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Test Coverage

    Implementation of Authentication using the Authorization Code Flow
    per `Section 3.1`_.

    .. _`Section 3.1`: http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowAuth

import logging
from authlib.oauth2.rfc6749 import OAuth2Request
from .util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class OpenIDToken:
    def get_jwt_config(self, grant):  # pragma: no cover
        """Get the JWT configuration for OpenIDCode extension. The JWT
        configuration will be used to generate ``id_token``. Developers
        MUST implement this method in subclass, e.g.::

            def get_jwt_config(self, grant):
                return {
                    'key': read_private_key_file(key_path),
                    'alg': 'RS256',
                    'iss': 'issuer-identity',
                    'exp': 3600

        :param grant: AuthorizationCodeGrant instance
        :return: dict
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def generate_user_info(self, user, scope):
        """Provide user information for the given scope. Developers
        MUST implement this method in subclass, e.g.::

            from authlib.oidc.core import UserInfo

            def generate_user_info(self, user, scope):
                user_info = UserInfo(sub=user.id, name=user.name)
                if 'email' in scope:
                    user_info['email'] = user.email
                return user_info

        :param user: user instance
        :param scope: scope of the token
        :return: ``authlib.oidc.core.UserInfo`` instance
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_audiences(self, request):
        """Parse `aud` value for id_token, default value is client id. Developers
        MAY rewrite this method to provide a customized audience value.
        client = request.client
        return [client.get_client_id()]

    def process_token(self, grant, token):
        scope = token.get('scope')
        if not scope or not is_openid_scope(scope):
            # standard authorization code flow
            return token

        request: OAuth2Request = grant.request
        authorization_code = request.authorization_code

        config = self.get_jwt_config(grant)
        config['aud'] = self.get_audiences(request)

        if authorization_code:
            config['nonce'] = authorization_code.get_nonce()
            config['auth_time'] = authorization_code.get_auth_time()

        user_info = self.generate_user_info(request.user, token['scope'])
        id_token = generate_id_token(token, user_info, **config)
        token['id_token'] = id_token
        return token

    def __call__(self, grant):
        grant.register_hook('process_token', self.process_token)

class OpenIDCode(OpenIDToken):
    """An extension from OpenID Connect for "grant_type=code" request. Developers
    MUST implement the missing methods::

        class MyOpenIDCode(OpenIDCode):
            def get_jwt_config(self, grant):
                return {...}

            def exists_nonce(self, nonce, request):
                return check_if_nonce_in_cache(request.client_id, nonce)

            def generate_user_info(self, user, scope):
                return {...}

    The register this extension with AuthorizationCodeGrant::

        authorization_server.register_grant(AuthorizationCodeGrant, extensions=[MyOpenIDCode()])
    def __init__(self, require_nonce=False):
        self.require_nonce = require_nonce

    def exists_nonce(self, nonce, request):
        """Check if the given nonce is existing in your database. Developers
        MUST implement this method in subclass, e.g.::

            def exists_nonce(self, nonce, request):
                exists = AuthorizationCode.query.filter_by(
                    client_id=request.client_id, nonce=nonce
                return bool(exists)

        :param nonce: A string of "nonce" parameter in request
        :param request: OAuth2Request instance
        :return: Boolean
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def validate_openid_authorization_request(self, grant):
        validate_nonce(grant.request, self.exists_nonce, self.require_nonce)

    def __call__(self, grant):
        grant.register_hook('process_token', self.process_token)
        if is_openid_scope(grant.request.scope):