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import * as HttpClient from "@effect/platform/HttpClient";
import * as ParseResult from "@effect/schema/ParseResult";
import * as Schema from "@effect/schema/Schema";
import * as ReadonlyArray from "effect/Array";
import * as Chunk from "effect/Chunk";
import * as Effect from "effect/Effect";
import * as Function from "effect/Function";
import * as Option from "effect/Option";
import * as Scope from "effect/Scope";
import * as Stream from "effect/Stream";
import * as Tuple from "effect/Tuple";

import {
} from "./schemas.js";

// TODO: Record some actually interesting events/versions
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/typedef
export const trackedVersions = {
    [Games.BitCity]: {
        a1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        a2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
    [Games.TinyTower]: {
        b1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        b2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
    [Games.LegoTower]: {
        c1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        c2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
    [Games.PocketFrogs]: {
        d1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        d2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
    [Games.PocketPlanes]: {
        e1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        e2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
    [Games.PocketTrains]: {
        f1: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
        f2: { semanticVersion: "0.0.0", appVersionCode: 0 },
} satisfies { [game in Games]: { [eventVersion: string]: SemanticVersionAndAppVersionCode } };

 * Retrieves a map of semantic versions like "1.2.3" by relative versions like
 * "2 versions before latest" from an apksupport versions page.
export const getSemanticVersionsByRelativeVersions = (
    game: Games
): Effect.Effect<
    HttpClient.error.HttpClientError | ParseResult.ParseError,
> =>
    Effect.gen(function* () {
        // Helper to recursively fetch all paginated version feed pages
        const paginatedStream: Stream.Stream<string, HttpClient.error.HttpClientError, Scope.Scope> =
            Stream.unfoldEffect(0, (pg) =>
                    Effect.flatMap((response) => response.text),
                    Effect.map(Option.liftPredicate((maybeResponseWithContent) => maybeResponseWithContent !== "")),
                    Effect.map(Option.map((responseWithContent) => [responseWithContent, pg + 1]))

        const allResponses: string = yield* Stream.runCollect(paginatedStream)

        const versionRegex: RegExp = new RegExp(/div class="stitle">[\s\w:\u00AE\-]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\((\d+)\)<\/div/gim);

        return yield* Function.pipe(
            // Match all the versions in the paginated versions feed
            ReadonlyArray.map(([_x, y, z]) => Tuple.make(y as SemanticVersion, z)),

            // If there are spillover versions somehow between the pages, get rid of them
            ReadonlyArray.dedupeWith((x, y) => x[0] === y[0] && x[1] === y[1]),

            // Regex / array index could have returned undefined, so let's convert
            // to options and then zip the while object to an options as long as both
            // the required properties are present
            ReadonlyArray.map(Tuple.mapBoth({ onFirst: Option.fromNullable, onSecond: Option.fromNullable })),
            ReadonlyArray.map((x) => Option.zipWith(Tuple.getFirst(x), Tuple.getSecond(x), Tuple.make)),
            ReadonlyArray.map(Option.map((x) => ({ semanticVersion: x[0], appVersionCode: x[1] }))),

            // Index the semantic version tuples and put the relative version first
            ReadonlyArray.map(Function.flow(Tuple.make, Tuple.swap)),
            ReadonlyArray.map(Tuple.mapFirst((index) => `${index} versions before latest` as RelativeVersion)),

            // We kept entries that were Option.None from earlier to ensure that we
            // generate the correct indexes, now we can lift the option again and
            // get rid of all entries that are still Option.None
            ReadonlyArray.map((x) => Option.zipWith(Option.some(Tuple.getFirst(x)), Tuple.getSecond(x), Tuple.make)),

            // We need to add an entry for "latest version" which we can achieve by
            // duplicating the first entry in the list and changing its relative version.
            // It is always guaranteed that the first entry is the latest version because
            // that is the way apk.support has arranged the versions feed
            ReadonlyArray.flatMap((x, index) =>
                Function.identity(index) ? [x] : ([["latest version", x[1]], x] as const)

            // Convert to a hashmap
            (x) => Schema.decode(SemanticVersionsByRelativeVersions)(x)