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Test Coverage

If you have questions or issues about Authlib, there are several options:

.. _stackoverflow:


If your question does not contain sensitive information, and it is a
help request instead of bug reports, please ask a question on
StackOverflow and use the tag **authlib**.


If your StackOverflow question is not answered for a long time, please
ping me at Twitter `@authlib <https://twitter.com/authlib>`_.

GitHub Issues

GitHub issues is used for but reporting and feature requests. Please
don't ask questions on GitHub issues.

Feature Requests

If you have feature requests, please comment on `Features Checklist`_.
If they are accepted, they will be listed in the post.

.. _`Features Checklist`: https://github.com/lepture/authlib/issues/1

Commercial Support

I do provide commercial support on Authlib. If you need personal help or
consulting on your project, please send an email with a brief of what you
need to <me@lepture.com>, I'll decide whether I can take the job.

Note that work must be Authlib related. Find more information on