import type { ILogger } from "../logger.js";
import type { IConfig } from "../config.js";
import type { DecompressedSave } from "../decompress-save.js";
import type { INimblebitResponse, ISuccessFoundNotFound } from "./nimblebit-response.js";
import { DebugLogger } from "../logger.js";
import { cryptoMD5 } from "../crypto-md5.js";
import { cryptoSalt } from "../crypto-salt.js";
import { decompressSave } from "../decompress-save.js";
import { serverEndpoints, getNetworkRequest } from "../contact-server.js";
// Debug logger, will default to using this if no other logger is supplied.
const loggingNamespace: string = "tinyburg:endpoints:download_save";
const debug: ILogger = new DebugLogger(loggingNamespace);
// Nimblebit api download save response type.
export interface IDownloadSave extends ISuccessFoundNotFound, Omit<INimblebitResponse, "success"> {
* Save version. Save versions are integer numbers starting at 0 and
* incrementing by 1 for each following version.
id: number;
* Validation hash from the server to make sure that the data arrived
* correctly, computed as: md5(playerId + salt + id + data + playerSs +
* secretSalt). The client should compute the same hash client-side using
* the downloaded data and confirm that they match.
h: string;
/** Compressed save data. */
data: string;
* Downloads a players save data from the cloud. Will feed the compressed data
* into the decompress-save module and return the decompressed save data.
export const downloadSave = async (config: IConfig, logger: ILogger = debug): Promise<DecompressedSave> => {
// Setup logging
const passLogger = logger === debug ? undefined : logger;"Starting download of current cloud save data...");
// Player must be authenticated
if (!config.authenticated) {
return logger.fatal(new Error("Player not authenticated"));
// The download save request follows the same authentication process as most other endpoints. The endpoint
// url will be{playerId}/{salt}/{hash} where
// playerId is your cloud player id
// salt is a random 32bit signed integer, [-2147483648 to 2147483647]
// and hash is the md5 hash of tt/{playerId}/{salt} + {playerSs} + {secretSalt}
const salt = cryptoSalt(passLogger);
const hash = "tt/" + config.player.playerId + "/" + salt + config.player.playerSs;
const endpoint = serverEndpoints.pullSave + config.player.playerId + "/" + salt;
const serverResponse = await getNetworkRequest<IDownloadSave>({ config, endpoint, hash, log: passLogger });
// Bad response
if (serverResponse.error) {
return logger.fatal(new Error(`Authentication error: ${serverResponse.error}`));
// Good response
if (serverResponse.success === "Found") {
const saveData =;
const saveVersionAtNimblebit =;
const validationHashParameters: DownloadSaveValidationHashParameters = {
playerId: config.player.playerId,
playerSs: config.player.playerSs,
secretSalt: config.secretSalt,
* If the request was made using the auth proxy (because the tinyburg
* client does not know the secretSalt) then we will use the proxied
* hash from the authproxy, otherwise compute the validation hash
* ourselves.
const serverHash = config.proxy.useProxy
? serverResponse.proxiedHash
: computeDownloadSaveValidationHash(validationHashParameters, passLogger);
// Confirm the validation hash from the server
if (serverHash === serverResponse.h) {"Hash verification passed");"Downloaded new save data, starting unpacking...");
return decompressSave(saveData, passLogger);
// Could not verify the validation hash from the server
return logger.fatal(new Error("Hash verification failed when pulling save data"));
return logger.fatal(new Error("Bad server response"));
// Compute validation hash function params.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type DownloadSaveValidationHashParameters = {
playerId: string;
salt: number;
saveVersionAtNimblebit: number;
saveData: string;
playerSs: string | undefined;
secretSalt: string | undefined;
// Compute the validation hash and confirm that it matches what Nimblebit's api sent. The
// validation hash is computed as: md5(playerId + salt + id + data + playerSs + secretSalt).
export const computeDownloadSaveValidationHash = (
{ playerId, salt, saveVersionAtNimblebit, saveData, playerSs, secretSalt }: DownloadSaveValidationHashParameters,
logger: ILogger = debug
): string => {
const passLogger = logger === debug ? undefined : logger;"Computing validation hash with parameters %o", {
return cryptoMD5(playerId + salt + saveVersionAtNimblebit + saveData + playerSs + secretSalt, passLogger);