import "frida-il2cpp-bridge";
import type { IFloorAgentExports } from "../shared/floor-agent-exports.js";
import { readObject } from "../helpers/read.js";
import { TinyTowerFridaAgent } from "./base-frida-agent.js";
import { readEnumFields } from "../helpers/get-enum-fields.js";
import { copyDictionaryToJs } from "../helpers/copy-dictionary-to-js.js";
export class GetFloorData extends TinyTowerFridaAgent<GetFloorData> {
public loadDependencies() {
const csharpAssembly = Il2Cpp.domain.assembly("Assembly-CSharp");
const AppUtilClass = csharpAssembly.image.class("AppUtil");
const FloorTypeClass = csharpAssembly.image.class("FloorType");
const VFloorDataClass = csharpAssembly.image.class("VFloorData");
const floorInfoDictionary = VFloorDataClass.field<Il2Cpp.Object>("info").value;
return { AppUtilClass, FloorTypeClass, VFloorDataClass, floorInfoDictionary };
public retrieveData() {
// Extract the version of the game
const version = this.dependencies.AppUtilClass.method<Il2Cpp.String>("VersionString").invoke().content;
// Extract the FloorType enum fields
const floorTypeEnumFields = readEnumFields(this.dependencies.FloorTypeClass);
// Extract the floors
const floors =
// Copy the floors dictionary to JS
Object.entries(copyDictionaryToJs<number, Il2Cpp.Object>(this.dependencies.floorInfoDictionary))
// Map every floor entry to its index and copy the floor data over to JS
([index, floorDictionary]) =>
copyDictionaryToJs<Il2Cpp.String, Il2Cpp.Object>(floorDictionary),
] as const
.map(([index, floorData]) => [
...Object.entries(floorData).map(([property, value]) => [property, readObject(value)]),
["index", index],
// Reassemble a floor object from its entries
.map((entries) => Object.fromEntries(entries))
// Filter to get only the floors that have a positive index
.filter((floor) => floor.index >= 0)
// Sort the floors based on their index
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.index > b.index) return 1;
else if (a.index < b.index) return -1;
else return 0;
// Make sure that a floor exists at each index, this is needed so that when tinyburg
// looks up a floor by name it gets the correct index. And yes, Nimblebit does skip
// some indexes for some obscure reason
.map((floor) => floor.index)
.filter((index, arrayIndex, array) => array[arrayIndex + 1] && array[arrayIndex + 1] !== index + 1)
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-for-each
.forEach((index) => floors.splice(index + 1, 0, { name: "undefined", type: "None" }));
// Rename and remove some of the properties of the floors
for (const floor of floors) {
floor.products = floor.prods && floor.prods.length > 0 ? floor.prods : undefined;
floor.animations = floor.anims && floor.anims.length > 0 ? floor.anims : undefined;
floor.productImages = floor.prodimgs && floor.prodimgs.length > 0 ? floor.prodimgs : undefined;
delete floor.anims;
delete floor.prods;
delete floor.prodimgs;
delete floor.index;
delete floor.fid;
return { TTVersion: version || "unknown", floorTypeEnumFields, floors };
public transformToSourceCode() {
// Source code for the floor type enum
const floorTypeEnumFieldsSource = this.transformEnumFieldsToSource(;
const floorTypeSourceTS = `export enum FloorType {${floorTypeEnumFieldsSource}}\n`;
// Source code for the floors array and type
const floorsSourceString = JSON.stringify(
"type: FloorType.$1"
const floorsSourceTS = `export const floors = ${floorsSourceString} as const;\n`;
const floorSourceTS = "export type Floor = typeof floors[number];\n";
// Source code for the next floor cost
// int num = count - 1;
// long num2 = (long)Mathf.Max(5000f, (float)Mathf.CeilToInt((float)(num * num) * 500f - (float)(12 - num) * 9000f));
// return num2 - num2 % 1000;
const buildFloorCost = `export const buildFloorCost = (numFloors: number) => {
const num1 = numFloors - 1;
const num2 = Math.max(5000, Math.ceil((num1 * num1) * 500 - (12 - num1) * 9000));
return num2 - num2 % 1000;
return (
`// TinyTower version: ${}\n` +
buildFloorCost +
"\n" +
floorTypeSourceTS +
"\n" +
floorsSourceTS +
// Main entry point exported for when this file is compiled as a frida agent.
const rpcExports: IFloorAgentExports = {
main: async () => {
const instance = await new GetFloorData().start();
return instance.transformToSourceCode();
rpc.exports = rpcExports as unknown as RpcExports;