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 * This is the main configuration file for Rush.
 * For full documentation, please see https://rushjs.io
    "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/rush/v5/rush.schema.json",

     * (Required) This specifies the version of the Rush engine to be used in this repo.
     * Rush's "version selector" feature ensures that the globally installed tool will
     * behave like this release, regardless of which version is installed globally.
     * The common/scripts/install-run-rush.js automation script also uses this version.
     * NOTE: If you upgrade to a new major version of Rush, you should replace the "v5"
     * path segment in the "$schema" field for all your Rush config files. This will ensure
     * correct error-underlining and tab-completion for editors such as VS Code.
    "rushVersion": "5.123.1",

     * The next field selects which package manager should be installed and determines its version.
     * Rush installs its own local copy of the package manager to ensure that your build process
     * is fully isolated from whatever tools are present in the local environment.
     * Specify one of: "pnpmVersion", "npmVersion", or "yarnVersion". See the Rush documentation
     * for details about these alternatives.
    "pnpmVersion": "7.33.5",
    // "npmVersion": "6.14.15",
    // "yarnVersion": "1.9.4",

     * Older releases of the Node.js engine may be missing features required by your system.
     * Other releases may have bugs. In particular, the "latest" version will not be a
     * Long Term Support (LTS) version and is likely to have regressions.
     * Specify a SemVer range to ensure developers use a Node.js version that is appropriate
     * for your repo.
     * LTS schedule: https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/
     * LTS versions: https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/
    "nodeSupportedVersionRange": ">=18 <19 || >=20 <21 || >=22 <23",

     * If the version check above fails, Rush will display a message showing the current
     * node version and the supported version range. You can use this setting to provide
     * additional instructions that will display below the warning, if there's a specific
     * tool or script you'd like the user to use to get in line with the expected version.
    // "nodeSupportedVersionInstructions": "Run 'nvs use' to switch to the expected node version.",

     * Odd-numbered major versions of Node.js are experimental. Even-numbered releases
     * spend six months in a stabilization period before the first Long Term Support (LTS) version.
     * For example, 8.9.0 was the first LTS version of Node.js 8. Pre-LTS versions are not recommended
     * for production usage because they frequently have bugs. They may cause Rush itself
     * to malfunction.
     * Rush normally prints a warning if it detects a pre-LTS Node.js version. If you are testing
     * pre-LTS versions in preparation for supporting the first LTS version, you can use this setting
     * to disable Rush's warning.
    // "suppressNodeLtsWarning": false,

     * If you would like the version specifiers for your dependencies to be consistent, then
     * uncomment this line. This is effectively similar to running "rush check" before any
     * of the following commands:
     *   rush install, rush update, rush link, rush version, rush publish
     * In some cases you may want this turned on, but need to allow certain packages to use a different
     * version. In those cases, you will need to add an entry to the "allowedAlternativeVersions"
     * section of the common-versions.json.
    "ensureConsistentVersions": true,

     * Large monorepos can become intimidating for newcomers if project folder paths don't follow
     * a consistent and recognizable pattern. When the system allows nested folder trees,
     * we've found that teams will often use subfolders to create islands that isolate
     * their work from others ("shipping the org"). This hinders collaboration and code sharing.
     * The Rush developers recommend a "category folder" model, where build-able project folders
     * must always be exactly two levels below the repo root. The parent folder acts as the category.
     * This provides a basic facility for grouping related projects (e.g. "apps", "libraries",
     * "tools", "prototypes") while still encouraging teams to organize their projects into
     * a unified taxonomy. Limiting to 2 levels seems very restrictive at first, but if you have
     * 20 categories and 20 projects in each category, this scheme can easily accommodate hundreds
     * of projects. In practice, you will find that the folder hierarchy needs to be rebalanced
     * occasionally, but if that's painful, it's a warning sign that your development style may
     * discourage refactoring. Reorganizing the categories should be an enlightening discussion
     * that brings people together, and maybe also identifies poor coding practices (e.g. file
     * references that reach into other project's folders without using Node.js module resolution).
     * The defaults are projectFolderMinDepth=1 and projectFolderMaxDepth=2.
     * To remove these restrictions, you could set projectFolderMinDepth=1
     * and set projectFolderMaxDepth to a large number.
    "projectFolderMinDepth": 2,
    "projectFolderMaxDepth": 3,

     * Today the npmjs.com registry enforces fairly strict naming rules for packages, but in the early
     * days there was no standard and hardly any enforcement. A few large legacy projects are still using
     * nonstandard package names, and private registries sometimes allow it. Set "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames"
     * to true to relax Rush's enforcement of package names. This allows upper case letters and in the future may
     * relax other rules, however we want to minimize these exceptions. Many popular tools use certain punctuation
     * characters as delimiters, based on the assumption that they will never appear in a package name; thus if we relax
     * the rules too much it is likely to cause very confusing malfunctions.
     * The default value is false.
    // "allowMostlyStandardPackageNames": true,

     * This feature helps you to review and approve new packages before they are introduced
     * to your monorepo. For example, you may be concerned about licensing, code quality,
     * performance, or simply accumulating too many libraries with overlapping functionality.
     * The approvals are tracked in two config files "browser-approved-packages.json"
     * and "nonbrowser-approved-packages.json". See the Rush documentation for details.
    // "approvedPackagesPolicy": {
    //   /**
    //    * The review categories allow you to say for example "This library is approved for usage
    //    * in prototypes, but not in production code."
    //    *
    //    * Each project can be associated with one review category, by assigning the "reviewCategory" field
    //    * in the "projects" section of rush.json. The approval is then recorded in the files
    //    * "common/config/rush/browser-approved-packages.json" and "nonbrowser-approved-packages.json"
    //    * which are automatically generated during "rush update".
    //    *
    //    * Designate categories with whatever granularity is appropriate for your review process,
    //    * or you could just have a single category called "default".
    //    */
    //   "reviewCategories": [
    //     // Some example categories:
    //     "production", // projects that ship to production
    //     "tools",      // non-shipping projects that are part of the developer toolchain
    //     "prototypes"  // experiments that should mostly be ignored by the review process
    //   ],
    //   /**
    //    * A list of NPM package scopes that will be excluded from review.
    //    * We recommend to exclude TypeScript typings (the "@types" scope), because
    //    * if the underlying package was already approved, this would imply that the typings
    //    * are also approved.
    //    */
    //   // "ignoredNpmScopes": ["@types"]
    // },

     * If you use Git as your version control system, this section has some additional
     * optional features you can use.
    "gitPolicy": {
         * Work at a big company? Tired of finding Git commits at work with unprofessional Git
         * emails such as "beer-lover@my-college.edu"? Rush can validate people's Git email address
         * before they get started.
         * Define a list of regular expressions describing allowable e-mail patterns for Git commits.
         * They are case-insensitive anchored JavaScript RegExps. Example: ".*@example\.com"
         * IMPORTANT: Because these are regular expressions encoded as JSON string literals,
         * RegExp escapes need two backslashes, and ordinary periods should be "\\.".
        // "allowedEmailRegExps": [
        //   "[^@]+@users\\.noreply\\.github\\.com",
        //   "travis@example\\.org"
        // ],
         * When Rush reports that the address is malformed, the notice can include an example
         * of a recommended email. Make sure it conforms to one of the allowedEmailRegExps
         * expressions.
        // "sampleEmail": "mrexample@users.noreply.github.com",
         * The commit message to use when committing changes during 'rush publish'.
         * For example, if you want to prevent these commits from triggering a CI build,
         * you might configure your system's trigger to look for a special string such as "[skip-ci]"
         * in the commit message, and then customize Rush's message to contain that string.
        // "versionBumpCommitMessage": "Bump versions [skip ci]",
         * The commit message to use when committing changes during 'rush version'.
         * For example, if you want to prevent these commits from triggering a CI build,
         * you might configure your system's trigger to look for a special string such as "[skip-ci]"
         * in the commit message, and then customize Rush's message to contain that string.
        // "changeLogUpdateCommitMessage": "Update changelogs [skip ci]"

    "repository": {
         * The URL of this Git repository, used by "rush change" to determine the base branch for your PR.
         * The "rush change" command needs to determine which files are affected by your PR diff.
         * If you merged or cherry-picked commits from the main branch into your PR branch, those commits
         * should be excluded from this diff (since they belong to some other PR). In order to do that,
         * Rush needs to know where to find the base branch for your PR. This information cannot be
         * determined from Git alone, since the "pull request" feature is not a Git concept. Ideally
         * Rush would use a vendor-specific protocol to query the information from GitHub, Azure DevOps, etc.
         * But to keep things simple, "rush change" simply assumes that your PR is against the "main" branch
         * of the Git remote indicated by the repository.url setting in rush.json. If you are working in
         * a GitHub "fork" of the real repo, this setting will be different from the repository URL of your
         * your PR branch, and in this situation "rush change" will also automatically invoke "git fetch"
         * to retrieve the latest activity for the remote main branch.
        "url": "https://github.com/leonitousconforti/tinyburg"

         * The default branch name. This tells "rush change" which remote branch to compare against.
         * The default value is "main"
        // "defaultBranch": "main",

         * The default remote. This tells "rush change" which remote to compare against if the remote URL is
         * not set or if a remote matching the provided remote URL is not found.
        // "defaultRemote": "origin"

     * Event hooks are customized script actions that Rush executes when specific events occur
    "eventHooks": {
         * The list of shell commands to run before the Rush installation starts
        "preRushInstall": [
            // "common/scripts/pre-rush-install.js"

         * The list of shell commands to run after the Rush installation finishes
        "postRushInstall": [],

         * The list of shell commands to run before the Rush build command starts
        "preRushBuild": [],

         * The list of shell commands to run after the Rush build command finishes
        "postRushBuild": []

     * Rush can collect anonymous telemetry about everyday developer activity such as
     * success/failure of installs, builds, and other operations. You can use this to identify
     * problems with your toolchain or Rush itself. THIS TELEMETRY IS NOT SHARED WITH MICROSOFT.
     * It is written into JSON files in the common/temp folder. It's up to you to write scripts
     * that read these JSON files and do something with them. These scripts are typically registered
     * in the "eventHooks" section.
    // "telemetryEnabled": false,

     * Allows creation of hotfix changes. This feature is experimental so it is disabled by default.
     * If this is set, 'rush change' only allows a 'hotfix' change type to be specified. This change type
     * will be used when publishing subsequent changes from the monorepo.
    // "hotfixChangeEnabled": false,

     * This is an optional, but recommended, list of available tags that can be applied
     * to projects. If this property is not specified, any tag is allowed. This
     * list is useful in preventing typos when specifying tags for projects.
    // "allowedProjectTags": [ "apps", "Web", "tools" ],

     * (Required) This is the inventory of projects to be managed by Rush.
     * Rush does not automatically scan for projects using wildcards, for a few reasons:
     * 1. Depth-first scans are expensive, particularly when tools need to repeatedly collect the list.
     * 2. On a caching CI machine, scans can accidentally pick up files left behind from a previous build.
     * 3. It's useful to have a centralized inventory of all projects and their important metadata.
    "projects": [
        // {
        //   /**
        //    * The NPM package name of the project (must match package.json)
        //    */
        //   "packageName": "my-app",
        //   /**
        //    * The path to the project folder, relative to the rush.json config file.
        //    */
        //   "projectFolder": "apps/my-app",
        //   /**
        //    * An optional category for usage in the "browser-approved-packages.json"
        //    * and "nonbrowser-approved-packages.json" files. The value must be one of the
        //    * strings from the "reviewCategories" defined above.
        //    */
        //   "reviewCategory": "production",
        //   /**
        //    * A list of Rush project names that are to be installed from NPM
        //    * instead of linking to the local project.
        //    *
        //    * If a project's package.json specifies a dependency that is another Rush project
        //    * in the monorepo workspace, normally Rush will locally link its folder instead of
        //    * installing from NPM. If you are using PNPM workspaces, this is indicated by
        //    * a SemVer range such as "workspace:^1.2.3". To prevent mistakes, Rush reports
        //    * an error if the "workspace:" protocol is missing.
        //    *
        //    * Locally linking ensures that regressions are caught as early as possible and is
        //    * a key benefit of monorepos. However there are occasional situations where
        //    * installing from NPM is needed. A classic example is a cyclic dependency.
        //    * Imagine three Rush projects: "my-toolchain" depends on "my-tester", which depends
        //    * on "my-library". Suppose that we add "my-toolchain" to the "devDependencies"
        //    * of "my-library" so it can be built by our toolchain. This cycle creates
        //    * a problem -- Rush can't build a project using a not-yet-built dependency.
        //    * We can solve it by adding "my-toolchain" to the "decoupledLocalDependencies"
        //    * of "my-library", so it builds using the last published release. Choose carefully
        //    * which package to decouple; some choices are much easier to manage than others.
        //    *
        //    * (In older Rush releases, this setting was called "cyclicDependencyProjects".)
        //    */
        //   "decoupledLocalDependencies": [
        //     // "my-toolchain"
        //   ],
        //   /**
        //    * If true, then this project will be ignored by the "rush check" command.
        //    * The default value is false.
        //    */
        //   // "skipRushCheck": false,
        //   /**
        //    * A flag indicating that changes to this project will be published to npm, which affects
        //    * the Rush change and publish workflows. The default value is false.
        //    * NOTE: "versionPolicyName" and "shouldPublish" are alternatives; you cannot specify them both.
        //    */
        //   // "shouldPublish": false,
        //   /**
        //    * Facilitates postprocessing of a project's files prior to publishing.
        //    *
        //    * If specified, the "publishFolder" is the relative path to a subfolder of the project folder.
        //    * The "rush publish" command will publish the subfolder instead of the project folder. The subfolder
        //    * must contain its own package.json file, which is typically a build output.
        //    */
        //   // "publishFolder": "temp/publish",
        //   /**
        //    * An optional version policy associated with the project. Version policies are defined
        //    * in "version-policies.json" file. See the "rush publish" documentation for more info.
        //    * NOTE: "versionPolicyName" and "shouldPublish" are alternatives; you cannot specify them both.
        //    */
        //   // "versionPolicyName": "",
        //   /**
        //     * An optional set of custom tags that can be used to select this project. For example,
        //     * adding "my-custom-tag" will allow this project to be selected by the
        //     * command "rush list --only tag:my-custom-tag"
        //     */
        //   // "tags": ["apps", "web"]
        // },
        // {
        //   "packageName": "my-controls",
        //   "projectFolder": "libraries/my-controls",
        //   "reviewCategory": "production",
        //   "tags": ["libraries", "web"]
        // },
        // {
        //   "packageName": "my-toolchain",
        //   "projectFolder": "tools/my-toolchain",
        //   "reviewCategory": "tools",
        //   "tags": ["tools"]
        // }

        // Packages (do get published)
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/architect",
            "projectFolder": "packages/architect",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/bitprints",
            "projectFolder": "packages/bitprints",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/doorman",
            "projectFolder": "packages/doorman",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/explorer",
            "projectFolder": "packages/explorer",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/fount",
            "projectFolder": "packages/fount",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/insight",
            "projectFolder": "packages/insight",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/nucleus",
            "projectFolder": "packages/nucleus",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/treasurer",
            "projectFolder": "packages/treasurer",
            "shouldPublish": true
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/window",
            "projectFolder": "packages/window",
            "shouldPublish": true

        // Apps (do not get published)
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/archivist",
            "projectFolder": "apps/archivist",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/authproxy",
            "projectFolder": "apps/authproxy",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/auto-gold-bits",
            "projectFolder": "apps/auto-gold-bits",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/discord-bot",
            "projectFolder": "apps/discord-bot",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/personas",
            "projectFolder": "apps/personas",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/trading-site",
            "projectFolder": "apps/trading-site",
            "shouldPublish": false
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/urbanization",
            "projectFolder": "apps/urbanization",
            "shouldPublish": false

        // Rigs (do not get published)
            "packageName": "@tinyburg/tsconfig-rig",
            "projectFolder": "packages/tsconfig-rig",
            "shouldPublish": false