import type { IConfig } from "../config.js";
import type { DecompressedSave } from "../decompress-save.js";
import type { ILogger } from "../logger.js";
import type { INimblebitJsonSave } from "../parsing-structs/blocks.js";
import type { INimblebitResponse } from "./nimblebit-response.js";
import prompts from "prompts";
import { compressSave } from "../compress-save.js";
import { postNetworkRequest, serverEndpoints } from "../contact-server.js";
import { cryptoSalt } from "../crypto-salt.js";
import { DebugLogger } from "../logger.js";
import { extract } from "../modify-save.js";
import { concatJsonToBlock, parseSaveToJson } from "../save-parser.js";
// Debug logger (will default to using this if no other logger is supplied).
const loggingNamespace: string = "tinyburg:endpoints:upload_save";
const debug: ILogger = new DebugLogger(loggingNamespace);
// Upload save function params.
export type UploadSaveParameters = {
forcePush?: boolean;
} & Omit<GenerateUploadMetadataParameters, "requestFloorId">;
// Generate upload metadata function params.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions
export type GenerateUploadMetadataParameters = {
/** Save data to upload, either as a decompressed save or a json save. */
saveData: DecompressedSave | INimblebitJsonSave;
* Save version to put in the meta data, leave empty if you are generating
* meta data for a snapshot.
version?: number | undefined;
/** The language your game is in, defaults to "en-us". */
language?: string | undefined;
/** The platform you are playing on. */
platform?: "IOS" | "Android" | undefined;
/** If you are requesting bitizens for a particular floor. */
requestFloorId?: number | undefined;
// Nimblebit api upload save response type.
export interface IUploadSave extends INimblebitResponse {
* The hash of the saved data, should use on client side but are not
* currently.
h: string;
/** Which save version the data was saved as. */
id: string;
* Either the request was a success and the data was saved, or it failed and
* the data was not saved.
success?: "Saved" | "NotSaved";
// Generates the meta data necessary when uploading save data either for pushing to the cloud or pushing a snapshot.
export const generateUploadMetadata = async ({
platform = "Android",
language = "en-us",
}: GenerateUploadMetadataParameters): Promise<{
metaData: {
saveData: string;
avatar: DecompressedSave;
saveVersion: number | undefined;
level: number;
reqFID: number;
mg: number;
vip: number;
p: "IOS" | "Android";
l: string;
compressedSave: string;
}> => {
// We need two copies of the save data, one as json and one in block form
let jsonSaveData: INimblebitJsonSave;
let stringSaveData: DecompressedSave;
// Format incoming data
if (typeof saveData === "string") {
jsonSaveData = await parseSaveToJson(saveData);
stringSaveData = saveData;
} else {
jsonSaveData = saveData as INimblebitJsonSave;
stringSaveData = await concatJsonToBlock(saveData as INimblebitJsonSave);
// Compress save, extract the doorman/avatar and reqFID from the save
const compressedSave = compressSave(stringSaveData);
const doorman = await extract(stringSaveData, "doorman");
// Setup metaData
const metaData = {
saveData: compressedSave,
avatar: doorman,
saveVersion: version,
level: (jsonSaveData.stories || []).length,
reqFID: requestFloorId || -1,
mg: jsonSaveData.maxGold || 0,
vip: jsonSaveData.vipTrialEnd === undefined ? 0 : 1,
p: platform,
l: language,
return {
// Uploads save data to the cloud.
export const uploadSave = async (
config: IConfig,
{ saveData, version, language, platform, forcePush = false }: UploadSaveParameters,
logger: ILogger = debug
): Promise<IUploadSave> => {
// Setup logging
const passLogger = logger === debug ? undefined : logger;"Uploading save data for version: %d", version);
// Player must be authenticated
if (!config.authenticated) {
return logger.fatal(new Error("Player not authenticated"));
// Generate meta data
const { metaData, compressedSave } = await generateUploadMetadata({ saveData, version, language, platform });
// Not force pushing and process.stdout is not a terminal, so throw an error
if (!forcePush && !process.stdout.isTTY) {
return logger.fatal(new Error(NoForcePushNoTerminal));
// Otherwise, since process.stdout is a tty we can confirm
else if (!forcePush && process.stdout.isTTY) {
const ready = await prompts({
type: "confirm",
name: "push save",
message: readyMessage,
if (!ready) {
return logger.fatal(new Error(NotReady));
// The push save request follows the same authentication process as most other endpoints. The endpoint
// url will be{playerId}/{salt}/{hash} where
// playerId is the cloud player id
// salt is a random 32bit signed integer, [-2147483648 to 2147483647]
// and hash is the md5 hash of tt/{playerId}/{salt} + {compressedSave} + {playerSs} + {secretSalt}
const salt = cryptoSalt(passLogger);
const hash = "tt/" + config.player.playerId + "/" + salt + compressedSave + config.player.playerSs;
const endpoint = serverEndpoints.pushSave + config.player.playerId + "/" + salt;
const serverResponse = await postNetworkRequest<IUploadSave>({
postData: metaData,
log: passLogger,
// Bad response
if (serverResponse.error) {
return logger.fatal(new Error(`Authentication error: ${serverResponse.error}`));
// Good response, compute validation hash somehow?
if (serverResponse.success === "Saved") {"Successfully pushed save: %o", serverResponse);
return serverResponse;
return logger.fatal(new Error("Bad server response"));
// Message to prompt the user to make sure they are ready to push data
export const readyMessage: string =
"Are you sure you are ready to push you save data? (make sure you have to app closed to prevent conflicts)";
// Error messages
export const NotReady: string = "Not ready to push save data, please try again when you are ready";
export const NoForcePushNoTerminal: string =
"Refusing to push save data because the forcePush flag was not set and process.stdout is not a tty so we could not confirm the push";