
Test Coverage
## memm
#### browser extension to tag your bookmarks and store it privately

> :warning:
> this extension is in development, use at your own risk

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[![Chrome Web Store](](

### Features
- You can add multiple tag to each bookmark
- Bookmarks are optionally stored with [RemoteStorage]( (so it can be shared privately with other browsers / devices / software)
- While tagging, a list of matched url is shown
- Omnibar support: press .<space> on urlbar and search by tag
- Tag you bookmark with alt+shift+m

### Hack & Build
# clone this repo
git clone
cd memm

# install dependencies
npm i

# hack in dev mode (hotreload)
npm run dev 

# build (in dist/)
npm run build


### Big picture wishes ... (writing some notes here...)
I want a way to link different types of resources:

I consider a TAG at the same level of a BOOKMARK,
a PICTURE, a NOTE. This extension is currently connecting
a BOOKMARK object with a TAG object. I'm experimenting connecting
a BOOKMARK with a laverna's NOTE (some syntax is needed for each type of
resource like the # for TAG) or probably TAG could be the gateway 
to find entities you want to connect to....
Need to find software that manage each type of resource with something like

- BOOKMARK: this extension
- NOTE: laverna (need some little modification)
- MAIL: mailpile !?!?! (one-way is enought....)
- PICTURE: probably faster to do it from scratch !