "../image-operations/load-template.js";
// import { EmulatorControllerClient } from "@tinyburg/architect/protobuf/emulator_controller.client.js";

// const debug: Debug.Debugger = Debug("doorman:handlers:build-floor");

// const empty_floor: Image = await loadTemplateByName("floor58");
// const build_new_floor: Image = await loadTemplateByName("floor-1");
// const under_construction: Image = await loadTemplateByName("construction");

// const category_food: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_food");
// const category_retail: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_retail");
// const category_service: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_service");
// const category_choose_floor: Image = await loadTemplateByName("choose_floor");
// const category_creative: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_creative");
// const category_recreation: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_recreation");
// const category_residential: Image = await loadTemplateByName("category_residential");

// const hud_pop: Image = await loadTemplateByName("hud_pop");
// const hud_stories: Image = await loadTemplateByName("hud_stories");
// const hud_pop_wide: Image = await loadTemplateByName("hud_pop_wide");
// const hud_stories_wide: Image = await loadTemplateByName("hud_stories_wide");

export enum WhenBuildNewFloor {
    ASAP = "As soon as possible",
    DOUBLE_COINS = "When you have double the required coins",

// export class BuildFloorHandler extends BaseHandler<boolean> {
//     private _floorsUnderConstruction: number;
//     private readonly _whenBuildNewFloor: () => boolean;
//     private readonly _whichFloorTypeToBuild: () => FloorType;
//     private readonly _consecutiveFloorsToBuild: number;

//     public constructor(
//         whenBuildNewFloor: WhenBuildNewFloor,
//         consecutiveFloorsToBuild: number,
//         whichFloorTypeToBuild: () => FloorType
//     ) {
//         super();
//         this._floorsUnderConstruction = -1;
//         this._whenBuildNewFloor = whenBuildNewFloor;
//         this._whichFloorTypeToBuild = whichFloorTypeToBuild;
//         this._consecutiveFloorsToBuild = consecutiveFloorsToBuild;
//         debug("Created new build floor handler");
//     }

//     protected async detectTrigger(): Promise<boolean | undefined> {
//         // Check if the floors under construction variable has been initialized
//         if (this._floorsUnderConstruction < 0) {
//             await this.updateFloorsUnderConstruction();
//         }

//         // Check that the current number of floors under construction has not exceeded
//         // the maximum consecutive floors that the player wants to build at once
//         if (this._floorsUnderConstruction >= this._consecutiveFloorsToBuild) {
//             return;
//         }

//         // Use the global game state the determine if we should build a new floor
//         const { coins, nextFloorCost } = GlobalGameStateHolder.getInstance().useGlobalGameState();
//         switch (this._whenBuildNewFloor) {
//             case WhenBuildNewFloor.ASAP:
//                 return coins > nextFloorCost;
//             case WhenBuildNewFloor.DOUBLE_COINS:
//                 return coins > 2 * nextFloorCost;
//         }
//     }
// }